List of references to previous Baldur's Gate games

From Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki

A variety of items, equipment, and characters from previous Baldur's Gate games make appearances in Baldur's Gate 3. However, in most cases the abilities of the items are slightly different because of the change of ruleset from 2e to 5e.

Bhaal's Symbol was the logo of the franchise sayeth the wise Alaundo
— Jaheira reciting yet another of Alaundo's prophecies

Items and Equipment

Some of these items originally came from D&D and Baldur's Gate 3 implemented their 5th Edition versions. They are marked 5e.

New items that reference past games

Some books mention events of the past games



Spell Icons

The icons for these spells were directly adapted from the previous games


Act I

Act II

You must gather your party before venturing forth
— The Narrator if you try to go to the Shadowfell with your party scrabled




Some of the music took notes from the old games' suites
