The Fire Set is a set of equipment that deals Fire damage and inflicts the Burning condition. Synergizes with items from the Heat Set, Helldusk Set, and Elemental set, which are not duplicated here. It consists of the following pieces:
Azer Warhammer
Main Hand Melee (Warhammer)
- Exploit only.
- Deal an additional 1d6Fire damage.
- Overheat ()
Release a fraction of your inner fire. All nearby creatures take damage and start Burning Fiercely.
Cindermoth Cloak
- Flaming Shroud
- A creature that damages the wearer within 2 m / 7 ft receives Burning.
Circlet of Blasting
Headgear (Non-Armour)
- Scorching Ray (+ )
- Cast as a level 2 spell ( Recharge: Long rest.)
Emblazoned Plate of the Marshal
Armour (Heavy Armour)
- Fire Shield (+ )
- Cast as a level 4 spell ( Recharge: Long rest.)
- Magical Plate
- All incoming damage is reduced by 2.
- Endurance by Fire
- You have Resistance to Fire damage and a +2 bonus to Saving throws.
Everburn Blade
Main Hand Melee (Greatsword)
- Deal an additional 1d4Fire damage.
Exterminator's Axe
Main Hand Melee (Greataxe)
- Scourge of Pests
- Deals an additional 1d6Fire damage to Plants, Myconids[See: Bugs], and Small creatures.
Flame Enamelled Armour
Armour (Medium Armour)
- Fire Shield: Warm (+ )
- Cast as a level 4 spell ( Recharge: Long rest.)
- Seldom Caught Unawares
- You gain a +2 bonus to Initiative rolls.
- Endurance by Fire
- You have Resistance to Fire damage and a +2 bonus to Saving throws.
Gloves of Cinder and Sizzle
Gloves (Non-Armour)
- Scorching Ray (+ )
- Cast as a level 3 spell ( Recharge: Long rest.)
- Dragonfire Fists
- Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4Fire.
Gloves of Flint and Steel
Gloves (Non-Armour)
- Inaccessible via normal gameplay; requires third-party tools to access.
- Hot Little Hands
- When the wearer deals Fire damage, the target has to succeed a Constitution Saving throw or start Burning.
Gold Wyrmling Staff
Main Hand Melee (Quarterstaff)
- Deal an additional 1d4Fire damage.
- Fire Bolt ()
- Cast as a cantrip at will.
Hat of Fire Acuity
Headgear (Non-Armour)
- Fire Acuity
- Whenever you deal Fire damage, you gain Arcane Acuity for 2 turns.
Hellfire Hand Crossbow
Main Hand Ranged (Hand Crossbow)
- Hellstalker
- Possibly inflict Burning when attacking while Hiding or Invisible.
- Scorching Ray (+ )
- Cast as a level 3 spell ( Recharge: Long rest.)
Incandescent Staff
Main Hand Melee (Quarterstaff)
- Fire Bolt ()
- Cast as a cantrip at will.
- Fireball (+ )
- Cast as a level 3 spell ( Recharge: Long rest.)
Infernal Robe
Armour (Clothing)
- Fire Shield: Warm (+ )
- Cast as a level 4 spell ( Recharge: Long rest.)
Kurwin's Cauteriser
Main Hand Melee (Scimitar)
- Cauteriser
- Deals an additional 1d4Fire. On a hit, the target starts Burning unless it succeeds a Constitution Saving throw.
Obsidian Laced Robe
Armour (Clothing)
Pyroquickness Hat
Headgear (Non-Armour)
- Fiery Return
- When you deal Fire damage with a non-cantrip spell, you Burn yourself and gain an additional Bonus action this round.
Rupturing Blade
Main Hand Melee (Rapier)
- Searing Blood ()
Cut into an enemy, dealing an extra proficiency bonusFire and 1d6Fire damage to them, while you yourself take 1d6Slashing damage. Additionally, the attack might cause the target to Bleed and Burn.
Scimitar of Cinder
Main Hand Melee (Scimitar)
- Exploit only.
- Deal an additional 1d6Fire damage.
- Scorching Strike ()
Lash out with a blazing strike and possibly Burn your target.
Shield of Scorching Reprisal
Off-Hand Melee (Shield)
- Shield Blow ()
When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction, to knock it Prone unless they succeed a Dexterity saving throw.[See: Bugs]
- Blazing Retaliation ()
Huddle behind your shield to increase your Armour Class by 1 and reap scorching retaliation upon attacks who miss you.
Main Hand Melee (Light Hammer)
- Searing Smite ()
- Cast as a level 1 spell ( Recharge: Long rest.)
Staff of a Mumbling Wizard
Main Hand Melee (Quarterstaff)
- Firebolt? ()
- Cast as a cantrip at will.
Has a 1/20 chance to cast Fireball instead.