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Veteran Warrior

Revision as of 01:15, 7 July 2024 by Ankoria (talk | contribs)
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Githyanki veteran warriors are a stronger Githyanki warrior archetype encountered throughout Baldur's Gate 3, based off of a Strength-based Battle Master Fighter.

They can be found during the ambush in Reithwin Town or as part of Voss' party in the Upper City during the finale.


Attacks and abilities

Main Hand Attack.webp
Main Hand Attack Main Hand Attack ()   –  Githyanki Greatsword
Normal weapon damage
Make a melee attack with your equipped weapon.
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Second Wind.webp
Second Wind Second Wind ()
D10 Healing.png 1d10 (1~10) hit points
Fighter Level hit points
Draw on your stamina to protect yourself. You regain 1d10 + Fighter Levelhit points.
 Range: Self
Disarming Attack Melee.webp
Disarming Attack (Melee) Disarming Attack (Melee) ()
Normal weapon damage
+ Superiority Die Damage TypesWeapon damage
Spend a superiority die to deal Weapon Damage + 1d8 Physical damage and potentially force the target to drop the weapons they are holding.
Enhance Leap.webp
Enhance Leap Enhance Leap ()
Triple a creature's Jumping distance.
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft

Named warriors

Reithwin Town