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Ul'mirel is a member of a new githyanki generation hatched and raised in the Crèche Y’llek during Act One.

Portrait Ul'mirel.png
Sa'varsh Kethk won't let us do anything fun 'til we pass this test. I just want to learn how to crush someone's brain with my mind. Splat!

Involvement[edit | edit source]

Act One[edit | edit source]

Ul'mirel and several other githyanki youths and children are training in the Crèche Classroom. When the party arrive, Ul'mirel is one of the students watching their teacher, Kethk Sa’varsh Kethk, mock and kick the trainee Varrl Youth Varrl.

After the spectacle, Ul'mirel wonders why Varrl did not fight back, and claims that standing there getting hit is "stupid".

Idle banter[edit | edit source]

Ul'mirel: I'd never just stand there getting hit. It's stupid.

Ul'mirel: Varrl's so weird. Why doesn't he fight back?

Ul'mirel: I bet you never had to do all this learning...