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< Minthara
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A collection of Minthara's remarks and overhead conversations with other characters.



  • You need my expertise?
  • At your command.
  • Yes?
  • Awaiting orders.
  • By my oath.
  • In your name.
  • Who's next?
  • Do we have a target?
  • Our enemies still draw breath.
  • I hope this is important. For your sake.
  • What now?
  • If it is for the best.
  • I am listening.
  • Fresh orders?
  • Our enemies are everywhere.
  • There can be no respite.
  • Hmm?
  • Reporting.

Selected (in combat)

  • Yes?
  • Fresh orders?
  • Your command?
  • Let me strike.
  • Ready for battle.
  • Unleash me.
  • My victims await.
  • On your command.
  • I thirst for combat.
  • L'il Alurl.

Selected (sneaking)

  • Whisper your command.
  • Not now.
  • Hush.
  • I am the shadows.
  • Darkness is my home.
  • Speak quickly.
  • Yes?
  • Do not distract me.
  • Quietly.
  • You can see me?
  • What?
  • Ssussun pholor dos.
  • Need a throat slitting?
  • Who shall I silence?
  • None shall see me.
  • I can kill with a whisper.
  • Veiled in shadow.
  • Soft, silent, lethal.

Selection spam

  • You had my attention, now you have my fury.
  • Phlar Lolth ssinssrickla.
  • Your suffering will be spectacular.
  • Stop, or die.
  • (if sneaking) You will wish I had stayed in hiding.


  • At your command.
  • Gaining ground.
  • I lead the way.
  • Advance.
  • Yes.
  • Orders received.
  • At your bidding.
  • The way is clear.
  • The path is set.
  • Agreed.
  • Moving out.
  • Quick march.
  • Into position.
  • On my way.
  • Advancing.
  • Forward.
  • Proceeding.
  • On the move.
  • If you are sure.
  • If you insist.
  • If I must.
  • At once.
  • Out of my way.

Moving (in combat)

  • A wise move.
  • Onward.
  • I seek an advantage.
  • Taking up position.
  • Right away.
  • Understood.
  • Yes.
  • I will not fail.
  • A bold manoeuvre.

Moving (sneaking)

  • Like a shadow.
  • Quiet as a cloaker.
  • Soft as silk.
  • I see a path.
  • Like a whisper.
  • Hush.
  • Understood.
  • I am veiled.
  • With caution.
  • None shall see me.
  • Cunning.


  • Veiled in shadow.
  • I belong in darkness.
  • Unseen, I shall strike.
  • Oloth dos.
  • Death comes quietly.
  • The shadows are my friend.
  • Brorn.
  • Kyone.
  • Without warning.
  • From silence to suffering.
  • None will find me.
  • Velkyn.

Hiding (in combat)

  • Swift, silent, deadly.
  • Velkyn.
  • The darkness is my home.
  • From shadow I will strike.
  • Veldryn.
  • I slip into shadows.

At low health

  • Straj. A grievous wound.
  • This is not how I die.
  • I cannot take much more of this.

Attacked by party member

  • Cross me again, and I will end you.

Can't fit in a small hole

  • I would gladly force somebody else through there, but I don't fit.

Can't fit in a tiny hole

  • Do you jest? An ooze could barely squeeze through there.

Can't use an item

  • Not now.

Can't use an item while in combat

  • Do not distract me from the fight.
  • Not 'til our enemies are vanquished.
  • My focus is on the fight.
  • Slaughtering our enemies takes priority.

Finding a locked item

  • Locked tight. There must be a way to open it nearby.
  • No way to open it from here.
  • It won't budge. Need to look elsewhere.
  • I need to find a way to unlock it.

Looking at a globe

  • A poor globe indeed that only shows the world's surface. It requires layers.

Looking at an astrolabe

  • I read a story once of great fleets doing battle between the stars. I wish it were true.

Looking into a mirror

  • I am exquisite, as always.
  • Not a hair out of place.
  • Tsk. The sun is having an ill effect on my complexion.

Looking into a telescope

  • Perhaps one day, we will learn to conquer the stars.

Surprised by mimic

  • Down, Mimic. Heel! Straj - why do they not obey me?
  • I have a way with mimics. Hold, creature! Hold! Why does it not listen?

