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Notes by Author
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A list of notes, letters, and other written non-book material in Baldur's Gate 3 organized by author.
Other forms of written material can be found at:
- Books provides a list of books in the game.
- See also: Books by Author.
- Notes provides a list of letters and notes in the game.
∗ • A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z
A[edit | edit source]
Abigail[edit source]
Aideen Ni Chuirc[edit source]
Alexander Rainforest[edit source]
Alfira[edit source]
Allice Bormul[edit source]
Aly[edit source]
Amanita Szarr[edit source]
Amarith[edit source]
Amber Layman[edit source]
Ammon Day[edit source]
Anna Lidwin[edit source]
Anon[edit source]
Anti-Hag Support Group[edit source]
Antwun Dufay[edit source]
Arabella[edit source]
Archdruid Aelis[edit source]
Archivist[edit source]
Ardent Low[edit source]
Arfur Gregorio[edit source]
Arnell Hallowleaf[edit source]
Auntie Ethel[edit source]
Hag Spy's Note (Mayrina dead)
Hag Spy's Note
Ransom Note
I Can Save Your Child
You Deserve To Feel Beautiful
Letter from Auntie Ethel
Letter from Ethel
Avery Sonshal[edit source]
Aylin[edit source]
B[edit | edit source]
B[edit source]
Baelen Bonecloak[edit source]
Bakshi[edit source]
Balthazar[edit source]
Barcus Wroot[edit source]
Barnie Pins[edit source]
Beldina Boneknuckles[edit source]
Bilvoy Reede[edit source]
Black Hand of Loyalty[edit source]
Bloris Meadhoney[edit source]
Blurg[edit source]
Bosun Gannet[edit source]
Brem[edit source]
Brevek Faenor[edit source]
Bugs Stillwater[edit source]
C[edit | edit source]
Callira[edit source]
Carrotts[edit source]
Cate[edit source]
Cazador[edit source]
Chairwoman of the Docker's Guild[edit source]
Church of Ilmater[edit source]
Church of Lathander[edit source]
Church of Selûne[edit source]
Church of Shar[edit source]
The Final Sacrifice of the Moon Daughter
Become Our Friend
Scuffed Manifest
Sharran's Psalm
Sharran Initiate's Notes
Subject Mapping Results: Githyanki No. 7
Churg Elvek[edit source]
Circle of the Emerald Grove[edit source]
Clawridge[edit source]
Cult of Bane[edit source]
Cult of Bhaal[edit source]
Cult of the Absolute[edit source]
Custen Meen[edit source]
D[edit | edit source]
Dammon[edit source]
Danzo Arkwright[edit source]
Dariel[edit source]
Derryth Bonecloak[edit source]
Dersu's Vintage Tipple[edit source]
Devella Fountainhead[edit source]
URGENT - Bhaalist Resurgence
Regards Missing Painters
Notes on Stelmane's Murder
Letter from Devella
Doctor Hagerty[edit source]
Doni[edit source]
Droralias[edit source]
Durinbold[edit source]
E[edit | edit source]
Edmund[edit source]
Edwin[edit source]
Elenna Thrinn[edit source]
Eliette[edit source]
Ellswin Glimrock[edit source]
Elminster[edit source]
Emmeline Hallowleaf[edit source]
Enry 'Tongs' Buxter[edit source]
Enver Gortash[edit source]
Regarding the Gondian Gnomes
Missive to Prinski
Note from Gortash (Moonrise Towers)
Note from Director Gortash
Soot-Stained Letter
Gortash Black List
Receipt for Painting
Note from Gortash (Morphic Pool)
An Offer
Ephren[edit source]
Eryk[edit source]
Esther[edit source]
Ettvard Needle[edit source]
F[edit | edit source]
Falmor Duguir[edit source]
Farthingale[edit source]
Ffion Goldgrind[edit source]
Figaro Pennygood[edit source]
Filro[edit source]
Fiona[edit source]
Firellia Jannath[edit source]
Flaming Fist[edit source]
Urgent - Rapid Increase in Reported Disappearances
Wanted Poster
