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Nessa is a Displacer Beast who can be found in the Gauntlet of Shar.

“I am his love.„
Involvement[edit | edit source]
Nessa tries to lead the party into an ambush with Yurgir. If choosing or pretending to help Yurgir, Nessa can later be spoken with by using .
Investigating the spider carcass ( DC 14 Investigation check, then
DC 16 Arcana check) in the room adjacent to Yurgir's reveals that Nessa has been charmed into being Yurgir's lover with succubus spittle.
With Speak with Animals[edit | edit source]
If investigating the spider carcass, the party can detect a similar spell in Nessa's breath and can attempt to convince her to turn against Yurgir by passing one of the following checks:
- [DECEPTION] The orthon sold you to me. I'm your master now. (DC 16)
- [PERSUASION] You only love your master because he's been dosing this meat. He's manipulating you. (DC 16)
Curing Nessa of the spider carcass meat or using anything that removes or conditions also works.
Otherwise, the party can only have a discussion about master / slave relationships and her "love" of Yurgir.
Without Speak with Animals[edit | edit source]
If interacting without using Speak with Animals, the party can only deduce that there is something amiss with the displacer beast:
- [NATURE] Something doesn't seem quite right - take a closer look. (DC 16)
- [DRUID] [RANGER] [NATURE] Something doesn't seem quite right - take a closer look. (DC 16
- [ANIMAL HANDLING] Make eye contact with the beast. (DC 16)
The party can then make another check for more clues, or pet the beast:
- Give it a scratch behind the ears.
- Reach out to stroke one of its tentacles.
- [PERCEPTION] Look around to see who it might be in love with. (DC 16)
- [INVESTIGATION] Check the ground for signs of other paw prints. (DC 16)
Combat[edit | edit source]
Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]
Related quests[edit | edit source]
Notes[edit | edit source]
- Nessa is simply named "Displacer Beast" when inspecting her, however Yurgir uses the name "Nessa" when speaking about her in dialogue.