Transmutation School

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Your innate fascination with the structure of things has granted you an incredible power over crude matter and its manipulation.
Class Wizard Transmutation Badge Icon.png
Class Wizard Transmutation Badge Icon.png
Your innate fascination with the structure of things has granted you an incredible power over crude matter and its manipulation.

Transmutation School is one of the Subclasses of Wizard. These Wizards become accomplished Alchemists, able to pass benefits to companions. At higher levels they can turn into a bird without using a spell slot.

Subclass Features

This subclass obtains all the features from its base class, Wizard, in addition to its unique features outlined below.

Level 2

Transmutation Savant

Experimental Alchemy Experimental Alchemy

Level 6

Transmuter's Stone Transmuter's Stone

  • Once you have created a stone, you must cast a Transmutation spell of level 1 or above or finish a Long Rest before you can create another one. Only one stone can be active at a time.

Level 10

Shapechanger Shapechanger

  • Using an action, transform into a blue jay, able to Fly Fly. If the blue jay's Hit Points drop to 0, the target reverts to its original form with its original hit points. This ability can be done at will, and costs no spell slots.