After a Short Rest

  • I hate to rest while our enemies still draw breath.
  • Come - we are rested enough.
  • Onward.
  • No more rest for the wicked.

On character death


  • Straj! I will avenge you.

Player (Dark Urge):

  • I will avenge you!


  • Lae'zel! Hold on, child.


  • Stay with us, Shadowheart. That's an order.


  • Karlach's spark is extinguished.


  • Jaheira! Even legends can die.


  • The wizard has fallen. Typical.


  • Boo! Your master has fallen.


  • Straj. Astarion!


  • Back to the dirt, druid.

Throwing Scratch's ball after he is dismissed

  • Disobedient hound. Where is he?
  • Scratch. Obey my command!
  • Blasted dog. You dare ignore me?
  • Do I have to fetch it myself? This is demeaning.

Throwing Scratch's ball after his death

  • Scratch reminded me of my first displacer beast. A noble creature.
  • Withers be a good skeleton and fetch that ball.
  • Gah. I miss the damn dog.
  • Everyone assumes I killed the dog. I liked the dog.

Location Remarks

Act Two

Hide Spoilers

Ico knownSpells lvl 02.png Act 2 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.

Gauntlet of Shar
  • (Just after entry) "Even when the faithful abandon them, sacred places do not lose their power. Be on your guard."
Mind Flayer Colony
  • (Entering the Morgue) "Fresh recruits for Ketheric's army. To a necromancer, a morgue is a musteryard."
  • (Entering the Barracks) "Some who worked here were not thralls or undead. They were loyal to Ketheric and his grim cause."
  • (Entering the Necrotic Laboratory) "Whatever experiments Balthazar performed here, I fear he made more than thralls and ghouls."
  • (After using the Mind-Archive Interface) "A splendid device. All the benefits of a cleric, no gods required."
  • (After defeating Ketheric) "Killing an undying man is no easy task, but the Absolute is not vanquished. Our work has only just begun."

Act Three

Hide Spoilers

Ico knownSpells lvl 03.png Act 3 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.

Party Banter

Minthara Approval.png Minthara and Astarion Astarion Approval.png

(In Shadow-Cursed Lands)

  • Minthara: The shadows have lingered here so long, the land itself is corroded. A most persistent curse.
  • Astarion: I think I know a thing or two about persistent curses, thank you.
  • Minthara: The rashes and sores you may have contracted over your decades of philandering are not the kind of curse that concerns me.

(At Last Light Inn, if it's cursed)

  • Minthara: Devoured by the darkness. They should have retreated while they had the chance.
  • Astarion: And yet here we stand. We're either very clever or very lucky.
  • Minthara: You do not need luck to survive, Astarion. Not when you have me.

(At Grand Mausoleum)

  • Astarion: Ah, no shadow curse, plenty of funerary decor - I almost feel at home.
  • Minthara: Stop gawking at the decor, spawn. This place is dangerous.
  • Astarion: Yes, as I said - just like home.

(After defeating Ketheric Thorm)

  • Minthara: Did you expect to survive Myrkul's wrath, little spawn?
  • Astarion: You'd be surprised, drow. I've survived a lot of things.
  • Minthara: Greater horrors await us in Baldur's Gate. Best sharpen your fangs.

(At Wyrm's Rock Fortress)

  • Astarion: So many dark nooks and crannies - this fortress is a lurker's paradise.
  • Minthara: Would you not prefer basking in the sun like a lizard now that it no longer blisters your pretty skin?
  • Astarion: Old habits die hard, darling. Surely you know that.

(At Bonecloak's Basement)

  • Astarion: No, this place feels all too 'Underdark'y for me.
  • Minthara: You are speaking of my home, spawn. It is pleasant to be reminded of it.
  • Astarion: Oh dear - you're not going to come over all pleasant and homely, are you?
  • Minthara: To you? Doubtful.

(At Szarr Palace)

  • Minthara: Ominous, yet austere. This place has its charms.
  • Astarion: We're both learning a lot. Cazador kept this place all to himself.
  • Minthara: I do not blame him. It is not the sort of place servants or spawn should sully with their presence.

