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Main Page > Character Creation > Playable Classes > Paladin

Fuelled by the Oath you swore to uphold justice and righteousness, you are a beacon of hope in dark times.
Paladin Class Icon.png

Paladin is one of the Playable Classes of Baldur's Gate 3. Paladins are masters of a variety of weapons and armor. They channel the power of their sacred oath to heal the sick and injured and to smite their foes. Important Ability Scores for Paladins include Strength (or Dexterity), Charisma, and Constitution.

Class Information


You receive a bonus to every Skill that you are Proficient in. This bonus increases as you gain levels in your Class and applies to all Checks for those Skills.

Level 1 Proficiency Icon.png Proficiency Bonus: +2

Oaths and Oathbreaking

A Paladin's Oath is not to be taken lightly: its power quite literally fuels your abilities.

Keeping Your Oath

Your choice of subclass during Character Creation determines the Oath you have taken:

Paladin Oath of the Ancients Icon.png
Oath of the Ancients
Paladin Oath of Devotion Icon.png
Oath of Devotion
Kindle the Light. Through your acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the world, beating back despair.

Shelter the Light. Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.

Preserve Your Own Light. Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in your own heart, you can’t preserve it in the world.

Be the Light. Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.

Honesty. Don’t lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise.

Courage. Never fear to act, though caution is wise.

Compassion. Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom.

Honor. Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.

Duty. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.

The basic tenets of your Oath can also be found embroidered on your starting Armor.

As a Paladin, you must constantly adhere to the tenets of your Oath or you will lose the power it grants you. Taking any action that breaks your Oath will summon the Oathbreaker Knight and temporarily prevent you from using your Channel Oath Icon.png Channel Oath abilities.

Here are some examples of Oathbreaking actions. Note that the specific types of actions that break a given Oath may change as Larian continues to develop the game.

  • Oath of the Ancients: Killing a non-aggressive animal or choosing an "Attack" dialogue option when more peaceful options are available.
  • Oath of Devotion: Attacking a non-hostile creature, refusing to defend someone who is obviously in need of aid, or deceiving your enemies (e.g. negotiating a peaceful resolution and then attacking anyway).

Becoming an Oathbreaker

*A spasm grips your chest. Your strength falters. An emptiness grows within you, Paladin. Something has been lost.*
Paladin Oathbreaker Icon.png

Unlike the other Paladin subclasses, the Oathbreaker subclass is not available during Character Creation. Once you have taken an action that breaks your Oath, the Oathbreaker Knight will appear before you and let you know he will be waiting in your Camp. Speak with him to learn about Oathbreaking and, if you so desire, unlock the Oathbreaker subclass. This replaces the Channel Oath Icon.png Channel Oath abilities and Spells from your previous Oath with new abilities and Spells available only to Oathbreaker.

Restoring Your Oath

If you broke your Oath by accident or otherwise wish to re-dedicate yourself to your Oath, speak to the Oathbreaker Knight in your Camp. He will offer to restore your Oath for a fee of 2000gp. This will allow you to once again use your Channel Oath Icon.png Channel Oath abilities.

Level Progression

Through experience, you acquire new power. You gain the following trait:

Level 1

  • Choose a subclass:
Paladin Oath of the Ancients Icon.png
Oath of the Ancients
Paladin Oath of Devotion Icon.png
Oath of Devotion
  • Subclass Features:
Oath of the Ancients Oath of Devotion Oathbreaker

Channel Oath Abilities:

Channel Oath Abilities:

Channel Oath Abilities:

Level 2

  • Divine Smite Icon.png Divine Smite: Your weapon emanates divine might as you strike. When you hit with a Weapon Attack, you may choose to expend a Spell Slot to infict additional File:Radiant Damage Icon 3.pngRadiant damage. Divine Smite reaction settings can be configured in the Reactions menu (default hotkey: L).
  • Fighting Style (Choose 1):
    • Fighting Style Defence Icon.png Defence: You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class while wearing armor.
    • Fighting Style Duelling Icon.png Duelling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no weapon in the other hand, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
    • Fighting Style Great Weapon Icon.png Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack with a Two-Handed melee weapon, that die is rerolled once.
    • Fighting Style Protection Icon.png Protection: When you have a shield, impose Disadvantage on an enemy who attacks one of your allies when you are within 5ft. You must be able to see the enemy. (This is a Reaction. Toggle a reaction during your turn. It will automatically execute when needed.)

Level 3

  • Divine Health: The divine magic flowing within you prevents disease from affecting you.
  • 3 Level 1 Spell Slots.png Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3 (You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.)
  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 3 (Paladin level) + Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
    • Spells: No new spells at this level, aside from those granted by your subclass
  • Subclass Features:
Oath of the Ancients Oath of Devotion Oathbreaker

Channel Oath Abilities:

Spells (Always Prepared):

Channel Oath Abilities:

Spells (Always Prepared):

Channel Oath Abilities:

Spells (Always Prepared):

Level 4

  • Ability Score Improvement or Feat (Choose 1):
    • Improve an Ability Score by 2 or improve two Ability Scores by 1 (Ability Scores can not be higher than 20 using this feature).
    • Choose a Feat.
  • Lay on Hands Resource Icon.png Lay on Hands Charges: 4 (You gain +1 Lay on Hands Charge.)
  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 4 (current Paladin level) + Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
    • Spells: No new spells at this level

Level 5

  • Proficiency Icon.png Proficiency Bonus: +3 (You gain +1 to your Proficiency Bonus.)
  • Extra Attack Icon.png Extra Attack: Can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack.
  • Subclass Features:
Oath of the Ancients Oath of Devotion Oathbreaker

Spells (Always Prepared):

Spells (Always Prepared):

Spells (Always Prepared):

Paladin Spell List

1st Level Spells 2nd Level Spells

Ancients only:

Devotion only:

Oathbreaker only:

Ancients only:

Devotion only:

Oathbreaker only: