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The Risen Road

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Waukeen's Rest The Risen Road Emerald Grove
Blighted Village
The Risen Road is a Location within Wilderness in Act One of Baldur's Gate 3. It runs parallel to the River Chionthar, and serves as an alternate route of trade.
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... those who seek to journey to the coast from the interior regions lying to the east will typically seek out the Risen Road. Running parallel to the River Chionthar, the Risen Road provides an overland route all the way from Elturel to Baldur's Gate, and has proven tempting to travellers seeking an alternate to the river barges that sail the Chionthar.
Traveller's Guide to the Sword Coast Vol. IV: The Risen Road


The Road is found north of the Blighted Village, and can be accessed by jumping across the broken bridge to the north. Alternatively, this location can also be reached by climbing a ladder in the Secluded Chamber and descending down the cliff to the west.

Toll House

Screenshot of the abandoned Toll House.
The abandoned Toll House

The Toll House was once used to collect tolls from travelers but has since been abandoned due to the road's dangerous conditions. Anders Anders and his allies, who are on the search for Karlach Karlach, can be found both inside and outside the Toll House.

Toll House Basement

The Toll House's basement can be accessed by using a trap door located in the same room as Anders, on the ground level. There is a locked door and a dead toll collector in the basement. The locked door can be opened by either destroying it, or by using the Toll Collector's Key, found to the side of the road going south from the Toll House X: 104 Y: 525. It cannot be lockpicked.

Past the door are several rooms with trap vents that can release poison clouds if the pressure plate in the hidden treasury room is stepped on. In the end room are two stone thrones. Sit on or place items on both at the same time to reveal a hidden treasury that contains a Greataxe +1 and Gloves of Heroism as well as several mundane weapons. This room is also trapped, but if the pressure plate is disarmed none of the other traps will fire.


Screenshot looking down into the Risen Road's cave.
Looking down into the Risen Road's cave

Located at X: 40 Y: 628 in The Risen Road is a cave with two travelers Rugan Rugan and Olly Olly holding out against attacking Gnolls. They are transporting a locked Caravan Strongbox, which contains the Iron Flask.

If conversation with Rugan goes favorably, he will tell the party the password to enter the Zhentarim Basement located in Waukeen's Rest.

If Rugan survives and is allowed to leave, the next time the party return to the cave, the Caravan Strongbox will be gone and Rugan and Olly will have moved to the Zhentarim Basement.

Adjacent areas

Related quests

Notable characters


Notable loot

Related literature

Speak with Dead

Dead Caravan Agent

Located where Gnolls are birthed from bloated hyenas. X: 24 Y: 528

Party member: What happened to you?

  • Dead Caravan Agent: Gnolls... tearing... biting...
    • Party member: Did anyone survive the attack?
      • Dead Caravan Agent: Rugan... fled... north...
        • Party member: Who is Rugan?
          • Dead Caravan Agent: Lucky... son of a...

Party member: Where were you heading?

  • Dead Caravan Agent: Tavern... hideout... secret...

Party member: What were you carrying in the wagons?

  • Dead Caravan Agent: Wizard's shippment... chest...
    • Party member: What happened to the chest?
      • Dead Caravan Agent: Rugan... protected it... took it... north...
        • Party member: Who is Rugan?
          • Dead Caravan Agent: Lucky... son of a...

Party member: Who is 'NF'?

  • Dead Caravan Agent: Boss... Baldur's Gate... the Guild...

External links