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(The Durge is as player character not necessary of male gender. For characters of whom the gender is unclear the terms they, them, their, and themselves are used.)
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===== Retiree =====
===== Retiree =====
If Minsc was convinced to be independent of her, Jaheira retires from the Harpers and settles down in [[Elerrathin's Home]] as a stay-at-home mother. She shares that she has done much more sitting down than she would like, she has been heavily involved in her children's lives, and they have proven themselves capable of restoring the city themselves. Jaheira confesses that she misses adventuring and that Baldur's Gate is, in fact, her home, but she remarks on how you only realize someplace is home once you leave and look back at it. Talking to her a second time has her promise to stop writing so many letters back to the city—much to the player character's disbelief.
If Minsc was convinced to be independent of her, Jaheira retires from the Harpers and settles down in [[Elerrathin's Home]] as a stay-at-home mother. She shares that she has done much more sitting down than she would like, she has been heavily involved in her children's lives, and they have proven themselves capable of restoring the city themselves. Jaheira confesses that she misses adventuring and that Baldur's Gate is, in fact, her home, but she remarks on how you only realize someplace is home once you leave it and look back. Talking to her a second time in this ending has her promise to stop writing so many letters back to the city—much to the player character's disbelief.

==== Karlach ====
==== Karlach ====
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===== Limbo =====
===== Limbo =====
If Lae'zel sides with Orpheus and departs with him to wage war (or alone if he became a mind flayer), she will appear at the party as a glowing Astral Projection. She recants the player character with tales of victory, her diplomacy mission to the [[Githzerai]], and her new appreciation for things other than battle.
If Lae'zel sides with Orpheus and departs with him to wage war (or alone if he became a mind flayer), she will appear at the party as a glowing Astral Projection. She recants the player character with tales of victory, her diplomacy mission to the [[githzerai]], and her new appreciation for things other than battle.

In this ending, Xan is currently staying with the mages of Xamvadi'm.
In this ending, Xan is currently staying with the mages of Xamvadi'm.
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===== Faerûn =====
===== Faerûn =====
If Lae'zel sided with Orpheus but decided to stay in Faerûn, she launches a crusade to slay every Vlaakith-aligned Githyanki outpost on the Sword Coast, and she invites the player character to join her in rooting out one of the last major strongholds in Chult.
If Lae'zel sided with Orpheus but decided to stay in Faerûn, she launches a crusade to slay every Vlaakith-aligned githyanki outpost on the Sword Coast, and she invites the player character to join her in rooting out one of the last major strongholds in Chult.

==== Minsc ====
==== Minsc ====
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===== Blade of Avernus =====
===== Blade of Avernus =====
If Wyll was transformed by Mizora and chose not to become the Grand Duke, he becomes the Blade of Avernus. If Karlach chose to die, he arrives smelling of sulfur and dressed in spiky armor that he claims was made from the shattered bones of slain fiends. He shares that he has a lead on getting closer to claiming his revenge on Mizora.
If Wyll was transformed by Mizora and chose not to become the Grand Duke, he becomes the Blade of Avernus; he arrives smelling of sulfur and dressed in spiky armor that he claims was made from the shattered bones of slain fiends. If he broke his contract but Karlach chose to die, he travels alone and shares that he has a lead on getting closer to claiming his revenge on Mizora. If Karlach died and Wyll continued to serve his contract, he reports that he still undertakes missions on Mizora's behalf and that his next quest has him tasked to slay a certain very powerful devil, though he cannot say more.

If left to serve his contract, he reports that he still undertakes missions on Mizora's behalf, and that his next quest has him tasked to slay a certain very powerful devil, though he cannot say more.
If Wyll moved to Avernus with Karlach (and the player character if chosen), he notes how many cambions the two or three of them have slain and expresses his hope for Karlach to get her engine fixed and return to Faerûn for good. If he kept his contract with Mizora, he reveals that she's allowed him much more freedom as the Blade of Avernus, to his own surprise; he still mentions his next task of slaying a devil, but he's not afraid when the player character and/or Karlach have his back. If otherwise severed, he says he hopes to use Zariel's private forge to reverse engineer his sending stone eye so he can track Mizora and get his revenge on her later. He also shares about Duke Ravengard's efforts to rebuild the corrupted Flaming Fist and expresses that both he and his father are proud of each other.
If Wyll moved to Avernus with Karlach (and the player character if chosen), he notes how many cambions the two or three of them have slain and expresses his hope for Karlach to get her engine fixed and return to Faerûn for good. If he kept his contract with Mizora, he reveals that she's allowed him much more freedom as the Blade of Avernus, to his own surprise; he still mentions his next task of slaying a devil, but he's not afraid when the player character and Karlach have his back. If otherwise severed, he says he hopes to use Zariel's private forge to reverse engineer his sending stone eye so he can track Mizora and get his revenge on her later. He also shares about Duke Ravengard's efforts to rebuild the corrupted Flaming Fist and expresses that both he and his father are proud of each other.

