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< Shadowheart
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Template:CompanionTab A collection of Shadowheart's remarks and overhead conversations with other characters.



  • What's next, I wonder?
  • My faith will guide me.
  • Wits and blades, always sharp.
  • I am ready.
  • I wonder what the next move is.
  • There is work to do.
  • Whatever comes, I'm ready.
  • Can't afford to stay idle.
  • What's next?
  • There's no time to waste.
  • I'm ready. Whatever it takes.
  • What am I to do?
  • My faith protects me.
  • Let's get on with it.
  • Hmm.
  • A long way to go still.
  • No time to dally.

Selected (in combat)

  • Can't give up. Not now.
  • My faith will protect me.
  • What should I do?
  • Darkness protect me.
  • Need to stay focused.
  • What's the plan?
  • I'm ready.
  • Can't afford to let up.
  • Got to keep fighting.
  • Talk to me.
  • Got to focus.
  • Can't give up.
  • Need to act fast.
  • Let's finish this.
  • Dark Lady, help me strike true.
  • Got to concentrate.
  • Ready.
  • Let's end this.

Selected (sneaking)

  • Ready, unseen.
  • Secrecy above all.
  • Cloak and dagger, my favourite.
  • I am ready.
  • Can't afford to stay idle.
  • I can't afford to fail.
  • I have to survive this.
  • Can't afford any mistakes.
  • There is work to do.
  • Whatever comes, I'm ready.
  • My faith protects me.
  • Darkness guide me.
  • What comes now?
  • I need to concentrate.
  • The mission has to come first.
  • What's next, I wonder?
  • Need to keep focused.

Selection spam

  • I wonder how I'll feel when I remember everything.
  • Strange. I've had more freedom this past while than my whole life...
  • Have to keep focused. Can't afford to get attached - to anyone.
  • If I succeed, maybe I'll be allowed a pet... ugh, stop being silly.


  • I must keep going.
  • Onward, in Her name.
  • Onward, in Shar's name.
  • On I go.
  • Onward.
  • No time to waste.
  • This way.
  • Got to press on.
  • Let's try this way.
  • Need to keep going.
  • Onward, then.
  • Got to keep moving.
  • No time for dallying.
  • Onward, ever onward.
  • I'll take this way.
  • Have to keep pushing.
  • I'll go this way.

Moving (in combat)

  • Onward.
  • On the move.
  • Got to press on.
  • On I go.
  • Moving.
  • Heading there.
  • Have to keep going.
  • On my way.
  • Got to move.

Moving (sneaking)

  • Darkness cloak me.
  • Quiet as a shadow.
  • Onward.
  • Need to press onward.
  • I see a way.
  • Off I go.
  • Hmm.
  • Need to tread softly.
  • Best step softly.
  • No time to dally.
  • Better tread carefully.


  • None shall see me.
  • Perfectly hidden.
  • Shar conceals me.
  • Unnoticed. Good.
  • Unseen. Perfect.
  • Darkness cloak me.
  • Calm and quiet, that's the way.
  • Unseen, as I was taught.
  • Keep low and quiet.
  • Quiet as a mouse.
  • Have to keep low.
  • Mustn't let anyone see.

Hiding (in combat)

  • Better hide.
  • Need to stay hidden.
  • Better avoid unfriendly eyes.
  • Hidden - for now.
  • Better to hide than fight, sometimes.
  • Can't attack what can't be seen.
  • Unnoticed - good.
  • Not the bravest strategy, I'll admit.
  • Need to keep out of sight.
  • Come find me, if you dare...
  • No need to fight fair.
  • Mustn't be seen.

At low health

  • A little help, please?
  • I'm not going to last much longer...
  • Fading fast. I need healing.

Attacked by party member

  • Stop that!
  • Watch it, oaf!

Can't fit in a small hole

  • I don't think I'll fit through there...

Can't fit in a tiny hole

  • No chance I'll fit through that.

Can't use an item

  • Can't use this right now.
  • Maybe not the right time.
  • I'll have to try this later.
  • No use. Not right now, at least.

