
Revision as of 05:46, 4 January 2024 by Toancaro (talk | contribs)
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A Coven of Hags
A Mother's Desperation
Aberrant Shape
Abjure Enemy
Absolute Power
Absolute's Talisman: Aid
Absorb Elements
Absorb Intellect
Accursed Spectre (reaction)
Acid Breath
Acid Splash
Acidic Regurgitation
Action Surge
Activate Call Lightning
Activate Witch Bolt
Adamantine Reverberation
Adhesive Whip
Adjust Seeming
Aegis of the Absolute
Alchemist's Fire (action)
Alternate Form: Dire Wolf
Alternate Form: Minotaur
Alternate Form: Phase Spider
Alternate Form: Shadow Mastiff
An Apple a Day
Ancient Grudges
Animal Friendship
Animate Dead
Animate Dead (Balthazar)
Animate Dead (Duergar)
Animate Dead: Flying Ghoul
Animate Dead: Flying Ghoul Flock
Animate Dead: Ghoul
Animate Dead: Ghoul Pack
Animate Dead: Skeleton
Animate Dead: Skeleton Squad
Animate Dead: Zombie
Animate Dead: Zombie Batallion
Animating Spores
Animus Screech
Arabella's Shadow Entangle
Arachnid Compulsion
Arachnid Jump
Arcane Ammunition
Arcane Critical
Arcane Gate
Arcane Lock
Arcane Recovery
Arcane Shot: Banishing Arrow
Arcane Shot: Beguiling Arrow
Arcane Shot: Bursting Arrow
Arcane Shot: Enfeebling Arrow
Arcane Shot: Grasping Arrow
Arcane Shot: Piercing Arrow
Arcane Shot: Seeking Arrow
Arcane Shot: Shadow Arrow
Archer's Eye
Armour of Agathys
Armour of Hexes
Arms of Hadar
Ascendant Bite
Aspect of the Elk
Aspect of the Wolf
Astral Knowledge
Astral Knowledge: Charisma
Astral Knowledge: Dexterity
Astral Knowledge: Intelligence
Astral Knowledge: Strength
Astral Knowledge: Wisdom
Astral Rift
Astral Step
Augmented Shield of Thralls
Auntie's Trickery
Aura of Courage
Aura of Devotion
Aura of Hate
Aura of Murder (class action)
Aura of Penance
Aura of Protection
Aura of Terror
Aura of Warding
Awaken Crawling Claws
Bad Omen
Balm of the Moonmaiden
Bane (spell)
Bane's Wrath
Banishing Smite
Banishing Smite (Melee)
Banishing Smite (Ranged)
Barbed Vine
Bardic Attack
Bardic Defence
Bardic Inspiration
Battle-Ready Owlbear
Beacon of Hope