===== Blade of Frontiers =====
===== Blade of Frontiers =====

Revision as of 06:29, 1 September 2024

The divine bard Milil stands at the centre of the party, surrounded by glowing ghostly instruments, and plays music for a feast.
The epilogue party.

Six months after the resolution of Confront the Elder Brain, the party will gather for an extended Epilogue sequence, which takes place at a suppertime gathering thrown by Withers at the Wilderness campsite. The gathering serves as an opportunity for all the Companions to reunite and share how they have been faring since parting ways, as well as to gain closure on the stories of each companion. The epilogue was added in Patch 5.

The epilogue sequence is tailored to the decisions made throughout the preceding playthrough and, as such, contains many variations. Major changes pivot around choices made during Confront the Elder Brain and the resolutions of each companion's Personal Quests. All player characters in the party at the time of the Brain's defeat attend in multiplayer games. Anyone who permanently died or otherwise left the camp during the playthrough will not attend the epilogue.


The epilogue takes place at night time in a unique instance of the Wilderness campsite. Tables and barrels overflowing with food and wine stretch across its east end, a bonfire burns in the center, and festive banners and flowers decorate the rocks throughout.

Potions of Animal Speaking can be found throughout, allowing the player character to Speak with Animals Speak with Animals if they do not naturally have the ability.[note 1]

Withers stands in the middle of an old vine-covered chapel. He is surrounded by alchemical equipment, an old stone sarcophagus, glowing crystals, and piles of books.
Withers in his reconstructed chapel.

Withers' workshop

The stone ruin in the southeast corner has been turned into a type of home/office for Withers. On the north wall lies a book-strewn desk topped with Scroll of Disintegrate, Scroll of Circle of Death, andVolo's Guide to Baldur's Gate (Signed). An alchemical altar sits against the eastern wall, next to The Book of Willing Souls. Lining the southern wall is his sarcophagus and an end table, upon which are two D20 dice named Divine Odds.[note 2]


Milil stands upon a central stone, surrounded by spiritual instruments, and provides music for the party. If passing a Religion check, Milil will be identified as the erstwhile minor deity of song, a recognition that provides him great joy. Milil acts as a jukebox, changing the song per the player character's requests. The song options are:

  • Can you play a pretty song, reminiscent of taverns and tales? - Plays "Ale of Balduran."
  • Something lively that encourages dancing would be perfect. - Plays "Bard Dance."
  • How about something thoughtful, hopeful? - Plays "New Light."
  • I'd like something that feels rich and warm. - Plays "Streets and Faces."
  • Something nostalgic and gentle would be ideal. - Plays "We Live Another Day."
  • Do you have any new compositions? Something that's never been heard before? - Plays "Endless Spring," a new song specific to the epilogue.

Companions will remark nostalgically about being back at the campsite through conversation and ambient banter.

Clothing Chest

A Clothing Chest at X: -511 Y: -498contains a vast number of dyes, camp clothes, shoes, and undergarments, allowing the player character to customize their outfit.

Chest of Grateful Words & Gazette bulletin board

X: -481 Y: -504 is home to a nook containing the Chest of Grateful Words and multiple editions of the Baldur's Mouth Gazette. Here, it is possible to quickly catch up on the developments of minor characters, who either send correspondence that can be found in the chest's inventory or make headlines on the posted editions of the Gazette. The headlines of the Gazette are modular, with some headlines being constant and others being affected by outcomes from the playthrough.[Needs Verification] For example:


Origin Character

The primary player character's behavior in the epilogue will differ significantly depending on the chosen Origin. The behaviour is also influenced by the party member(s) romanced and whether the player character became a Mind Flayer.