Can't use an item while in combat

  • Not the right moment.
  • Not exactly an opportune moment.
  • Can't use this right now.
  • Better finish the fight first.

Finding a locked item

  • Locked. Better take a look around.
  • Won't open. Perhaps there's something nearby that can help.
  • No use. There must be a way to get this open nearby...
  • Locked tight. Better look for the means to get this open.

Attempting to pick a lock

  • Let's see what my touch can do.
  • A lock? How tempting.
  • I love the sound of lockpicking.

Looking at a globe

  • So many places. It'd take more than a lifetime to visit them all.

Looking at an astrolabe

  • So many worlds out there. You'd need a thousand lifetimes to see them all - more.

Looking into a mirror

  • Better stop gazing at myself before someone accuses me of vanity...
  • Not bad, all things considered.
  • I've looked worse. But I've definitely looked better.

Looking into a telescope

  • Useful for spying threats from afar, I suppose.

Succeeded Perception roll (trap)

  • A trap.
  • Best avoid that trap.
  • Looks like a trap there.

Succeeded Investigation roll

  • Hmm. What do we have here?
  • I wonder how long this went overlooked?
  • Something's here. Almost missed it.
  • What's this?
  • Hidden away - but not hidden well enough.

Succeeded Investigation roll (trap)

  • Looks like a trap. Best tread carefully.
  • A trap. Better give it a wide berth.
  • A trap. Better watch my step.

Identified a mimic

  • A shapeshifter, lying in wait. It won't get the drop on me.

Surprised by mimic

  • Bloody mimics. More fool me for taking things at face value.
  • Hells, you can't trust anything, can you?

After a Short Rest

  • I can keep going a little longer, now.
  • That helped.
  • A welcome rest.
  • Just a brief respite.

Upon reading Selûnite Prayer Book

  • Moonlight, guidance, tides... how fascinating. Consider me converted, Selûne

Location Remarks

  • (First time seeing a wolf) Oh, no. I hate wolves.

Act One


  • (Finding Lae'Zel caged by Tieflings) "A githyanki. She ought to be killed, here and now."
  • (Finding the dead goblins by the nautiloid) "Dead goblins over there. Worth checking for supplies maybe."
Bashing on the Chapel Door on the Ravaged Beach
  • "They can't hold forever. Come on!"
  • "Blessed Mother, smite the obstacles in my path."
  • "Bloody doors!"
  • "Why?! Why won't you just open?!"
  • (The skeletons reanimate) "Let them come. The darkness can be to our advantage."
  • (After skeletons have been defeated) "Fools. Rising from the dead just to protect some dusty old baubles."
  • (Offered Wyvern Poison by Nettie) "Wyvern poison. Never tried it, and I hope to keep it that way."
    • (reply)
    • "Better than ceremorphosis, at least. Hold onto it."
Harpy Nest
  • "Is that... singing? It's beautiful."

Blighted Village

  • (Upon finding the abandoned hopscotch game) "Looks familiar... did I play this once? Long ago...?"
  • (On picking up the Selunite Necklace) "Moon witch rubbish. How much time did some dimwitted artisan waste on that?"

The Risen Road

  • (The skeleton couple under the broken bridge leading to the road) "It's been a while since these two breathed their last."

Goblin Camp

  • (Approaching the Waypoint) "Selune's markings... she was worshipped here, once. Her patronage couldn't spare this place from goblins, clearly. Heh."
  • (Approaching the statues near the Waypoint) "A disgusting waste of stonecraft."

Act Two

Shadow-Cursed Lands

  • (After encountering a pixie) "We do get to see some interesting things. Almost makes the mortal peril worth it. Almost."

Thisobald Thorm

Gauntlet of Shar

  • (Approaching the entrance to the Grand Mausoleum) "Sigils... attempts to restrain Lady Shar's power, perhaps. Failed attempts."
  • (Approaching one of the bone piles) "All these bones. Seems there's been a graverobber at work here, and an artful one at that."
  • (Approaching Ketheric Thorm's sarcophagus) "There's more to this place, I can feel it, something is near..."
  • (Approaching the broken Mirror of Loss) "This mirror... it's so familiar. I've stood before one like it before. Felt its magic. What did it do...?"

