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“Right. Article 30.1.5 of the Council's Decree on Extraordinary Wartime Measures. I am confiscating that. The city thanks you for your contribution.„
Gauntlet Edwynna is found guarding South Span Checkpoint. If the party tries to enter Wyrm's Crossing through the checkpoint, the nearby guards will direct them to Edwynna for passage. Edwynna will explain that refugees are not allowed to enter the city, but will let the party through with a 200 gold "donation". She will then ask for the player characters's name and business in the city.
The player character may lie, but the nearby Steel Watcher will perform a scan of the party. If they are enemies of the Absolute, the player must submit to arrest or attack.
If having successfully completed Rescue Wulbren, then regardless of what dialogue is chosen, two Ironhand Gnomes, Nimble and Laridda, will appear and throw a Flashblinder bomb, and then escape to Angleiron's Cellar. Blinded, the guards can now be bypassed.