Illithid Transformation

Player characters who opted for the full Mind Flayer transformation will appear in their Mind Flayer form. The other attendees will still remark on their appearance but be happy to see them nonetheless. Like a non-illithid origin character, player characters still have the option to hug Gale Gale, Shadowheart Shadowheart, Karlach Karlach, and Halsin Halsin as well as kiss their romantic partner(s) as a Mind Flayer.

However, after catching up with the third companion, the player character will be struck with the urge to eat their brain[note 3]. A DC 15 Constitution check is required to repress the urge[note 4]; if failing or voluntarily giving in, the companion becomes hostile and Withers unceremoniously whisks the player character through a portal.

In fact, the Mind Flayer player character turns out to be quite a gourmand while estimating palatability traits of their former companions and, moreover, sometimes demonstrates a certain measure of humour:

  • About Astarion: "Astarion's sweet brain may be a bit less wrinkled that the rest, but you hunger for its teasing cells. His parietal lobe - which controls his sense of touch - will be an aphrodisiac in your maw."
  • About Gale: "You would save his temporal lobe for last, if you were to eat Gale. Language. Learning. Memory. He must have quite a fine example."
  • About Halsin: "Every time Halsin speaks of balance, your thoughts cannot behave. You only think of what cerebellum tastes like when it sends the signals to his vestibular system to keep him from wobbling."
  • About Jaheira: "Weary Jaheira. Over time, her stresses may have shrunk her hippocampus, making its taste more intense."
  • About Karlach: "You consider Karlach's brain stem - the stalk meant to regulate her body's temperature. Will it come pre-cooked?"
  • About Lae'zel: "Lae'zel's motor cortex - that which controls her fine movements - will be harshly disciplined. That will make her especially chewy - just how you like a cortex to be."
  • About Minsc: "There are cruel rumours spread, that Minsc may once have suffered injury to his brain. You could set the slander right at last - tell the world every bite was perfect."
  • About Minthara: "With all Minthara's hate, you wonder if her cerebro-spinal fluid will be bitter to sip."
  • About Shadowheart: "Think of Shadowheart's cerebellum, which controls her dextrous hands. Any ritual caster must have a tightly commanded hindbrain."
  • About Wyll: "Wyll's frontal lobe, which processes his judgement and measured words, would be a delicacy befitting his nobility."

Dark Urge

The appearance of the Dark Urge in the epilogue will vary depending on whether the Urge was embraced or rejected. The party plays out as normal if the Urge was rejected, but if it was embraced, the player character will not be able to interact with the party. Instead, a bloodsoaked Urge will stumble into the campsite from afar with insanity in their eyes, as Bhaal Bhaal has lived up to his promise to shred the character's mind if they didn't take over the Netherbrain. They contemplate killing all the other attendees in their sleep while licking Bloodthirst.



Astarion Astarion's behavior at the dinner party is determined primarily by the outcome of The Pale Elf The Pale Elf, namely whether or not he ascended after Cazador Szarr Cazador Szarr's death.

Vampire Spawn

If Astarion neither encountered Cazador nor spoke to the Gur in Act Three, he shares that he cannot walk in the sun or the streets in fear that Cazador might find him. He shares that he has returned to eating vermin and asks the player character to help him kill Cazador. If the player character agrees, Astarion responds that this means a great deal to him and that they can set off in the morning. If the player character refuses, Astarion remarks that he has always been alone and should not have expected that to change.

If Astarion did not confront Cazador but did reconcile with the Gur, he shares that they killed Cazador without much effort after tearing out his tongue. He shares that he has embraced living in the shadows, but he would like to live in the sun if an opportunity presents itself.

If Astarion did not ascend, he acts like his former self: flamboyant, energetic, and happy to be killing; however, he is now an adventuring vigilante who only kills people who deserve it. He has grown acclimated to living in the darkness, developing a renewed sense of self that inspires hope in people and is accepting of his own identity and nature. If the player character romanced Astarion and encouraged him to find a way to walk in the sun, he shares that he has been searching the world for one.

If the player character romanced Astarion, spared the spawn, and proposed that they lead the spawn together in the Underdark, Astarion shares that they have built a haven from abandoned ruins, that Cazador's palace has been burned down, and that all knowledge of the Rite of Profane Ascension has been lost.