Act Three

Lower City

  • (Passing graffiti on the side of Elerrathin's Home) "That graffiti... it almost looks like it was done in my hand. Did I do this?"

Graveyard (Lower City)

  • (Interacting with Allistar Marnley's Grave) "Odd... I can't help but feel a twinge of sorrow at this grave. But why? Who is this?"
    • (Placing a Night Orchid at Allistar Marnley's Grave) "My favourite. A kind touch, thank you."

Cloister of Sombre Embrace

  • Sharran
    • (Infiltration Training) "All these disguises...we were taught that Lady Shar's warriors had to be able to hide in plain sight, wherever we went... I think this was my favourite part - losing myself in here. Being someone else, even just for a while."
    • (Interrogation Training) "I learned how to inflict pain here, for Lady Shar. I can't remember the faces...but I think I can still hear the screams. A disquietening place...but you must inflict pain in order to end pain. Lady Shar's embrace can soothe all mortal torments."
    • (Approaching the main chamber) "The Mother Superior raised all of this from nothing, in secret. It took years. Soon it'll be mine. And with Lady Shar's blessing, it will become even greater."
    • (Chamber of Loss) "Prisoners...? Is this my final task for Lady Shar?"
  • (Bookshelves in the Dormitory) "These are all about me...forty years of my life, documented like I was some sort of specimen."
  • (Opening Jewelery Box) "Mother Superior's jewels - a gift from the queen of Suldanessellar...I suppose they're mine now. Curious. I could never tell if she was proud of them or not."
  • (Picking up Shar Headwear) "A dark Justiciar helm. I wanted one of my own so badly...and the Mother Superior would always deny me."
  • (Entering the Night Orchid Cave) "My old haunt. Strange...I don't remember it, but its comforting to be here."

Party Banter

Shadowheart Approval.png Shadowheart and Astarion Astarion Approval.png

  • Shadowheart: You know what I really miss about Baldur's Gate? The food. Freshest fish I've ever had.
  • Astarion: I don't care for fish. Red meat - now that's a different matter. Rare as can be... dripping.
  • Shadowheart: Well unless we find a cure you won't have any teeth to chew it with soon enough.

(If Astarion hasn't admitted to being a vampire)

  • Shadowheart: Do you have someone waiting for you in Baldur's Gate, Astarion? A sweetheart perhaps?
  • Astarion: Not one in particular. The city is a veritable feast of sweethearts.
  • Shadowheart: You must be eager to get back then. Slimmer pickings out in this wilderness.

(If Astarion has admitted to being a vampire)

  • Shadowheart: Do you have someone waiting for you in Baldur's Gate, Astarion? A sweetheart perhaps?
  • Astarion: No sweethearts, no. I prefer them savoury.
  • Shadowheart: This is what I get for trying to strike up conversation.

  • Shadowheart: So, Astarion. Which of us would you rather feed on? If you had free rein?
  • Astarion: Ah! Wyll. No question. He's strong, fast, and righteous. I'm salivating already.
  • Shadowheart: Hmm... Interesting.
  • Astarion: You sound disappointing. I'll bite you if you ask.
  • Shadowheart: I'm sure you would. Don't sound so eager.

  • Shadowheart: So. A vampire spawn and a monster hunter in the same group. We're not going to have trouble, are we?
  • Astarion: Excuse me? Since this tadpole, I'm barely a monster at all.
  • Astarion: I just want to survive, same as you.
  • Wyll: I don't see a problem, as long as mister fang there keeps his appetite in check.

(In the Underdark)

  • Shadowheart: Such depths to the shadows... I don't care what others says about the Underdark - it's beautiful down here.
  • Astarion: I'm used to a crypt's gloom. This is something else.

(Areas before entering Rosymorn Monastery)

  • Shadowheart: I didn't exactly dress for hiking mountains. Shame we couldn't procure some pack mules, or horses.
  • Astarion: Horses? Perish the thoughts - those ill-tempered beasts are prone to biting.
  • Shadowheart: Well, so are you, but we keep you around, don't we?

