“I'd like to pull this whole heap down when we're done. A cairn for all the Harpers who died here.„
Last Light Inn
Naysa can be first encountered at the Last Light Inn, where she is patrolling the same northern side route of the docks area as Hangfar.
Resolve the Abduction
When Marcus attacks the inn and attempts to kidnap Isobel during Resolve the Abduction, Naysa will be amongst the Harpers that avoided being , and will run up to fight with the Winged Horrors. If the party fails to protect Isobel, she and everyone in Last Light Inn will turn into a , save for Jaheira.
Assault Moonrise Towers
If the party successfully prevented Marcus from capturing Isobel at the Last Light Inn, and once the Nightsong has been freed from her cage and is headed for Moonrise, Naysa will follow Jaheira to Moonrise Towers, where she, along with Harper Antony, Essius, and Lymn will survive the first assault and assist the party in the remaining fight against Absolute forces.
After the main battle, if she manages to survive the fight, she will guard the first floor of Moonrise Towers with the remaining Harpers.
Act Three
If alive, Naysa is summonable as an ally through the variant , if The High Harper is completeled with Minsc alive.
Attacks and Abilities
Items (Act 3)
Related quests
- Naysa wears a set of armor identical to the
Studded Leather Armour set, but with shorter sleeves and a scarf covering the collar of the outfit.
- When summoned during Confront the Elder Brain, Naysa has an unlimited
Arrow of Lightning supply to use.
- If killed at any point before the Assault on Moonrise Towers, a replacement Harper (either Olys, Grenywald, Lanni, or Lilineth) will take Naysa's place.
- If killed during the Assault on Moonrise Towers, one of those aforementioned replacement Harpers will take her place as a summon instead.
- Naysa has four level 1 spell slots, and two level 2 spell slots, despite having no spell to cast.
- As of Patch 7, despite having Extra Attack, Naysa is not able to attack twice during her turns.