Ambient chatter from Astarion in any outcome where he is a spawn has him bemoan that Withers has brought fine wine from all over the world but hasn't thought to bring any fresh blood. He goes on to try the reddest wines available, but none are blood.

Vampire Ascendant

If Astarion ascended, he shows up wearing an opulent blood-red suit and speaks more slowly with a venomous drip. He brags about his rising status as the city's "puppet-master" and generally looks down upon the player character. He can be challenged on his new behavior and compared to Cazador, but Astarion will brush these accusations off. Unlike other companions, the entire camp will always side with the player character if Astarion ascended and they (as an illithid) attempt to eat his brain, but Withers still triggers the bad ending after the fight.

If the player character romanced Astarion and remained with him as his spawn (or ally in the case of illithid transformation), he will ask them to talk with the other companions to gather information and share it with him later while he stays behind and drinks wine. He is surprised to hear that others are somehow achieving successes in life without his supervision, but he is not interested enough to engage in conversation with them himself.

Ambient chatter from Astarion as a vampire lord has him admit (albeit reluctantly) how nice the party is, admire himself in a hand mirror, react to all the wines brought by Withers, or turn into bat form and eavesdrop on other conversations but to no avail.


Gale Gale's presence and behavior at the party are determined primarily by the outcome of The Wizard of Waterdeep The Wizard of Waterdeep, namely whether he gave up the Crown of Karsus to Mystra Mystra, kept the Crown for himself to become a god, or sacrificed himself to destroy the Netherbrain.


If he did not keep the Crown, Gale returns to Waterdeep with Tara Tara as a professor at the Blackstaff Academy's School of Illusion. If he chose to return the Crown to Mystra, she cures him of his Netherese Orb; otherwise, if he left it hidden in the ocean, Mystra leaves the orb as a reminder of his former hubris but deactivates it so he can live in peace. In either version of the professor ending, Gale can be hugged during the player character's first conversation with him, he pretends the orb is still active in order to threaten his students when they behave poorly, and he asks the player character to come by the school at some point as a guest-lecturer for his class. Player characters of any class can accept (with or without their romantic partner) or gently decline, Sorcerers can comment that the Weave is dangerous and must be taken seriously, and Rangers can offer to teach the students about wilderness survival instead.

If the player character romanced Gale without giving him the Crown, the two arrive together as newlyweds. Gale is concerned about his appearance but thanks the player character for encouraging him to come to the party. If they stayed in Waterdeep, he asks the player character about their opinion of the town and remarks how much has changed since the party first met and how much he's missed everyone. Gale then sends the player character off so he's not tempted to keep them to himself all night, but he can be kissed goodbye first.

God of Ambition

If Gale decided to take the crown for himself, he arrives to the party as a god. He shares that he reforged the crown and used it to ascend to godhood but left Mystra to her magical domain, instead becoming the god of ambition. He has several temples already built in honor of him, and he promises that the player character is never out of his sight. Tara is unhappy with Gale's ascension, though, calling his change "distasteful".

Spectral Voice

If he used the Netherese Orb to destroy the Netherbrain, a magical projection of Gale called the Spectral Voice attends the party in his stead. This projection informs the player character that it was created by Gale in the event that he died and was beyond normal means of resurrection, and it passes on a letter containing a farewell message. If the player character romanced Gale while he was alive, they can attempt but fail to kiss the projection goodbye, and it remarks that it sees why Gale loved them so much. The Spectral Voice then vanishes, and Tara is saddened by his death.


Halsin Halsin does not have any major changes to his behavior or appearance at the party, but his dialogue is determined by whether the player character chooses to return to the former Shadow-Cursed Lands with him in his romance wrap-up scene.


If the player character has both romanced Halsin and moved in with him, he expresses concern about this being their first night away from Reithwin Town and asks if they regret choosing their quiet new life over adventuring. If the player character talks to him a second time, he practices several bear puns on the player character but apologizes for the children's sense of humor rubbing off on him.

Otherwise, after optionally sharing a hug (and a kiss if romanced), he talks of settling down in Reithwin and asks for a story from the player character to bring back to his hordes of adopted children. If the player character has romanced Halsin, they can joke that they would've asked him to read them stories and tuck them in. Also, if the player character went to Avernus with Karlach, Halsin says that he's glad their friendship with her has endured and can be used as a lesson for the children but that (if romanced) his heart will always be open to them when they get back. Before the player character leaves their first conversation, he gives them a Whittled Duck as a symbol of his joy to be back in their company, just as a duck returns home after migrating.

