Waukeen's Rest

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Waukeen's Rest is an inn found in the northern parts of the Wilderness, west of The Risen Road, which also serves as a Waypoint Waypoint:

  • Waukeen's Rest X: -78 Y: 572
The burning inn of Waukeen's Rest
Mountain Pass Waukeen's Rest Risen Road

Overview[edit | edit source]

The inn is on fire when the party first arrives here. If the party travels to camp before dealing with the fire, the fire will progress.

Related locations[edit | edit source]

Related quests[edit | edit source]

Notable Characters[edit | edit source]

Notable loot[edit | edit source]

Quest Rewards[edit | edit source]

Hidden Treasure[edit | edit source]

  • There is a buried chest at X: -98 Y: 632, containing some gold and camp supplies.
  • Succeeding on a Perception check when interacting with the Hay Bale at X: -102 Y: 621 will reveal a chest containing the Dowry Ring.
  • Just outside of the inn walls along the eastern most path at X: -28 Y: 586 there is a hidden rocky crevice with a stash of supplies.

Speak with Dead[edit | edit source]

Dead Drow Raider[edit | edit source]

Located beside the fountain, close to Ephren. X: -70 Y: 593

Party member: Who are you?

  • Dead Drow Raider: ... Sszaryn...
    • Party member: Where are you from?
      • Dead Drow Raider: ... from... Sshamath... before... the Absolute...
    • Party member: What was your profession?
      • Dead Drow Raider: ... male...

Party member: How did you die?

  • Dead Drow Raider: ... archer... roof... should have... seen...

Party member: Why were you at the inn?

  • Dead Drow Raider: ... raid... retrieval... for the Absolute...
    • Party member: What were you trying to retrieve?
      • Dead Drow Raider: ... Grand... Duke... Absolute... demands him...
        • Party member: Where were you trying to take the Duke?
          • Dead Drow Raider: ... take... to Moonrise... Towers...
        • Party member: Was the raid successful?
          • Narrator: *The corpse remains silent. It does not know.*

Dead Goblin Raider[edit | edit source]

Located south side of the fountain, on the stairs of bath house entrance. X: -75 Y: 600

Party member: Who are you?

  • Dead Goblin Raider: Krug... hunter...
    • Party member: Where did you come from?
      • Dead Goblin Raider: Camp... temple... close...

Party member: Why did you target the inn?

  • Dead Goblin Raider: Kidnap... the Duke... for the Absolute...
    • Party member: Where were you trying to take the Duke?
      • Dead Goblin Raider: Take... prisioners to... Moonrise...
    • Party member: Why were you after the Duke?
      • Dead Goblin Raider: Absolute... wants him...
    • Party member: Was your mission successful?
      • Narrator: *The corpse remains silent. It does not know.*

Party member: Did you leave any survivors?

  • Dead Goblin Raider: Slaves... good... raid...

Party member: How did you die?

  • Dead Goblin Raider: Fell... dagger... neck... stupid...

Flaming Fist Mercenary[edit | edit source]

Located north side of the fountain, on a building entrance. X: -53 Y: 599

Party member: Who are you?

  • Flaming Fist Mercenary: ... Gauntlet... Marilla... Flaming Fist...
    • Party member: Where are you from?
      • Flaming Fist Mercenary: ... Baldur's Gate...

Party member: What happened to the Duke?

  • Narrator: *The corpse remains silent. She doesn't know.*

Party member: Do you know of any survivors?

  • Flaming Fist Mercenary: ... dead... or dying...

External links[edit | edit source]