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< Minsc
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Companion Approval Banter Romance
Astarion  Astarion Approval Banter Romance
Gale  Gale Approval Banter Romance
Karlach  Karlach Approval Banter Romance
Lae'zel  Lae'zel Approval Banter Romance
Shadowheart  Shadowheart Approval Banter Romance
Wyll  Wyll Approval Banter Romance
Halsin  Halsin Approval Banter Romance
Minthara  Minthara Approval Banter Romance
Jaheira  Jaheira Approval Banter n/a
Minsc  Minsc Approval Banter n/a

A collection of Minsc's remarks and overhead conversations with other characters.


Successfully finding a hidden object, door, etc.

  • ""

Looking in a mirror

  • ""

Finding a locked item

  • ""

Location Remarks

Act Three

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Ico knownSpells lvl 03.png Act 3 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.

Party Banter

Minsc and Astarion

(By the Basilisk's Gate)

  • Minsc: Ah, but it is a fine thing to walk with friends beneath the warming sun!
  • Astarion: Friends' might be a stretch, but otherwise - yes, I fully agree!
  • Minsc: You might have your cloudy locks to keep the heat off your head, but do not forget that Minsc has Boo! We will be like twins, eh?
  • Astarion: We will? Gods - two hundred years and I've never missed seeing my reflection more.

(In Harborview Park)

  • Minsc: Oh, I do not know, Boo. If you buried the nuts here before we were stone, I am thinking they might have gone bad.
  • Astarion: Minsc! Enough! The hamster isn't saying a damn thing and you know it.
  • Minsc: Well, Astarion. Boo is of good breeding, and so only speaks when he has something nice to say.
  • Minsc: Perhaps this is why he has never seen fit to speak to you.
  • Astarion: How delightfully vicious. I'm beginning to like the hamster.

(By the Eastern Docks)

  • Astarion: Minsc, please - slow down. Use your words.
  • Minsc: Minsc has thought how you might be a more virtuous vampire - feast on fish instead. They are made of naught but neck!
  • Astarion: It's a sweet thought, but fish just doesn't have the flavour of full-blooded red meat.
  • Minsc: No, you do not 'agree', Boo. I told you you have been spending far too much time around the pale one...

(Ascendant Astarion)

  • Minsc: Do not think your twinkly-eyed wiles will work on us, vampire lord.
  • Astarion: Oh, I know I could never tempt you, but maybe your little friend would like to perch on a more elegant shoulder?
  • Minsc: Do not look into his eyes, Boo! Think not of nesting in his thick and downy mane!
  • Astarion: You'll never know unless you try. Just once? Maybe you'll like it.

(Spawn Astarion)

  • Minsc: No, Boo. Astarion is a friend now - he would never bite you.
  • Minsc: Yes, vampire?
  • Astarion: Yes... I mean - no? I am not interested in biting the rodent is the point.
  • Astarion: Not least because he lives in your trousers...

Minsc and Gale


Minsc and Karlach


Minsc and Lae'zel


Minsc and Shadowheart


Minsc and Wyll


Minsc and Jaheira