Ambient chatter from Halsin regardless of whether the player character stayed with him has him surprised Withers has brought so much food when he is mostly made of bone; he theorizes that Withers is living vicariously through everyone else's appetites. He also utters that he should exercise restraint with the alcohol, lest he lose his faculties and ruin the party's atmosphere as a wildshaped bear. He is very happy to be among old friends and in nature. Throughout the party, Halsin can be seen dancing to Milil's music, and he will also occasionally become Drunk Drunk—living up to his own worries by turning into a bear and stumbling dizzily or gorging fruit until the condition wears off.


Jaheira Jaheira's behavior at the dinner party is slightly different based on whether Minsc Minsc was convinced not to rely on her, which prompts her retirement.

In both of her endings, Jaheira talks of Baldur's Gate's reconstruction efforts and the roles her children, the Harpers, and Minsc have to play in it. She reveals Jord has joined the Harpers and is planning crop cycles in Wyrm's Crossing. Rion has temporarily joined the Flaming Fist, but she mostly spends her time incarcerating corrupt Fists. The player can ask her to join the Harpers and she will agree, even if they are a mindflayer. Otherwise, she asks the player character what "home" means to them, and they can answer with either Baldur's Gate, the campsite, Karlach (if they went to Avernus with her), their romantic partner, or nowhere because they prefer adventuring. She then dismisses herself to make sure no one tampers with the drinks. Jaheira has no ambient chatter during the party, but she can be seen practicing the flute or swaying/tapping along to Milil's music.

High Harper

If she remained the High Harper, Jaheira mentions that she has to house people and rebuild the Harper network. She shares that she has little love for Baldur's Gate but chooses to serve the city for her family.


If Minsc was convinced to be independent of her, Jaheira retires from the Harpers and settles down in Elerrathin's Home as a stay-at-home mother. She shares that she has done much more sitting down than she would like, she has been heavily involved in her children's lives, and they have proven themselves capable of restoring the city themselves. Jaheira confesses that she misses adventuring and that Baldur's Gate is, in fact, her home, but she remarks on how you only realize someplace is home once you leave it and look back. Talking to her a second time in this ending has her promise to stop writing so many letters back to the city—much to the player character's disbelief.


Karlach Karlach's behavior is determined primarily by the decisions made on the dock after defeating the Netherbrain and whether she became an illithid.

If she did not go to Avernus or become an illithid, Karlach does not show up because she is dead. Shadowheart, if alive, laments the lack of Karlach's presence, and a conversation with Withers reveals that she was not brought back because she did not want to return.


If Karlach became an illithid, she will appear as she did in the final battle. She talks slowly and airily, reporting that she still feels like herself but that eating brains has enriched her with lifetimes of additional thoughts and memories. She sustains herself through an arrangement with a healer for terminally-ill patients, who consent to donate their brains to her diet, and she is proud that their memories can live on through her.

Ambient chatter from Karlach as an illithid has her note that the reunion is a lovely occasion, but she'll soon get hungry. She expresses pity that mutton chops no longer interest or sustain her and reminds herself not to think about any of the local brains, lest she tempt herself.



Oh shit. Oh my gods! He wasn't kidding. Withers, you mad bastard, you brought us back!
Karlach excited to be out of Avernus
If she went to Avernus, Karlach's dialogue slightly varies based on whether Wyll and/or the player character accompanied her, but she is excited to have discovered a lead on permanently fixing her soul engine: blueprints for one of Zariel's secret forges. Her ambient chatter in this ending has her comment on how good it smells on the surface.


Lae'zel Lae'zel's behavior depends on the outcome of The Githyanki Warrior The Githyanki Warrior—namely whether she rejected or embraced Vlaakith Vlaakith; whether Orpheus Orpheus was freed or assimilated; and whether she flew back to the Astral Plane to wage war against Vlaakith or stayed in Faerûn.

If the Githyanki Egg was left in Lae'zel's possession, she speaks of the young man born of it, named Xan, in the care of allies.

If Lae'zel remained loyal to Vlaakith and accepted Ascension, she will not be present in the epilogue. Withers remarks when spoken to that githyanki Ascension is to be consumed by Vlaakith, and he cannot sense Lae'zel's presence.