(At ?)

  • Minthara: Our illithid warns us away from what lies beyond that gate, but perhaps it underestimates us.
  • The Emperor: You should listen to your illithid. It knows your weaknesses as well as it knows the brain's strengths.
  • Astarion: Care to share any of Minthara's weaknesses? Or would it take too long to go through them all?
  • Minthara: Watch your tongue, spawn. I need the illithid alive - you are expendable.

(At Morphic Pool)

  • Astarion: We're getting close. I do believe fate is shuffling the cards for the final deal.
  • Minthara: Let the cards fall. We have a strong hand to play.
  • Astarion: And speaking personally, I intend to cheat.

(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 2 romance scene)

  • Astarion: So how does Lolth feel about romance? Are you expected to bite your mate's head off afterwards?
  • Minthara: Be grateful I no longer follow the Spider Queen's teachings. If I did, you would be the first to fall into my web.
  • Astarion: I can't tell if you're joking. She is joking, right?

(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 3 romance scene)

  • Astarion: So, what's it like caring for someone other than yourself, Minthara?
  • Minthara: You have never tried it, I assume.
  • Astarion: Gods no. It sounds like a lot of work.
  • Minthara: It takes less work than you devote to maintaining your foppish facade. And it's far more rewarding.

(If the player is romancing Astarion; after act 2 romance scene)

  • Minthara: Half the men of Menzoberranzan are pleasure-servants. Weaklings, whose beauty is their only redeeming quality.
  • Minthara: You would fit right in with them, Astarion.
  • Astarion: You think I'm beautiful? Oh, Minthara.
  • Minthara: Hrmmph.

(If the player is romancing Astarion, and Astarion stayed a spawn)

  • Minthara: Are you a better man now that you are loved, Astarion? Did they mend your ways?
  • Astarion: I rather think they did. Can't imagine anyone wanting to do that for you, though dear.

(If the player is romancing Astarion, and Astarion became an ascendant)

  • Minthara: Would you ever consider sharing the gift of immortality with me, Astarion?
  • Astarion: I think not. That is for me and my darling to share.
  • Minthara: If they have prevented your eyes and fangs from wandering to other necks, it must be a special bond indeed.

Minthara Approval.png Minthara and Gale Gale Approval.png

(At Rivington)

  • Gale: Pigeons, gulls, sparrows - these streets make a fine hunting ground for a tressym like Tara.
  • Minthara: In the Underdark, we have packs of winged hounds to deal with vermin like your precious Tara.
  • Gale: Flying hounds? Come now - you're pulling my leg, aren't you?
  • Minthara: Yes I am. It is the bats that would make a meal of her.

(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 2 romance scene)

  • Gale: I'm glad to know you have a softer side, Minthara. I was beginning to think you rather heartless.
  • Minthara: Loving another is not soft, wizard. It is one of the hardest things a person can do.
  • Gale: So you admit you've found love! How delightful - I'm happy for you both.

(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 3 romance scene)

  • Gale: I found an empty bottle of venom in camp, Minthara. Safe to assume it was yours?
  • Minthara: Indeed. I have been dosing my partner while they sleep by my side.
  • Minthara: They refuse to take it in their food, but I must build up their immunity in case we ever visit Menzoberranzan together.
  • Gale: Let's never speak of this again.

(If the player is romancing Gale; after act 2 romance scene)

  • Minthara: You've been smiling like a fool of late, wizard. Explain yourself.
  • Gale: I've found love. Surely even you wouldn't begrudge me some happiness.
  • Minthara: All I will say on the matter is that you were wise to lower your standards from the godly to the ghastly.

(If the player is romancing Gale; after act 3 romance scene)

  • Minthara: Do you have elder siblings, wizard?
  • Gale: You're about to say something awful, aren't you?
  • Minthara: In Menzoberranzan, after a house has two sons, every subsequent male-born child is slaughtered at birth, as it is useless, even for breeding.
  • Minthara: You have the aura of a third child about you.

