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Cantrips and spells[edit | edit source]

Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Create or Destroy Water Create or Destroy Water Transmutation Transmutation Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Action 9 m 4m Choose to call forth rain or destroy a water-based surface.
Enhance Leap Enhance Leap Transmutation Transmutation Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action Ritual 1.5m Triple a creature's Jumping distance.
Expeditious Retreat Expeditious Retreat Transmutation Transmutation Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Bonus Action Concentration 0 Gain Dash Dash immediately and as a bonus action on each of your turns until this spell ends.
Feather Fall Feather Fall Transmutation Transmutation Bard Bard
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Bonus Action Ritual 0 9m You and nearby allies gain Immunity to Falling damage.
Goodberry Goodberry Transmutation Transmutation Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Action 1.5m Conjure four magical berries for yourself or a companion. Creatures who eat a berry regain 1d4hit points.

Each berry counts as one Camp Supplies.

The berries appear in the targeted creature's inventory and disappear after a Long Rest.
Longstrider Longstrider Transmutation Transmutation Bard Bard
Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Wizard Wizard
Action Ritual 1.5m Increase a creature's Movement Speed by 3 m / 10 ft.

Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Barkskin Barkskin Transmutation Transmutation Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Action Concentration 1.5m Touch a willing creature to toughen its skin and increase its Armour Class Armour Class up to 16.
Darkvision (spell) Darkvision Transmutation Transmutation Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action 1.5m Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of {12 m / 40 ft.
Enhance Ability Enhance Ability Transmutation Transmutation Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Action Concentration 1.5m Bestow a magical enchantment upon an ally. They gain Advantage Icon.png Advantage on Ability Checks with a chosen Ability.
Enlarge/Reduce Enlarge/Reduce Transmutation Transmutation Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 9 m Make a creature larger or smaller. Either option has a duration of 10 turns. This affects their weapon damage and Strength Checks and Saving throws.
Heat Metal Heat Metal Transmutation Transmutation Bard Bard
Druid Druid
Action Concentration 18m Damage Types Cause a metal weapon or armour to glow red-hot and force the wearer to let go or receive Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on Attack rolls and Ability Checks.
Knock Knock Transmutation Transmutation Bard Bard
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action 18m Unlock an object that is held shut by a mundane lock.
Magic Weapon Magic Weapon Transmutation Transmutation Paladin Paladin
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 1.5m Infuse a weapon with arcane energy. The weapon becomes magical, receiving a +1 bonus to Attack rolls and Damage Rolls.
Spike Growth Spike Growth Transmutation Transmutation Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Action Concentration 18m Damage Types Shape a piece of ground into hard spikes. A creature walking on the spikes takes 2d4Damage TypesPiercing damage for every 1.5 m / 5 ft it moves. The spikes are Difficult Terrain, halving a creature's Movement Speed.

Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Blink Blink Transmutation Transmutation Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action 0 At the end of your turn, roll a D20.png d20. On 11 or higher, you vanish into the Ethereal Plane. While there, you can't be harmed or seen in this world.
Elemental Weapon Elemental Weapon Transmutation Transmutation Paladin Paladin Action Concentration 18m Imbue a weapon with elemental power. It receives a +1 bonus to Attack rolls and deals an additional 1d4 damage of your choice.
Gaseous Form Gaseous Form Transmutation Transmutation Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 1.5m Transform yourself or an ally into a tiny gas cloud. It can't fall, and fits through small openings. It is very hard to damage.
Grant Flight Grant Flight Transmutation Transmutation Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 1.5m Bestow the ability to Fly Fly upon yourself or an ally.
Haste Haste Transmutation Transmutation Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 9 m Target yourself or an ally to become Hastened Hastened. The creature has a +2 bonus to Armour Class Armour Class, Advantage Icon.png Advantage on Dexterity Saving throws, its Movement Speed is doubled, and can take one additional Action per turn.
Lightning Arrow Lightning Arrow Transmutation Transmutation Ranger Ranger Action Attack roll 18m 3m Damage Types After the arrow hits, smaller bolts snake out from the target towards nearby creatures.
Plant Growth Plant Growth Transmutation Transmutation Bard Bard
Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Action 18m Make weeds burst from the ground and smother the area. Creatures moving through the weeds have their Movement Speed quartered.
Slow Slow Transmutation Transmutation Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration WIS 18m Alter time around up to 6 enemies to Slow them. They won't get far, they can't do much, and they're easier to hit.

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