If Lae'zel sides with Orpheus and departs with him to wage war (or alone if he became a mind flayer), she will appear at the party as a glowing Astral Projection. She recants the player character with tales of victory, her diplomacy mission to the githzerai, and her new appreciation for things other than battle.

In this ending, Xan is currently staying with the mages of Xamvadi'm.

Ambient chatter from Lae'zel as an Astral Projection has her relieved her projection is holding. She is glad to see Faerûn's skies again, having learned much during the adventure. She is especially pleased at the community and revelry happening on the eve of her victory against Vlaakith.


If Lae'zel sided with Orpheus but decided to stay in Faerûn, she launches a crusade to slay every Vlaakith-aligned githyanki outpost on the Sword Coast, and she invites the player character to join her in rooting out one of the last major strongholds in Chult.


Minsc Minsc's appearance and dialogue at the party depend on the outcome of Aid the Underduke Aid the Underduke and the subsequent conversation with Nine-Fingers Keene Nine-Fingers Keene.

Ambient chatter from Minsc in either ending has him impressed with the quality of meat Withers provided, though neither he nor Boo Boo knows where Withers sourced it.

Zhentarim Prisoner

If Minsc was not present for the conversation with Nine-Fingers, he refused to make amends with her, and/or the player character sided with the Zhentarim, he arrives looking worse for wear, decked in rags. Without knowing the gravity of his situation, he reveals that he has been kidnapped by the Zhentarim and was nearly about to be executed until Withers rescued him by spiriting him away for the party.

Berserker Lodge

If Minsc agreed to help the Guild as their "berserker lodge", he appears well-dressed and accompanied by a halfling from the Guild, Happy Hoarson Happy Hoarson, whom he was in the middle of terrorizing for looting corpses. Minsc commends the player character and their companions for being ideal heroic role models, the kind of people Happy should strive to be more like. He also says that he no longer sleeps in "that" sewer, instead having found a much nicer sewer to sleep in.

An additional line of ambient chatter from Minsc in this ending has him exclaim to Boo that Happy must be treated nicely if he is to reform.


Minthara Minthara's behavior at the party depends on whether the player character encourages her to stay in Baldur's Gate.

When spoken to in either ending, Minthara bemoans the party's lack of extravagance and asks if the player character regrets their decision not to control the Absolute. Ambient chatter from Minthara has her wryly suspect there have been other reunions to which she hasn't been invited, that all the heroes gathering together paints a target on the party for hostile attack, and that she is becoming accustomed to the taste of surface-grown plants.


If Minthara did not stay in Baldur's Gate, she reveals she's returned to the Underdark, despite being an apostate of Lolth, and is gathering like-minded individuals to reclaim her family house and wage war on the Spider-Queen.

Baldur's Gate

Otherwise, Minthara claims that Baldur's Gate needs new leadership that she's happy to provide. She shares that she has been scheming in the shadows and that the political intrigue has been enjoyable. She asserts that the people will learn from her or bow to her.


Shadowheart Shadowheart's behavior is determined by the outcome of Daughter of Darkness Daughter of Darkness—whether she rejected or embraced Shar Shar and whether her parents are alive or not. When the player character talks to Shadowheart for the first time, she will autonomously hug them (the only companion to do so) before commenting on the player character's improved physique.

Ambient chatter from Shadowheart in any ending has her pleased at the quality of wine Withers brought for the party before promptly wondering why the party had to scavenge food from barrels and crates during their adventure when Withers could've fed them. She then recalls a night where fourteen apples, some fish heads, and stale bread were served for dinner.

Mother Superior

If she became the Mother Superior, she mentions how the rebuilding of Baldur's Gate is all consuming but has led to many new recruits for Shar's following.


If Shadowheart rejected Shar but euthanized her parents, she embarks on a life of adventuring and slaying Sharran assassins, telling of visiting the House of the Moon in Waterdeep and sometimes of befriending an imp named Bing-Bong. If the player character married Gale, they can call her out for not visiting them while at the temple, but she admits that she didn't want to rope them in if a Sharran was hunting her and promises to visit Waterdeep again once it's safer. If the player character went to Avernus with Karlach and/or Wyll, she expresses interest in joining the group on their adventures once Karlach is finally able to return to Faerûn. She says that she still feels her parents' presence in moonmotes and looks forward to reuniting with them when she dies.



