Aid the Underduke is a Quest in Act Three of Baldur's Gate 3. It can be started by speaking with Farlin in Rivington or by visiting Sharess' Caress.
The Guild and the Stone Lord
The battle between the Stone Lord and the Guild can be heard about in two places in Rivington: one the beaches and in Sharess' Caress.
Rivington Beach
In the Western Beach near Rivington, west of the South Span Checkpoint, the party can encounter members of the Guild, fighting a band serving the Stone Lord X: -220 Y: 94. If standing back and watching or choosing a neutral path, will default to supporting the Guild. WARNING: As a Bard, suggesting that the conflict be resolved by Flyting causes both sides to become hostile. Cairos drops Corpsegrinder and Farlin drops
Gleamdance Dagger. If members of the Stone Lord are aided and survive, Farlin will give a reward of 674 gold afterwards. Additionally, one
Mind Flayer Parasite Specimen can be found atop a barrel X: -225 Y: 107and two more can be found on the ship X: -214 Y: 131. The party can turn on the survivors afterwards, and killing both groups grants the Inspirational Event Cleaning up the Scum (Haunted One background).
Overall, the choice of which side to join does not impact the later stages of this quest.
Within Sharess' Caress, there are two men drinking on the ground floor, Earspoon and Borgus Elamin X: 30 Y: 87 . They are speaking about Nine-Fingers Keene. The party can either listen in ( DC 15 Perception check) or state "Talking about Nine-Fingers? I've got business with her." (
DC 10 Deception check) The men talk a little more about the Guild's affairs, before questioning why the party is still there:
DC 18 Persuasion check - Sounds like an interesting business. I'd like to take part.
DC 15 Persuasion check - I bet a few coins would loosen your tongue.
DC 10 Intelligence check
- [Dwarf]
DC 15 Persuasion check - Come on, level with me. I'm not about to sell out another dwarf.
- [Fighter]
DC 18 Persuasion check I need work, and it sounds like Nine-Fingers needs steel.
- [Rogue]
DC 18 Persuasion check I'm looking to join the Guild. How about you point me the way?
If a pass is checked, they refer the party to the Guildhall, stating "Lower City. Basilisk Gate. Guildhall."
Entering the Guildhall
There are several paths to the Guildhall. The fastest route is to use the manhole X: 127 Y: -30 in the alley north of the Basilisk Gate waypoint and smash through the western wall X: 38 Y: 784. Follow the path west and there is a locked door to the Guildhall. Lockpicking it (DC 20) grants easy entry. Above ground, there is an alley X: 57 Y: -101 guarded by Tusgront and several other Guild members. If the party aided Farlin in Rivington, they are instantly recognized as allies of the Guild and allowed entry. If Jaheira is in the party, selecting "Careful, that's the High Harper Jaheira you're speaking to" smoothes the way without any checks. Otherwise, a Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion check allows passage.
Keene is in her office, well aware of the Harper's entrance into her territory. She informs the party that she and her guild are searching for Minsc of Rashemen, and he is going by the new title of the Stone Lord. He now works for the Absolute and is decimating the members of the Guild. For that reason, she intends to take him down. If Jaheira is in the party, she refuses to let the party confront Minsc themselves. However, there are plenty of other Guild members with loose lips.
Nine Fingers Keene's Plans
- Uktar X: -30 Y: 754 reveals the plan if "The Quicker I deal with the Stone Lord, the quicker Nine-Fingers gets back to business" is selected
- Tut Thistlebog X: -14 Y: 740 drunkenly gives away the information, if Jaheira is in the party or if his companion is properly persuaded.
- A note X: -37 Y: 763 , "From the Desk of Rakath Glitterbeard, Head Banker", in Keene's room can be read which gives away her plans.
The Guild intends to ambush Minsc at the Counting House.
Entering the Counting House
The Counting House is one of the most heavily secured banks in Baldur's Gate, making it a challenge to infiltrate. Entering the building, Head Clerk Meadhoney X: -103 Y: -179 can be asked about the Stone Lord. He explains that the man was brought down by the head banker, Rakath Glitterbeard. The party can use Persuasion, Intimidation, or Deception to convince Meadhoney to write them a bank pass so that they can catch up to Minsc.
Both the bank pass and the code to get further into the vault can be pilfered by sneaking upstairs. The bank pass sits on a side table in the corner of the first room on the left X: -103 Y: -185. The secret to getting further into the vault is hidden in a book in the second room. A sneaky rogue can attempt to sneak past the guards, or there is a pipe that connects the two rooms that a wildshaped druid can pass through. A date is circled in the book - 1356, which provides a valuable hint to enter the deepest vault.