Minthara Approval.png Minthara and Karlach Karlach Approval.png

(At Abandoned Cistern in the Lower City Sewers)

  • Minthara: This place is foul. Drow would not tolerate rivers of waste flowing so close to their residences.
  • Karlach: You've got slaves to manage your sanitation. Baldur's Gate doesn't. Though we do rely quite heavily on kobolds.
  • Minthara: But surely the kobolds are slaves?
  • Karlach: Hell no.
  • Minthara: Straj. Yet one more reason to despair for the fate of this city.

(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 2 romance scene)

  • Karlach: Hey, so, what's romance like in the Underdark, Minthara?
  • Minthara: In Menzoberranzan, romance is commonly a luxury enjoyed between women. Men are mostly present for propagation.
  • Minthara: Here on the surface, gender does not define one's role so strictly. There are weaklings of every sort.

(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 3 romance scene)

  • Karlach: It's funny seeing you so smitten, Minthara. Didn't think you were able.
  • Minthara: I took my first lover before you were a spark in your father's eye, child.
  • Karlach: Go on.
  • Minthara: She was a high priestess of House Vandree. Beautiful, elegant, ruthless.
  • Minthara: I adored her, and had been sharing her bed for some time when the order came that she must die.
  • Minthara: I stayed with her while the poison did its work, and whispered words of comfort as she slipped away.
  • Karlach: Oh no.

(If the player is romancing Karlach; after act 2 romance scene)

  • Minthara: You allowed that smith to meddle with your heart, Karlach, simply so you can be touched?
  • Minthara: Better to shut off the carnal desires than indulge them. They are distractions.
  • Karlach: Yes, because every function comes with a handy switch.
  • Karlach: Next time I'm injured, don't heal, just turn me off and on again.

(If the player is romancing Karlach; after act 3 romance scene)

  • Minthara: Have you ever been afraid, Karlach? Truly afraid?
  • Karlach: You know how much time I spent in the hells, right? Of course I've been scared!
  • Karlach: I kept on going though. Knew there'd be better days on the other side - and here they are.

Minthara Approval.png Minthara and Lae'zel Lae'zel Approval.png

(At Shadow-Cursed Lands Forest)

  • Lae'zel: Difficult terrain, cursed or not. Gith dragon-riders prefer flat land and open skies.
  • Minthara: Ketheric's undead legions carve paths through the foliage when they pass. It grows back stronger though.
  • Lae'zel: A tedious labour well suited to the undead.
  • Minthara: Tedious labour does not only suit the dead. Plenty of surface-dwellers are suitable for little else.

(At Last Light Inn, if it's protected)

  • Minthara: These people seem soldiers by their bearing. What say you, Lae'zel?
  • Lae'zel: The enforcers of order - unmistakable in their vigilant bearing. So it goes across all the planes and their peoples.
  • Minthara: On this plane, the story always ends the same way. Order collapses, and shadows take the light.

(At Mason's Guild Rebel Hideout)

  • Minthara: How curious. The shadow curse has not touched this place.
  • Lae'zel: And by the looks of it, its riches have gone unplundered.
  • Minthara: A faultless observation, Lae'zel. Are all githyanki so quick to come to the essential point?

(At House of Healing)

  • Lae'zel: A waste of space and resources. Gith triage methods obviate the need for such crude facilities.
  • Minthara: Tell me about these methods.
  • Lae'zel: A githyanki ghustil can summon Astral energy to heal most any wound.
  • Lae'zel: If a warrior's lacerations are beyond even their ability, the victim is beheaded.
  • Minthara: Efficient. We have much to learn from one another.

(At House of Healing Morgue)

  • Lae'zel: I have seen many a gruesome death, but even I can't fathom some of the horrors inflicted in this supposed 'House of Healing'.
  • Minthara: You're young, child. If you survive as long as I have, you will witness greater horrors than this.
  • Lae'zel: If you are fortunate, you may even inflict greater horrors in the name of your cause.

(At Mind Flayer Colony)

  • Lae'zel: A ghaik colony. Illithids are certainly the driving force behind this Absolute cult.
  • Minthara: The hierarchy of command is not yet clear, child. Can you be sure the illithids are in control?
  • Lae'zel: I know what I see - my mortal enemies. And I know what must be done about them.