(In the Gauntlet of Shar)

  • Astarion: I do like it down here. It's nice. Homey.
  • (If Shadowheart's allegiance has been revealed)
    • Shadowheart: This is a dedication to my goddess' power and dark beauty. Homey is not the first word that comes to mind.
  • (If Shadowheart's allegiance hasn't been revealed)
    • Shadowheart: This temple is positively dripping with power and dark beauty - is homey truly the first word that springs to mind.

(In Reithwin Tollhouse)

  • Shadowheart: I have to ask, Astarion. Do people taste different from one another, when you feed?
  • Astarion: It all depends. A clean neck certainly helps.
  • Shadowheart: Come on, you know I'm talking about their blood.
  • Astarion: Of course, there are different vintages. Young noble is wonderful if you can get it, but crone has its charms too.

(In the House of Healing)

  • Astarion: It's a long time since I was in a house of healing. Gods, it's depressing.
  • Shadowheart: I suppose you don't have much use for hospitals... unless you're seeking to steal their blood stock.
  • Astarion: True, although I don't heal as fast as I used to. The one downside to the tadpole, I suppose.
  • Shadowheart: The one downside? I think you might have stopped the count too soon...

(At The Counting House)

  • Shadowheart: I don't suppose you really have much use for gold, do you, Astarion?
  • Astarion: It's not required, but it is nice to have. It buys any number of ways to keep life interesting.
  • Shadowheart: Go on then, coyness isn't in your nature. What would you do with unlimited funds?
  • Astarion: Let's just say blood tastes better from a gold goblet, and silk bedsheets improve any night-time activity.

(At Cazador's Palace)

  • Shadowheart: So, Astarion. Vampire dens - what should I expect?
  • Astarion: Vampires would be a safe bet.
  • Shadowheart: Hilarious. You belong on stage - perhaps the bloodstained sort, with a hooded man standing by, axe in hand.
  • Astarion: So long as there's a cheering crowd. As for vampire dens, I'd brace your nose. They can be very... organic.

(Outside Philgrave's Mansion)

  • Shadowheart: A distinct whiff of undeath to this place... though curious, I can't say I've ever noticed the same about you, Astarion.
  • Astarion: My 'whiff' is very faint, thank you - nothing a little bergamot, rosemary, and a hint of aged brandy can't hide. It's the perfect olfactory disguise for a corpse. Honestly, I missed my calling as a perfumer.
  • Shadowheart: You've clearly thought this through a great deal. I'm impressed and appalled in equal measure.

Shadowheart Approval.png Shadowheart and Gale Gale Approval.png

  • Shadowheart: They were tenacious. I wonder what they wanted here - other than bloodshed.
  • Gale: A taste of goblins to come, I fear. There must be a horde nearby.

  • Shadowheart: You seem to know a good deal about our condition, Gale.
  • Gale: Everything, really - not to put too fine a point in it.
  • Shadowheart: A humble specimen, aren't you?
  • Gale: On occasion.

  • Shadowheart: Still no symptoms?
  • Gale: No signs of tentacles so far.
  • Shadowheart: The same... except for a knot of worry in my stomach that's in no rush to go away.
  • Gale: That I can relate to.

  • Shadowheart: What did you mean before, Gale? 'A woman with shadows for eyes', you said.
  • Gale: Merely that if the eyes are the mirror to the soul, yours have dark curtains across the mirror. No offense taken, I hope?
  • Shadowheart: Not necessarily. I haven't made my mind up about you yet.

(Referring to Gale's mention of Shadowheart during his recruitment scene.)

  • Shadowheart: You seemed quite forward with your compliments earlier. We'd only just met.
  • Gale: Seize the day, I say. More now than ever.
  • Shadowheart: Careful you don't pull a muscle in your haste.