After gaining a bank pass, the party can present it to Cashguard Captain Faril who is guarding the way forward near Meadhoney. Down the stairs and to the east is another checkpoint, easily passed with the bank pass. There are a number of traps that are automatically disabled if the party shows a proper pass. Moving forward, the party can enter the vaults.
Once inside the vaults, the deepest area of the room is straight ahead. However, the door is locked and can be opened by a code. Entering the passcode to open the door by walking over four of the nine pressure plates in a correct order. Reading Flintdigger's Abridged Dwarven History (in the Head Banker's office on the top floor, at X: -93 Y: -181) hints at the password being 1-3-5-6. There is a set of nine keys. By stepping on the correct four keys one at a time, the party can move forward. These keys are the top left, top right, the center key, and the middle right key. Alternatively, the code can be bypassed by creating an electrified water surface directly in front of the vault door, which will cause it to open. This can be accomplished by using or throwing
Water on the floor, then dealing
Lightning damage on the wet surface. The door can also be
lockpicked with a critical success.
If moving forward, the party can finally see Minsc in the flesh. Unfortunately, he disappears before he can be confronted. A group of Bhaalists attack the party as a parting gift. Once the Bhaalists have been defeated, the party must search for clues on where Minsc went. Approach the large vault at the end of the room X: -691 Y: 873, which was completely smashed by Minsc, and a successful perception check shows mud from the sewers.
Into the Sewers
There are two possible ways to find Minsc: belowground and aboveground.
Belowground, Minsc can be found in the Abandoned Cistern. Jump the pipes above the caustic water X: -186 Y: 883 and defeat the Bhaalists guarding the area. Going north, there is an area with a Sluice Valve, which is stuck. It can be unstuck with a successful athletic check and open up the door. Otherwise, the party needs to interact with the temperature valve and the water level valve, timing it properly to open the door. Hit the water level valve first, then wait five seconds before hitting the temperature valve and it should successfully open the door. Then, walk through the sluice tunnel to find Minsc.
Aboveground, there is a garden area north of the Steel Watch Foundry with a door that simply says "Keep Out." Enter it, and there are two pressure plates on the east and west walls of the room. Have a party member step on each of them at the same time to enter a secret area. In this area is an ornate hatch that leads to the area Minsc is.
Facing Minsc
Once getting close to Minsc, a cutscene plays, showing Minsc and a Jaheira doppelganger giving gold to a Zhentarim agent - either Roah Moonglow or Boss Friol, if Roah is dead. After finding Minsc again, he will not see reason, as his tadpole is controlling him. He immediately attacks the party, along with a number of doppelgangers and cultists. Meanwhile, Roah/Friol immediately flees to take on the Guildhall. Defeat the cultists and knock Minsc out using non-lethal attacks. Once all enemies have been defeated, he rises up and panics at the loss of a doppelganger, who had transformed into Jaheira to control him.
The Emperor initially refuses to bring Minsc under his protection, stating that he is too unpredictable to help. However, he can be convinced to bring him under his protection. Jaheira must have been recruited for the Emperor to protect Minsc. If Jaheira went alone or if she dies, then Minsc cannot be recruited.
If Minsc is successfully recruited, then he runs off to find his friend Boo by smashing into several walls. If Minsc dies, Boo will spawn next to him although he cannot be interacted with.
Returning to the Guildhall
Returning to the Guildhall results in Roah or Friol approaching the party if they survived the previous battle. If Roah/Friol or Minsc died in the previous battle with Minsc, then the Zhentarim are automatically hostile and attack the party and the Guild. Otherwise, they propose an alliance - the Zhentarim are prepared to take down the Guild and reign as the new underlords of the city. The party can either accept an alliance with them or attack them and side with the Guild. If the Zhentarim have already been killed, Roah/Friol are surprised and cancel the takeover, as there are not enough agents to take over the Guild.
If the supported faction leader survives the ensuing fight, they'll agree to support the party with every blade they have in the fight against the Absolute. If Roah/Friol was sided with, they can tell them they intend to take the Guild for themselves, causing another fight. Speaking to Nine-Fingers Keene as Minsc after the conflict has been resolved in the Guild's favor will lead to a conversation where it will be necessary to convince Minsc not to start a fight.
Quest Rewards
- Support of either the Guild or the Zhentarim in the final fight, as allies for Gather Your Allies