(At Basilisk Gate)

  • Minthara: There is no true authority in this city. The guards are more degenerate than the criminals.
  • Lae'zel: True warriors among the city's Flaming Fist seem exceedingly rare. The worst are mere rats scurrying about their warren.
  • Minthara: And what do we do with rats, Lae'zel? We hang them by the tails, and burn their warrens.

(In the North Alleys)

  • Lae'zel: Ah - the smell of fresh blood spilled on stone. It reminds me of the tunnels within my home of K'liir.
  • Minthara: I would like to visit your home one day, Lae'zel. Where is K'liir?
  • Lae'zel: You may know it as Stardock. An asteroid, one of the Tears of Selûne. It's tunnels are home to all manner of creatures to hunt.
  • Lae'zel: Vicious, unrelenting. The sort of place I imagine you'd take to, Minthara.

(At The Lodge)

  • Minthara: The Society of Brilliance! These preposterous fools love to meddle in Underdark affairs - they are most amusing.
  • Lae'zel: Amusing? Wherein lies the humour?
  • Minthara: They seek to promote peace between species through mutual understanding. Ha.
  • Lae'zel: Even my people know the value of a carefully crafted coalition, Minthara. Is our own alliance not a case in point?

(At Guildhall)

  • Lae'zel: Two sides, each itching to draw blades against the other.
  • Minthara: The sensation is contagious. Which should we oppose?
  • Lae'zel: Either or both, so long as I get to spill blood.

(At Morphic Pool)

  • Minthara: We drow are sensitive to psionic power. And this place throbs with mental power such as I have never known.
  • Lae'zel: It threatens all of us, gith and mud worlder alike. But even the brightest blaze can be extinguished.
  • Minthara: Extinguish it? I intend to seize it. Power exists to be wielded.

(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 2 romance scene)

  • Lae'zel: Our leader is a fool for love, Minthara. I'd never be compelled to conduct such a poorly-planned jailbreak.
  • Minthara: They did not do it for love. They did it for my prowess in combat, as well as coitus. I excel in both.
  • Lae'zel: As do I. Sometimes the acts are not dissimilar.

(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 3 romance scene)

  • Lae'zel: At what age do you think it is right to set a child upon mortal combat?
  • Minthara: The moment it can hold a blade. It may even test its resilience against some common poisons while it is still in the womb.
  • Lae'zel: Tsk'va. We do not wilfully risk our young until they are of thirteen years. No point wasting battle-flesh before it's primed.

(If the player is romancing Lae'zel; after act 2 romance scene)

  • Minthara: A few pointers, Lae'zel. I heard you and your lover locked in combat, but the test you set was not rigorous enough.
  • Minthara: Next time, tie them to the ground, and do not release them until you are both satisfied.
  • Lae'zel: Hmm. You have given me ideas...

(If the player is romancing Lae'zel; after act 3 romance scene)

  • Minthara: You fight harder than ever now that you have a lover to protect from harm, Lae'zel.
  • Minthara: The githyanki should encourage relations between their soldiers. It is a proven tactic for morale.
  • Lae'zel: We need no boon for morale - I fight well when there is kin at my side. And now, I count one more among them.

Minthara Approval.png Minthara and Shadowheart Shadowheart Approval.png

(At Last Light Inn, if it's cursed)

  • Shadowheart: Gone. Swallowed up by the shadow curse.
  • Minthara: Not before time. They hoped to stand against Ketheric with little more than a trick of the light to protect them.

(If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar)

  • Shadowheart: Worse - they defied Lady Shar's power, openly. Now they have paid the price.

(If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar)

  • Shadowheart: They were desperate. Nobody deserves this.

(At Reithwin Town)

  • Shadowheart: This place was ruined rather thoroughly. I'm starting to forget what a habitable village looks like.
  • Minthara: Your Sharran kin are responsible for this ruin. They purged these lands even before the shadow curse, and pillaged all they could find.

(If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar)

  • Shadowheart: No... this must have been due to the battle. Lady Shar's warriors would have little interet in looting...
  • Minthara: Come, Shadowheart. Do you think prayers alone can keep an army on the march?
  • Shadowheart: Even those devoted to loss fill their pockets and bellies when the chance arises.