(at Sorcerous Sundries)

  • Gale: My, my. Well I'll say this for the Bonecloaks - they know their mushrooms.
  • Shadowheart: Perhaps they should expand their horizons - too much time obsessing over fungi seems to leave a bit... well, like them.
  • Gale: A by-product of their profession. Few can spend a lifetime inhaling fungal spores without turning out a bit muddled between the ears.

(At the Blushing Mermaid)

  • Shadowheart: Not too downmarket of an establishment for you I hope, Gale?
  • Gale: Not at all. Why, some of the finest artists and musicians began their careers amidst stale beer and sticky floors.
  • Gale: There is poetry to be found in even the dingiest of holes.
  • Shadowheart: Remind me to not attend any poetry recitals with you.

(After opening and entering the stone door way, east of the Temple of Bhaal waypoint)

  • Shadowheart: Why must the Dead Three be so obvious and ugly with their decor? Blood and bones. Bones and blood. Pointy nonsense. At least Shar had some panache.
  • Gale: As did Mystra's home on Elysium. Her ribbed vaults and buttresses created a magic entirely of their own. Not to mention her pleasure domes...
  • Shadowheart: Heh. 'Pleasure dome'.
  • Gale: It's a perfectly legitimate architectural feature!

Shadowheart Approval.png Shadowheart and Karlach Karlach Approval.png

(In Blighted Village)

  • Shadowheart: The whole village is falling to pieces. These goblins aren't exactly house-proud, as occupiers go...
  • Karlach: Wouldn't blame the gobs. Place looks like it's been abandoned a good while. But hey, maybe we can scare up a few dusty bottles of wine somewheres.
  • Shadowheart: I like your way of thinking. Split any takings we find?
  • Karlach: Sister, you've got a deal.

(In Sunlit Wetlands)

  • Karlach: Hey! Something bit me.
  • Shadowheart: Just an insect - I'm sure you'll survive. Besides, it probably figured you for a tasty treat.
  • Karlach: Give me an aboleth over a midge any day.

(In Grymforge)

  • Shadowheart: This place is hard to bear. I hope we're able to continue on our way before too long.
  • Karlach: I know what you mean. Everyone is so... unhappy.
  • Shadowheart: Oh. Well I meant more the molten rock and plunging chasm, but yes, the folk leave something to be desired as well.
  • Karlach: Present company excluded, of course?
  • Shadowheart: Oh hush, you. Stop fishing for compliments.

  • Karlach: Since you're the only one in good form out here, I'll trust you to lead the way, Shadowheart.
  • (If Shadowheart remains devoted to Shar)
    • Shadowheart: It's a deal, so long as you watch my back.
  • (Otherwise)
    • Shadowheart: Actually... I've been stripped of that particular advantage. But I will forge ahead, nonetheless.
  • Karlach: Atta girl.

(In the Mason's Guild)

  • Shadowheart: I love a nice secret hideaway, don't you?
  • Karlach: I mean... I guess.
  • Shadowheart: You can just fill it with supplies, seal up the hidden entrance, and tuck yourself away from the world...
  • Karlach: Whatever you say, squirrelheart.

(Outside of the Elfsong Tavern)

  • Karlach: I wouldn't mind doing a little shopping in the city.
  • (If Shadowheart remains devoted to Shar)
    • Shadowheart: Lady Shar teaches us to abhor superficialities like fashion... though the city does have some fine boutiques. After a new look?
  • (otherwise)
    • Shadowheart: Same. I think I may have overdone it with the black and purple for, oh, my entire life? Your look serves you well though.
  • Karlach: I'm ten years behind; don't want the youths to think I'm not, you know, up with the times.

(In Bloomridge Park)

  • Karlach: Huh. There's something going on here. I don't like it.
  • Karlach: Careful. I smell an ambush.
  • Shadowheart: Are you sure it's not the flowers you're smelling? You may be allergic.
  • Karlach: Oof. Karlach and explosives, not a good mix.
  • Shadowheart: Let's take things nice and gently - I'd rather not blow up, if it's all the same.

Shadowheart Approval.png Shadowheart and Lae'zel Lae'zel Approval.png

  • Shadowheart: So, gith. Aren't you worried your kind will punish you for consorting with us?
  • Lae'zel: My name is Lae'zel, k'chakhi.
  • Lae'zel: And my kin will understand my need for servants. They will help you, but only if I ask.