Four dogs, eight cats, nine chickens, six pigeons, four sheep, a milk cow named Daphne, a squirrel who's far too clever for her own good, and a wolf cub I found orphaned in some woods.
Shadowheart on her new pets

If Shadowheart both rejected Shar and saved her parents, she will have moved into a rustic cottage with her parents and an abundance of pets—one of which is an orphan wolf cub, revealing that she has overcome her lupophobia. If the player character gifts her the Armoured Owlbear in this ending, she can also be peer-pressured to make room for him in her cow's barn or even renovate her bedroom so she can have him as her bunkmate.

Talking to Shadowheart a second time in either ending where she rejected Shar has her share that she's been making hard ciders with apples of her own but that she's bored of doing it alone, and the player character can suggest she learns to juggle and/or starts a cider brewery. Talking to her a third time has her express her gratitude to Withers for watching over everyone's souls and keeping them alive for so long.


Wyll Wyll's behavior is determined by the outcome of The Blade of Frontiers The Blade of Frontiers—namely whether he was transformed into a devil, whether he became a Duke, and whether he remained a Warlock or escaped his contract. If freed of his contract, he arrives as a Ranger regardless of what class(es) he had during the events of the game.

Ambient chatter from Wyll in any ending has him enjoying the music, company, wine, and especially fresh air. He wishes the night could last forever. He can also occasionally be seen dancing to Milil's music with similar moves to his Act Two romance scene.

Grand Duke

If he became a Grand Duke in the city, he arrives at the party in splendid finery and tells the player character of his acclimation to the political intrigue of Baldur's Gate. He shares that the Council of Four has been disbanded. If Ulder Ravengard Ulder Ravengard lives, he has become Grand Duke of the Triad, Keeper of the Fist. If Ulder Ravengard died, Liara Portyr Liara Portyr has become Grand Duke of the Wilds, Sickle of Chult. If Florrick Florrick lives, she has become Grand Duke of the Crossing, The Face of Devotion. If Florrick died and Cordula Eltan Cordula Eltan lives, she has become Grand Duke of the Seatower, a Legacy Reborn. Wyll's official title is Grand Duke of the Wyrm, Heart of the Gate. If the player character romanced Wyll, he offers to nominate them as Grand Duke of the Coast, Doom of the Dead Three.

If left to serve his contract, he reports that Mizora is helping him rebuild the city, but he does not understand what she is planning.

Blade of Avernus

If Wyll was transformed by Mizora and chose not to become the Grand Duke, he becomes the Blade of Avernus; he arrives smelling of sulfur and dressed in spiky armor that he claims was made from the shattered bones of slain fiends. If he broke his contract but Karlach chose to die, he travels alone and shares that he has a lead on getting closer to claiming his revenge on Mizora. If Karlach died and Wyll continued to serve his contract, he reports that he still undertakes missions on Mizora's behalf and that his next quest has him tasked to slay a certain very powerful devil, though he cannot say more.

If Wyll moved to Avernus with Karlach (and the player character if chosen), he notes how many cambions the two or three of them have slain and expresses his hope for Karlach to get her engine fixed and return to Faerûn for good. If he kept his contract with Mizora, he reveals that she's allowed him much more freedom as the Blade of Avernus, to his own surprise; he still mentions his next task of slaying a devil, but he's not afraid when the player character and/or Karlach have his back. If otherwise severed, he says he hopes to use Zariel's private forge to reverse engineer his sending stone eye so he can track Mizora and get his revenge on her later. He also shares about Duke Ravengard's efforts to rebuild the corrupted Flaming Fist and expresses that both he and his father are proud of each other.

Blade of Frontiers

If Wyll never completed his personal quest or he was neither transformed by Mizora nor made a Grand Duke, he simply remains the Blade of Frontiers. He tells the player character about his recent exploits of slaying a dinosaur at Candlekeep, an "impossible lich," and a "whelp" of a dragon named Claugiyliamatar.

Camp Followers

Owlbear Cub

The Owlbear Cub Owlbear Cub's appearance and dialogue differ slightly depending on whether the player character completed The Hellion's Heart The Hellion's Heart and kept Dammon Dammon alive to upgrade him into an ally against the Netherbrain.

