Cheese Your Way Through: Talk your way past the bandits and enter the chapel.
Flexible Diplomacy: Betray the tieflings after convincing them to free Lae'zel.
Divinity Undone: Unlock and read the Book of Dead Gods.
Silvanus' Solitude: Witness the ritual that seals off the grove from the world.
Treefather's Sorrow: Unleash Silvanus' curse upon the grove.
- Kill the druids and steal the Idol of Silvanus.
Heretic: Steal the Idol of Silvanus.
Jailbreaker: Smuggle Sazza out of the grove.
Serpent's Bounty: Take Zevlor's payment for killing Kagha.
Show Them How It's Done: Steal from the tiefling children's stash without making enemies of them.
The Allure of Coin: Steal from a child charmed by harpies.
A Bard's Muse: Inspire Alfira the bard.
A Story for the Ages: Turn someone to your side with a well-timed tale.
A Very Tall Tale: Tell Volo a dramatic story fit for a chapbook.
Made You Look: Earn Mattis' respect by taking his ring.
A Timely Rescue: Save Findal from the goblins who kidnapped him.
Guardian of the Forgotten: Save the tieflings from the goblin assault.
- Defend the grove if Minthara's assault the grove
Protector of the Small: Save Mirkon from the harpies.
Snake Whisperer: Save Arabella from Kagha and her serpent.
- Must complete the quest by speaking to Arabella and her parents to get the Inspiration
Soul Warden: Save Nadira from the bugbear assassin.Early Access Only
Her Gift of Silver: Recover Selûne's lost treasure through prayer.
- Read the prayer note behind the statue.
Just Passing Through: Trick the Goblins in Moonhaven.
Mirror Master: Trick the magic mirror in the Thayan cellar.
The Most Unfortunate Gnome: Rescue the gnome from his fate at the windmill.
Merciless: Manipulate the Flind into eating itself.
Silver Blades, Silver Tongue: Convince Kith'rak Voss to leave without violence.
The Importance of Networking: Talk your way into the Zhentarim Hideout.
Friend of the Family: Become an ally of the Zhentarim.
Open For A Surprise: Acquire the Iron Flask from the Zhentarim.
The Price of Ink: Free Oskar the painter from the Zhentarim.
A Unified Spirit: Pray with the Flaming Fists at Waukeen's Rest. Helm
Rescued From the Flames: Save whoever you can from Waukeen's Rest.
One of Us: Use the hag's mask to peacefully bypass her thralls.
Unmasking the Truth: Free one of the Hag's masked thralls.
Very Important Parasite: Deceive any of the guards in the goblin camp.
Spiked: Poison the beer in the goblin camp.
Anything For A Profit: Steal the toe ring from Crusher without getting caught.
A Better Offer: Convince the pit spiders to attack the goblins.
Devil's Advocate: Interrogate the dead mind flayer without drawing suspicion.
Culling the Crowd: Use poison to kill the drunk goblins in camp.
Slaughter's Prize: Ally with Minthara to loot and slaughter the grove.
Chicken Chase Extraordinaire: Win a match of chicken chase.
- Can be won fairly, using Command: Approach or with Speak with Animals using persuation to guide the creature to the post.
Feel the Beat: Successfully perform on the goblin war drum.
DC 10 Performance check
Give Them A Show: Get the goblins on your side while duelling Crusher.
- Defeat Crusher in a duel and, after he surrenders, choose the Intimidate option to make him kiss your foot.
Life of the Party: Take part in the Goblin Camp's toast.
The Art of Agony: Perform for Loviatar's pleasure in her ritual.
Fate Worse Than Death: Save Liam from his goblin torturers.
Saved By A Thread: Save Smythin from his lethal fall.
- Very tight timing as he is pushed shortly after entering the area.
The Bard With Nine Lives: Rescue Volo from the Goblin Camp.
A Kiss Without Mercy: Endure the ritual of Loviatar until Abdirak is pleased.
Saving the Heretic: Learn about Maglubiyet and safely free his priest.
Last Rites of the Dark Dancer: Complete Eilistraee's ritual of sorrow and obtain her blessed blade.
Shatter the Moon: Destroy Selûne's protection over the Underdark fort.
- Destroy the Moonstone in Selûnite Outpost.
Tipping the Scales: Earn the worship of the Kuo-toa.
Warmonger: Cause Glut to stage a coup - then pick a side.
Swiftly Stolen: Obtain Thulla's magical boots through underhanded means.
A Lethal Endeavor: Escort Baelen out of the field of bibberbangs.
Heart of the Creator: Perform in a play with Bernard the automaton.
A Friend to All: Gain access to Grymforge peacefully by lying to the raft patrol.
- Trick Greymon to avoid fighting the patrol.
Perfect Cut: Split Nere's money with the duergar mutineers.
Acolytes of the Demonweb Pits: Persuade the spiders in Grymforge to remain faithful to Lolth.
Breaker of Chains: Save the deep gnomes from Nere and the duergar.
Celebrant: Enjoy a dance in camp with the tieflings.