View table: condition_sources

Table structure:

  1. condition_inflicted - String
  2. template - String
  3. parent - Page
  4. parent_template - String

This table has 1,779 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page condition inflicted template parent parent template
A Mother's Desperation (edit) Owlbear's Rage sai
A Mother's Loathing (edit) Mother's Loathing item
Aberrant Shape (edit) Aberrant Shape sai
Ability Drain (edit) Ability Drain: Dexterity passive
Ability Drain (edit) Ability Drain: Strength passive
Abjure Enemy (edit) Abjure Enemy: Frightened sai
Abjure Enemy (edit) Abjure Enemy: Slowed sai
Ablaze (edit) Flaming Sphere passive
Absolute Night (edit) Blinded passive
Absolute's Bane (edit) Bane passive
Absolute's Talisman: Aid (edit) Aid sai
Absorb Elements (edit) Absorb Elements: Acid Damage sai
Absorb Elements (edit) Absorb Elements: Cold Damage sai
Absorb Elements (edit) Absorb Elements: Fire Damage sai
Absorb Elements (edit) Absorb Elements: Lightning Damage sai
Absorb Elements (edit) Absorb Elements: Thunder Damage sai
Absorb Intellect (edit) Absorbed Intellect sai
Acid (surface) (edit) Acid area
Acid Barrel (edit) Acid sai
Acid Vial (edit) Acid sai
Acidic Regurgitation (edit) Acid sai
Acidic Regurgitation (edit) Moderately Inebriated sai
Action Surge (edit) Action Surge sai
Adamantine Reverberation (edit) Adamantine Reverberation sai
Adamantine Shield (passive feature) (edit) Reeling passive
Adamantine Splint Armour (edit) Reeling item
Adhesive Whip (edit) Prone sai
Adjust Seeming (edit) Disguise Self sai
Adrenaline Rush (edit) Wrath passive
Adroit Caster (edit) Adroit Caster passive
Aegis of the Absolute (edit) Aegis of the Absolute sai
Aegis Palms (edit) Blade Ward passive
Aegis Palms (edit) Death Ward passive
After Death Do Us Part (passive feature) (edit) Shadow Possession passive
Aid (edit) Aid sai
Alchemist's Fire (edit) Burning item
Alchemist's Fire (edit) Burning sai
Amnian Dessert Wine (edit) Alcohol item
Ancient Grudges (edit) Ancient Grudges sai
Animal Friendship (edit) Charmed sai
Animating Spores (edit) Spore Servant sai
Animus Screech (edit) Confused sai
Arabella's Shadow Entangle (edit) Entangled sai
Arabellan Dry (edit) Alcohol item
Arcane Ammunition (edit) Arcane Ammunition sai
Arcane Ashes (edit) Heat passive
Arcane Battery (edit) Arcane Battery passive
Arcane Critical (edit) Arcane Critical sai
Arcane Echomalefaction (edit) Reverberation passive
Arcane Lock (edit) Arcane Lock sai
Arcane Radiance (edit) Radiating Orb passive
Arcane Ward (edit) Arcane Ward passive
Arkhen's Hoard (edit) Alcohol item
Armour of Agathys (edit) Armour of Agathys sai
Arms of Hadar (edit) Arms of Hadar sai
Arrow of Acid (edit) Acid item
Arrow of Acid (edit) Acid sai
Arrow of Arcane Interference (edit) Silenced item
Arrow of Darkness (edit) Blinded sai
Arrow of Fire (edit) Burning item
Arrow of Fire (edit) Burning sai
Arrow of Ice (edit) Difficult Terrain sai
Arrow of Ice (edit) Prone sai
Arrow of Ilmater (edit) Arrow of Ilmater item
Arsonist's Oil (edit) Arsonist's Oil item
Arsonist's Oil (edit) Coated in Arsonist's Oil item
Ascendant Bite (edit) Bloodless sai
Ascendant Bite (edit) Happy sai
Ashaba Dusk (edit) Alcohol item
Aspect of the Beast: Chimpanzee (edit) Blinded passive
Aspect of the Beast: Wolverine (edit) Maimed passive
Aspect of the Elk (edit) Aspect of the Elk Aura sai
Aspect of the Elk Aura (Condition) (edit) Aspect of the Elk cond
Aspect of the Wolf (edit) Aspect of the Wolf Aura sai
Aspect of the Wolf Aura (Condition) (edit) Aspect of the Wolf cond
Astral Knowledge (edit) Astral Knowledge sai
Astral Knowledge: Charisma (edit) Astral Knowledge: Charisma sai
Astral Knowledge: Dexterity (edit) Astral Knowledge: Dexterity sai
Astral Knowledge: Intelligence (edit) Astral Knowledge: Intelligence sai
Astral Knowledge: Strength (edit) Astral Knowledge: Strength sai
Astral Knowledge: Wisdom (edit) Astral Knowledge: Wisdom sai
Astral Rift (edit) Astral Conduit sai
Augmented Shield of Thralls (edit) Stunned sai
Augmented Shield of Thralls (edit) Volatile Shield sai
Aura of Bloodthirst (Condition) (edit) Bloodthirst cond
Aura of Courage (edit) Aura of Courage sai
Aura of Devotion (edit) Aura of Devotion sai
Aura of Hate (edit) Aura of Hate sai
Aura of Murder (edit) Aura of Murder passive
Aura of Protection (edit) Aura of Protection sai
Aura of Terror (edit) Aura of Terror sai
Aura of Warding (edit) Aura of Warding sai
Aversion of Fire (edit) Aversion of Fire passive
Backbreaker (edit) Prone sai
Bad Omen (edit) Curse of the Dire Raven sai
Baldur's Grape (edit) Alcohol item
Balor Ale (edit) Alcohol item
Bane (Spell) (edit) Bane sai
Bane's Wrath (edit) frightened sai
Baneful Bond (edit) Bane passive