Armoured Owlbear

If the cub both became the fully grown Armoured Owlbear and survived the final battle, he shows up with the same appearance. He can be pet by the player character and told that they're glad he came, to which he becomes flustered. Asking what he's been up to with Speak with Animals Speak with Animals active has him share that he befriended a turtle, a cat, and a kraken but killed the kraken after it ate the cat, while asking without it shows him attempt to mimic his fight with the kraken but be mistaken for dancing.

Juvenile Cub

If the cub survived the events of the story but was not upgraded by Dammon, he still naturally grows up to a similar size on his own, but he lacks the enhanced strength or armor of his fully grown counterpart. He shares a similar story of befriending the same creatures, but since he wasn't strong enough to face the kraken, he was forced to run away in shame.

In either ending, the cub also reveals to Speak with Animals casters that that he was never actually invited, instead following the player character's pleasant smell to join the party. It's possible to suggest that he moves in with either Halsin, Shadowheart (if she rejected Shar), or the player character (if partnered with one or both of them), and both he and the corresponding companion will be delighted by any choice.


Scratch Scratch appears very much his old self, but his petting dialogue option changes to "Pet your old friend Scratch" and he requests to play fetch with the Astral Prism. If the player character uses Speak with Animals Speak with Animals, he shares that he moved to the city after the group parted ways and became best friends with a young girl named Mindy. The player character can tell Scratch they're glad he's doing well, and he responds that he believes they both always will.


Volo Volo attends the party, sharing with the player character how he has an upcoming book about the party's adventures. He is shameless about forging the player character's signature in order to get this book made.


Withers Withers remains in his private chapel away from the celebration. Talking to him and selecting "I think I've caught up with everyone. What comes next?" will trigger the good ending of the Epilogue, in which Withers gives a speech wishing the companions a life of love and well-being. The player character can then give a toast of their choice, ending the Epilogue and triggering the credits.

Other Attendees

Happy Hoarson

Happy Hoarson Happy Hoarson is a possible attendee brought to the party by Minsc if the latter made amends with Nine-Fingers Keene. When spoken to, he expresses concern that Boo might kill him.


Tara Tara participates in the party in all endings, wanting to meet the heroes with whom Gale saved Baldur's Gate. If he ascended to godhood, she remarks about how much she hates the change and invites the player character to meet his mother so the latter can hear about her son from someone who knew who he was before his ascension.

If Gale did not ascend to godhood, Tara invites the player character to come visit her and Gale and mentions that she'll send the invitation by pigeon, remarking that she once had a taste for them.

If the player character romanced Gale and accepted his marriage proposal, Tara commends them for keeping him busier than he's ever been but admits that she misses seeing him as much. The player character can either invite her over for tea after the party, reassure her that she's still part of their new life, or simply tell her to get over it; however, if the latter is chosen, she declares that they've made an enemy of her and will hiss at them if they try to talk to her again. The two can otherwise gossip about how messy Gale's study is before Tara shoos the player character away to the party, telling them they've earned it.


Raphael Raphael crashes the party if the player character signed his contract and gave the Crown of Karsus to him instead of Mystra. He also appears if Gale used the crown to ascend to godhood, but since he is driven by ambition—Gale's domain—the latter can spirit him back to the House of Hope, destroying his pride and preventing him from getting the crown altogether. Gale then says he needs to leave and prepare for the possibility of Raphael stealing it, but if the player character romanced him, he offers for them to join him and obtain the crown's power as well.

Bad Ending

If the player character ruins the vibe by killing an attendee or attempting to eat someone's brain as a mind flayer, Withers will unceremoniously bounce them from the party by sucking them through a portal; this immediately ends the Epilogue and triggers the end credits. The player can also damage and kill Withers himself for the first and only time in the game, but he will simply reform and bounce the player anyway.


  1. These potions were added in Hotfix 17 - 13:40, 16 October 2024 (CET). Prior to their addition, the player character would need to trade with or pickpocket Volo.
  2. Prior to Hotfix 17 - 13:40, 16 October 2024 (CET), these dice were discoverable using "Show Item Labels" but could not be examined, picked up, or otherwise interacted with.
  3. This works if the player character strikes a conversation with the same companion several times in a row, too.
  4. Inspiration from the completed playthrough carries over into the epilogue and can be used here.