Depending on their approval rating, Halsin may greet the player with:
Very Low (-40 or less)[Needs Verification]
Low (-20 or less)[Needs Verification]
Neutral (-19 - 20)
Medium approval (20+)[Needs Verification]
High approval (40+)[Needs Verification]
Very High approval (60+)[Needs Verification]
Exceptional approval (80+)[Needs Verification]
As a Companion character, the interactions listed below will cause Halsin to gain approval.
Act Two
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Act 2 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.
Shadowed Battlefield
- Tell Oliver you know who he really is
Reithwin Town
Reithwin Tollhouse
The Waning Moon
Moonrise Towers
- Sever the connection between Linsella and Barnabus
- After passing the persuasion check about his wife, tell Ketheric that it isn't too late and that his story doesn't end here.
- Tell Aylin to stand down, Ketheric has surrendered
Mind Flayer Colony
- Use the Neural Apparatus to release everyone in the Tadpoling Centre
- Say you wished he joined earlier when asking about what happens after the shadow curse lifted
- Say you are sorry for his loss when asking about his family
- Thank him for sharing with you
- Tell him you are afraid of krakens
- Give the Githyanki reply when asked about yourself
- Say "It hurts, I know it does." when talking to Arabella in camp
- Tell Arabella her parents would be proud of her.
Act Three
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Act 3 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.
As a Companion character, the interactions listed below will cause Halsin to lose approval. This list is most likely incomplete.
Act Two
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Act 2 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.
House in Deep Shadows
- Playing Hide and seek with Oliver
Moonrise Towers
- Free the goblins when Z'rell prompts you to kill them
- When entering Moonrise Towers, tell the guards you infiltrated Last Light
Last Light Inn
- Call Wulbren a prick when talking to him and Barcus at Last Light Inn
- At camp, when asked if you have anything to share about yourself in return, tell him, "I really don't know very much about myself to tell."
- As the Dark Urge at camp, when asked if you have anything to share about yourself in return, tell him, "Nothing half as charming as's all crimson and rot."
Act Three