Transfer Request
Open Investigation
Bounty List - Current Tenday
Recruitment Poster
Flo[edit source]
Flora[edit source]
Florrick[edit source]
Flytebon[edit source]
Fortuno Dibbs[edit source]
Francesca[edit source]
Fruward the Nail[edit source]
G[edit | edit source]
Gale[edit source]
Gallaher Brym[edit source]
Gerard Densim[edit source]
Githyanki (Faction)[edit source]
Godey[edit source]
Gondians[edit source]
Goxxoon[edit source]
Grand Duke Eltan[edit source]
Grenna Dooboble-Pamperling[edit source]
Grimlark[edit source]
Grotpoll[edit source]
Gujj[edit source]
Gur[edit source]
Gut[edit source]
Gyldro Angleiron's mother[edit source]
H[edit | edit source]
Haarlep[edit source]
Hadley[edit source]
Hahns Rives[edit source]
Halsin[edit source]
Letter from Halsin
Notes on Drow Parasite
Scribbled Note (Druid Grove)
Druid Note
Hastily Written Note (Druids Grove)
Harpers[edit source]
Disappearances in the City
Scroll of Evidence
Harper Report: No Leads
Map of the Shadowlands
Harper's Testimonial
Harrison Fields[edit source]
Helsik[edit source]
Henk[edit source]
Hiero Lue[edit source]
Holly Fowes[edit source]
Honk[edit source]
Hoops[edit source]
Hoots Hooligan[edit source]
I[edit | edit source]
Ilyn Toth[edit source]
Infernal Mason[edit source]
Ironfinger[edit source]
Isobel[edit source]
J[edit | edit source]
J.[edit source]
Jacek[edit source]
Jaheira[edit source]
Orders from Jaheira
Transcribed Sending
Parchment (Jaheira's Home)
Creased Letter
Parchment (Last Light Inn)
Jatlo[edit source]
Julio Facemaker[edit source]
K[edit | edit source]
K.C.[edit source]
Kagha[edit source]
Karsus[edit source]
Ketheric Thorm[edit source]
The Price of Pride
Unsent Letter (Ketheric Thorm)
Tablet Fragment (1)
Tablet Fragment (2)
Tablet Fragment (3)
Old Letter
Missive From Moonrise
Taking the Groves Off the Table
Khalid[edit source]
Khelben Arunsun[edit source]
Klagga[edit source]
Knights of the Shield[edit source]
Old Ledger
Note to All Knights of the Shield members
Record of Operations in Neverwinter
Order 251: Tethyr
Korrilla[edit source]
Kroyce Tefoco[edit source]
L[edit | edit source]
Lanpos Biggs[edit source]
Lenore De Hurst[edit source]
Leon[edit source]
Lia[edit source]
Liara Portyr[edit source]
Lora Bergauz[edit source]
Lord Hir Rillyn[edit source]
Lorroakan[edit source]
Stamped Handbill
Diary of a Mage
Letter from Lorroakan (Epilogue)
Letter from Lorroakan (Rolan)
Lorroakan's Contract
Lu La Forza[edit source]
Luna Shorn[edit source]
M[edit | edit source]
M.[edit source]
Maestro Hartstrum[edit source]
Malus Thorm[edit source]
Mama Bubbins[edit source]
Manser Biggs[edit source]
Maria[edit source]
Martnev Oathoon[edit source]
Masha[edit source]
Mask of Servitude[edit source]
Mayrina[edit source]
Meerna[edit source]
Melodia Thorm[edit source]
Mercer[edit source]
Miklaur[edit source]
Mindi[edit source]
Minthara[edit source]
Mirkon[edit source]
Mistress Seamlock[edit source]
Mommers[edit source]
Mystic Carrion[edit source]
N[edit | edit source]
Nansi Gretta[edit source]
Nashkellan[edit source]
Nightmist[edit source]
Nine-Fingers Keene[edit source]
Nocturne[edit source]
Nov Shmoz[edit source]
O[edit | edit source]
Old Garlow[edit source]
Omotola[edit source]
Ontur[edit source]
Orin[edit source]
Balthazar, the Fifth
Amelyssan, the Sixth
Abazigal, the Fourth
Illasera, the First
Yaga-Shura, the Second
Sendai, the Third
A Plan for Chaos
Letter from Orin
Strike in Bhaal's Name!
Strangely Scented Note
Bloody Message
Kudos on the Murder of Gortash!
