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Adept of the Absolute
Overview[edit | edit source]
Adepts are devoted spellcasters and clerics of the Absolute. Like the zealots, and most other members of the broader Cult of the Absolute, adepts are oblivious to the reality of the tadpoles and deceptive nature of the pretend-god, believing or being manipulated into believing that the Absolute is a new goddess.
Involvement[edit | edit source]
Act Two[edit | edit source]
Adepts of the Absolute appear primarily in the halls of Moonrise Towers, acting as clerical enforcers and soldiers within the Absolute's army. A number of them can be fought during the .
Act Three[edit | edit source]
A large number of adepts were initially present during the battle for High Hall, with most of them perishing during the City Watch's rout from High Hall. A single adept of the Absolute remains present during the fight within the High Hall's courtyard, on the ramparts above the gate.
Combat[edit | edit source]
Adepts are full spellcasters broadly similar to War Domain clerics, with the ability to cast the warlock spell. Buffed with the condition, they can survive otherwise fatal attacks once, and are capable of turning their allies' misses into hits through the reaction. They have the ability to upcast spells ( ) and have the following abilities at their disposal:
Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]
Loot[edit | edit source]
Known adepts of the Absolute[edit | edit source]
Drow[edit | edit source]
Halfling[edit | edit source]
Half-elf[edit | edit source]
Half-orc[edit | edit source]
Human[edit | edit source]
Notes[edit | edit source]
- Some members of this archetype may have slightly different passives, movement speed, weight, and size due to being members of different races.
- It's possible that the "Adepts" were originally called "Fanatics" at some point in development.
- Some current dialogue files in the game still refer to certain Adepts as Fanatics, such as MOO_Bazaar_Guard00.html, the dialogue file for Adept Dorikel, who still refers to him as Fanatic Dorikel.
- It's also more consistent with the naming scheme of the Zealot of the Absolute, as Zealot and Fanatic have closer meanings.