(If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar)

  • Shadowheart: Not my kin - not any longer. Their past deeds are not my responsibility.

(At Mind Flayer Colony Tadpoling Centre)

  • Shadowheart: Ugh. This place brings back unwelcome memories of a tadpole slipping behind my eye...
  • Minthara: Appalling. I am glad my memories of the infection are not so clear.
  • Shadowheart: Oh yes, I forgot - you had your love of the Absolute to mask the ugly parts.
  • Minthara: Do not call it love. It was poison.

(At Rivington)

  • Minthara: The excess of refugees outside the city walls could easily become a surplus of labourers.
  • Shadowheart: Careful, Minthara. As a drow exile, you could be classed as a refugee yourself. Not volunteering, I take it?
  • Minthara: I am a daughter of House Baenre. I obey no authority except my own desires.
  • Shadowheart: I can think of a least one wriggly stowaway who might dispute that...

(At Wyrmway)

  • Minthara: What sweet relief to shelter from the sky for a while.
  • Shadowheart: Sunlight giving you a headache? You're not supposed to stare right into it, you know.
  • Minthara: That was due to your insipid conversation, half-elf.

(At Felogyr's Fireworks)

  • Minthara: Amusing as it is to provide children with such lethal toys, surely there are better uses for this powder?
  • Shadowheart: Plenty. They can make for excellent distractions, should you need to make a quick exit.
  • Shadowheart: Partly why the Ducal Council controls supply - trying to keep the whizz-bangs out of nefarious hands.
  • Minthara: The Ducal Council must have sprung a leak, for we seem to find barrels of the stuff everywhere.

(At Sorcerous Sundries)

  • Minthara: I must admit, some of the items here are quite marvellous.
  • Shadowheart: Baldur's Gate prices, though. Not worth it, if you ask me.
  • Minthara: I shall be careful not to ask you then, child.

(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 2 romance scene)

  • Shadowheart: Any doubts about falling for a foe, Minthara? Or does that just add spice to things?
  • Minthara: I do not fall for my foes. I vanquish them.
  • Minthara: I cannot love who I do not trust, with either my heart or my body. I am fortunate to have found someone worthy.

(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 3 romance scene)

  • Shadowheart: Is drow society as the books say? It almost sounds tempting - matriarchal power, flourishing to its greatest extent.
  • Minthara: It flourishes because the strong feed on the weak. Charming as you are, child, you would be nourishment for the matrons mothers.
  • Shadowheart: ...Of course.

(If the player is romancing Shadowheart, and Shadowheart chose Selune)

  • Minthara: I may not weep for my home, but I would take a mushroom over a flower any day.
  • Shadowheart: I would have said I admire fungi as well.
  • Shadowheart: Until I met such a thing you call a Myconid.

(If the player is romancing Shadowheart, and Shadowheart chose Shar)

  • Minthara: I cannot tell if you are more a deviant or a debutante, Shadowheart.
  • Minthara: I would like to test both aspects of your character when next you find yourself alone at night.
  • Shadowheart: I'm not quite sure I like where this is going.

Minthara Approval.png Minthara and Wyll Wyll Approval.png

(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 2 romance scene)

  • Wyll: I really hope you're being careful with our friend, Minthara. I wouldn't want you to break each other.
  • Minthara: If I break them, it will be in the pursuit of pleasure, and they will die smiling.

(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 3 romance scene)

  • Wyll: Amorous passions usually make people more considerate, Minthara. Kinder. Sympathetic. Better at cooperating.
  • Minthara: They can also make people more protective, guarded, paranoid, and jealous.
  • Wyll: Never mind.

(If the player is romancing Wyll, and Wyll broke the contract)

  • Minthara: You confound me, Wyll. You have all the illustrious iniquities of a warlock, and you choose to impress your partner with dancing?
  • Wyll: Well I'm hardly going to say 'oh come here, have a hug in the arms of Hadar'.

(If the player is romancing Wyll, and Wyll is agreed to the new contract)

  • Minthara: Your devilish patron is a delight, Wyll. Have you ever lain with her?
  • Wyll: I'm really not that kind of man.
  • Minthara: She will see her failure to seduce you as a stain on her honour. I know I would.

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