Kudos on the Murder of Gortash! (no tribunal)
Letter with Sticky Red Blots
Crumpled Note Scrawled in Blood
Kill Order
Orran[edit source]
Orvil[edit source]
Oskar Fevras[edit source]
P[edit | edit source]
Pagis Rhee, High Harper of Cloakwood Chapter[edit source]
Pammella Nortale[edit source]
Papa Fins[edit source]
Parents of Casteve[edit source]
Philomeen[edit source]
PJ Stubbs[edit source]
Polandulus[edit source]
Q[edit | edit source]
No results
R[edit | edit source]
Racha[edit source]
Rakath Glitterbeard[edit source]
Ramazith[edit source]
Raphael[edit source]
White Bishop - Orders
White Knight - Orders
White Pawn - Orders
Debt Consolidation
Raphael's Notes (deal made)
Raphael's Notes
Redhammer[edit source]
Regis[edit source]
Rilsa Rael[edit source]
Roah Moonglow[edit source]
S[edit | edit source]
S.[edit source]
Sabine, Freddie, and the kids x[edit source]
Sarevok Anchev[edit source]
Sarin[edit source]
Sceleritas Fel[edit source]
Seyama[edit source]
Shallar Overseer[edit source]
Skalgarrad[edit source]
Sneggers[edit source]
Society of Brilliance[edit source]
Cautionary Note
Concerning the Future of Baldur's Gate
Open Call for Adventurers on Behalf of the Society
Stiv[edit source]
Strange Ox[edit source]
Strangler Luke[edit source]
Sybil[edit source]
Sylai[edit source]
Sylvira Savikas[edit source]
T[edit | edit source]
Tamia Holzt[edit source]
Tarhun Mnemonis[edit source]
Thamberg[edit source]
The Apothecary[edit source]
The Cowled Wizards of Amn[edit source]
The Emperor[edit source]
The Guild[edit source]
Eyes and Ears Report
Scroll (Hoots Hooligan dossier)
Scroll (Lady Durinbold dossier)
Scroll (Amphol dossier)
Scroll (Edwynna dossier)
Scroll (dossier)
Guildmaster's Orders
The Guild of Blacksmiths[edit source]
The Warden[edit source]
Thegglis[edit source]
Theodore Thistlewhistle[edit source]
Three-Piece[edit source]
Thrumbo[edit source]
Tricia[edit source]
U[edit | edit source]
Uktar[edit source]
Ulder Ravengard[edit source]
unknown[edit source]
A Warning to the Sword Coast
Child's Drawing
Absolute Orders: Newborn
Blessings for the Refugees
Non-Demoninational Prayer of Peace
A Plea for Protection
A Plea for Freedom
A Plea to the Gods
Be Wary of Foreigners!
Final Warning (Windmill)
Clipping: Baldur's Mouth
Dinner at Candlekeep?
A Heartfelt Confession
Collection Records
Bail Report
Anonymous letter
Child's Diary
Dear Missus Priest
Ansur's Finest Recruitment Poster
Dearest Fireliia
Campaign Report
Dawnmaster Stockhold, Master of his Craft
Rite of the Timeless Body
File Under Diabolist
Detailed Ledger
Counting House Vault Rules
Safe and Sound: a Guide to our Vaults
Balduran Founds a City
Shift Log
Letter of Thanks
No one will publish me!
More food please!
Private Shipment
Daralyne Nikley
Creased Page
Blackmail Letter
Bloodstained Note
Gortash Coronation Poster
Contractor's Record
Shipment Loss Notice
Shipment Notice
Capture Orders
Rite of Thorns (scroll)
Coronation Behavourial Missive
Happy Birthday
Installation Report
Get to Baldur's Gate
Don't Mess With Djinnies
Just So You Don't Forget
'To silence'
Pigeon Available for Collection
Dedications to the Pantheon
Charter of Tabernacle Donations
The Layperson's Guide To Holy Exorcism
Black Mass Scroll
Music and Lyrics: 'Bard Dance'
Music and Lyrics: 'Old Time Battles'
Music and Lyrics: 'The Power'
Do Not Fail
For the Attention of Volothamp Geddarm
Note to Caïros
Up at the Sky
Rite of Thorns (scroll)
Grove Artefacts
Dirge of the Unholy Assassin
Correspondence Report
Detailed Report
Goblin's Drawing
Theskan Anthology of Goblin Poetry
Grubby Map
To the Grey
An Open Heresy
Githyanki Orders
'Hshar'lak Voss'
Githyanki Report
A Rich and Fertile Land
Unnamed Adept of the Absolute[edit source]
V[edit | edit source]
Valeria[edit source]
Vellioth[edit source]
Viconia DeVir[edit source]
Victoria[edit source]
Vildo[edit source]
Volo[edit source]
Vompter[edit source]
Voss[edit source]
Vutt[edit source]
W[edit | edit source]
W'wargaz[edit source]
Wulbren Bongle[edit source]
X[edit | edit source]
No results
Y[edit | edit source]
Yimuir[edit source]
Yoru Nightshade[edit source]
Z[edit | edit source]
Z'rell[edit source]
Zevlor[edit source]
Zhentarim[edit source]
Zollerix[edit source]
Zumm[edit source]