Aradin is a Human Fighter who appears in Act One. He and his adventuring party are searching for a treasure called The Nightsong.

“We was running for our lives.„
Aradin and his adventurers were offered a large sum of money by a Wizard in Baldur's Gate to retrieve The Nightsong. Their quest led them to a Goblin Camp with the First Druid Halsin, who accompanied the adventurers to learn more about the Illithid. The group's infiltration ultimately failed, leaving two of their crewmates - Brian and Liam - missing and believed to be dead. Halsin also disappeared during this conflict and is believed to have been held captive or killed by the Goblins.
Aradin and his two surviving companions, Barth and Remira, flee to the Emerald Grove with a band of Goblins in close pursuit.
Act One
Aradin is first encountered outside the Emerald Grove begging for entry before the Goblins arrive. As the party approach, the Goblins kill the gatekeeper Kanon, causing the gate to close and trapping the adventurers outside.
If Aradin survives the battle, he confronts Zevlor inside the Emerald Grove and, depending on the talking party member's dialogue choices and ability checks, his group will remain in the grove or depart.
If he departs, he can later be found among the bodies of his fallen companions outside the Blighted Village at X: 84 Y: 411. Otherwise, Aradin remains in the Grove. In either location, Aradin informs the party that he is abandoning his quest for the Nightsong, offering the little information he knows for the party to seek the treasure. This initiates .
Act Three
If Aradin survives into Act Three, he can be found arguing with an Animated Armour outside Sorcerous Sundries in the Lower City.
The party can tell him that the Nightsong is at the campsite or if the Nightsong is dead and fails the intimidation roll, it causes Aradin to hire a large mercenary group and confront the party at night at the campsite to kidnap her. His group contains the following characters:
Companion approval
Act One: Emerald Grove
Upon entering the Emerald Grove, Aradin and Zevlor will argue about the missing Druid Halsin and the pack of Goblins that arrived.
If a party member intervenes in their argument, companion approval is only gained or lost on successful checks.
- [PERSUASION] More violence won't bring back those you lost. Stop and think. (DC 15)
- [TIEFLING] He's human - malice comes as naturally as breathing. Just show him you're the better man. (DC N/A)
- [INTIMIDATION] If you want me to take both of you down, I will. Otherwise, knock it off. (DC 10)
- [HALF-ORC] [INTIMIDATION] Want me to knock you both out? Or would you prefer to skip the broken bones and just calm down? (DC 5)
- Stand back and watch.
- [STRENGTH] Take a swing at the tiefling. (DC 17)
- [STRENGTH] Aim a blow at the human, trying to knock him flat on his back. (DC 15)
Act Three: Sorcerous Sundries
Telling him you found the Nightsong, and saying any of the following:
- She's immortal. And tough. You can forget about turning her in for a reward.
- [DECEPTION] She's gone - I'm not sure where to. (DC 15) (Note: Only the version of this line that is actually a lie will give approval.)
- [INTIMIDATION] Piss off. (DC 15)
- [GOOD CLERIC] [INTIMIDATION] She is a being of divine origin under my protection - you will go nowhere near her. (DC 15)
- [NEUTRAL CLERIC] [INTIMIDATION] She is a divine being - and I'll cut you down if you go anywhere near her. (DC 15)
- [EVIL CLERIC] [INTIMIDATION] I have greater plans for the Nightsong - go near her and I'll kill you. (DC 15)
- [PERSUASION] To chase the Nightsong is to once more rush into danger - reflect on your past mistakes. (DC 15)
Any of the above: +1
- She's in my camp. If you want to turn her in, you're going to have to take her down yourself. - Breaks
Act Three: Campsite
If telling Aradin that the Nightsong was at your camp, failing the roll to lie to him about not knowing where she was, or failing the roll to persuade/intimidate him out of pursuing her, then Aradin and his buddies will later attack you at camp, trying to reclaim her. There will be several dialogue options in this case, some of which can earn approval.
- You're going to regret this.
- You're making a mistake, Aradin. Stop this before it's too late.
- I'm going to enjoy ripping your head off. (Note: unavailable to Fighters, Rogues, or Barbarians.)
- [BARBARIAN] You DARE challenge me? I'm going to rip you apart.
- [MONK] Do not let simple coin blind you. This path will lead to regret and senseless death.
- [FIGHTER] You're a competent warrior - but you're nothing compared to me.
- [ROGUE] You managed to track me down? I'd be impressed if I wasn't about to slit your throat.
Attacks and abilities
Notable loot
Speak with Dead
Party member: Who are you?
- Aradin: Aradin... Beno... my group... Beno boys...
Party member: What did you want in life?
- Aradin: Money... enough... to buy... peace...
Party member: Did you have anything of value?
- Aradin: Contract...
- Party member: What is this contract?
- Aradin: Lotta... gold... for... Nightsong... got it from... Lorroakan...
- Party member: Did you fulfil your contract?
- Aradin: We... failed... goblins... so many... goblins...
- Party member: Did you fulfil your contract?
- Aradin: Lotta... gold... for... Nightsong... got it from... Lorroakan...
- Party member: What is this contract?
Party member: Where are you from?
- Aradin: The Gate... born and bred... adventurer... by legacy...
Related quests
- It was datamined in 2022 that Aradin's full name is Aradin Beno and his mercenary group is called The Beno Boys: "Aradin Beno. Leader of the Beno Boys. Adventurers for hire 'n' all."[1] This can be confirmed by using Speak with Dead on him or one of his crew members if they are killed at the player's camp.
- In the Lower City Graveyard there is a tombstone labeled "Aradin the Elder" with the epitaph "Open the bloody gates!" As this is Aradin Beno's first line of dialogue, it may be inferred that the late "Aradin the Elder" was his father (or some other ancestor of his) and that their family generally has poor luck with this sort of thing.
- Clerics may offer to say a prayer over his men. He responds skeptically, but a devnote on his response claims that "he's not a religious man, but deep down he does want something said over his men".
- Aradin grants 20 XP when killed.
External links
Aradin Beno on the Forgotten Realms Wiki