“Hey. That's close enough. Artefact or no, I don't like the likes of you crashing our party.„
Last Light Inn
Ulthred can be first encountered at the Last Light Inn's plaza, arriving to the sanctuary on a mission to rescue Grand Duke Ravengard. He chats with Essius next to the fountain, and is suspicious of the party at first, not trusting them the slightest to rescue the Grand Duke from Moonrise. On the other hand, Essius will attempt to talk him down and get him to open up to the party's aid. Through his chats with Essius, Ulthred seems to not trust Jaheira and to be eager to move out rather than sit idly.[1]
If the party is rescued by Marcus but exposes him as a True Soul, Ulthred will be and join the fight against his summoned Crawling Claws.
Resolve the Abduction
When Marcus attacks the inn and attempts to kidnap Isobel during Resolve the Abduction, Ulthred will frequently be amongst the Fists that will avoid being , and will run up to fight with the Winged Horrors. If the party fails to protect Isobel, he and everyone in Last Light Inn will turn into a , save for Jaheira. Ulthred in particular, can be seen agonizingly transforming into an undead.
Assault Moonrise Towers
If the party successfully prevented Marcus from capturing Isobel at the Last Light Inn, and once the Nightsong has been freed from her cage and is headed for Moonrise; Ulthred, along with Flaming Fist Helena, Nipawa and Rhed will survive the first assault and assist the party in the remaining battle against Absolute forces.
After the battle, provided he survives, he and the remaining Flaming Fists will scout the Moonrise Towers Prison and enter a second battle against Myrkulites Duckie Verish, Sarabayle, and Willinx Jindlebee, aswell as a Death Shepherd and horde of Necromites. The party can assist in this optional battle and the Fists, and provided they win and survive, will continue to guard the prison until Ketheric Thorm is defeated.
After Ketheric Thorm is killed and the party leaves for Act Three, Ulthred disappears from the game entirely.
Attack and abilities
Notable loot
Related quests
- Unlike the other Fists (Helena, Nipawa, and Rhed) that partake in the assault on Moonrise Towers, Ulthred is level 6 rather than level 7.
- Aubree, Gretta, J'ehlar, Rahir, and Ulthred are the only remaining Flaming Fists that can actually be found at Last Light Inn after Florrick and her retinue leave for Baldur's Gate. Despite this, the former three all die in the assault on Moonrise, and are replaced by Helena, Nipawa, and Rhed, while Ulthred survives.
- Unlike Harper Antony, Essius, Lymn, and Naysa, Ulthred has no failsafe replacement Flaming Fist if he is killed before the assault.
- There is a Flaming Fist by the name of "Fist Hadenwell" in the game files, referred to as "S_MOO_AssaultFlamingFist_004" not too unlike the other Fists that appear during the assault. It is possible that this Fist was originally conceived as a replacement, or failsafe in the event of an untimely demise for Ulthred.
External links
Ulthred on the Forgotten Realms Wiki