  • Shadowheart: Do you think your kin search for you, Lae'zel?
  • Lae'zel: I know they do not. It is my responsibility to cleanse myself.
  • Shadowheart: They pursued the nautiloid. Perhaps they were trying to free you.
  • Lae'zel: A vain notion. I am one of many and will not be a burden to my Queen.

  • Shadowheart: I'll be keeping an eye on you, understand?
  • Lae'zel: If I choose to kill you, you will not even see it.

  • Shadowheart: Lae'zel, how would you punish someone who wronged you?
  • Lae'zel: Wrong me how?
  • Shadowheart: Oh, say, murder. Or Theft.
  • Lae'zel: Killing is good - it culls the weak. But theft would be paid for painfully, a thousand times over.
  • Shadowheart: Hmm. Good to know.

  • Shadowheart: What if this créche doesn't work out, Lae'zel? What if your kin fail you?
  • Lae'zel: If I can reach the créche, my kin will provide - any failure will be mine alone.
  • Shadowheart: If you say so. Just don't expect me to put all my eggs in the same basket.
  • Gale: that expression must sound curious to a githyanki ear, given the way they're birthed.

(Entering Selûnite Outpost, or leaving the Storeroom)

  • Shadowheart: Careful Lae'zel, it's dark around here. Would be a terrible shame to lose you forever.
  • Lae'zel: Yes, do keep your wits, Shadowheart. Should a dagger suddenly slice your neck, we may never know who's to blame.

Shadowheart Approval.png Shadowheart and Wyll Wyll Approval.png

  • Shadowheart: I saw you training those children. You were so gentle! That's... not how I was taught.
  • Wyll: Cruel words strengthen neither heads nor hearts, Shadowheart.
  • Shadowheart: I wouldn't quite say that - I learned the lesson, after all.
  • Wyll: And came to resent your tutor, I bet. I taught them to fight - not to hate.

  • Shadowheart: Have you wondered what people will say, Wyll? When they find out the monster hunter is becoming a monster.
  • Wyll: I've faced countless perils and conquered them all. This will be no different.
  • Shadowheart: I've always had a soft spot for the confident ones...
  • Shadowheart: They always disappoint though.

  • Shadowheart: So Wyll, what was the Blade of Frontier's toughest kill?
  • Wyll: Ah - it was a great scrap. A hungry minotaur with hankering for human flesh.
  • Wyll: An axe-bearing mountain of fur, she was. Gave me a nasty scar.
  • Shadowheart: Hm, you'll have to show it to me sometime.

  • Shadowheart: So. Wyll with a 'y' - why?
  • Wyll: 'Y', that's right.
  • Shadowheart: But why?
  • Wyll: Why 'y'? A great-uncle's name, my father said. But I just figured he couldn't spell.

(After visiting the Temple of Shar)

  • Wyll: What's your gripe with Selûne anyway, Shadowheart?
  • Shadowheart: She betrayed her sister and ruined the balance of things.
  • Shadowheart: Imagine turning on those who love you for you own glory...

(In the Mason's Guild)

  • Shadowheart: All this stonework has me thinking - would you ever want a statue of yourself, Wyll?
  • Wyll: It seems a rather... vain notion to me. But I can't say I haven't thought about it. How about you?
  • Shadowheart: I suppose it might be nice to be remembered - though I'd be less keen on having birds perching on my head for evermore.
  • Wyll: Think of the... er... mess they'd make. Well - better your statue's head than your own.

(At the Basilisk Gate)

  • Shadowheart: A gallows? Nooses are for amateurs - that's what I was taught in the Grotto. Do you know how badly those things can go wrong?
  • Wyll: I'd rather not think of it, Shadowheart...
  • Shadowheart: You could strangle them by accident, use too much rope and break their legs... and if it goes really badly, you could wrench their heads right off.
  • Wyll: What a picture you paint. Quite detailed, quite colourful. Quite unnecessary.

(Area South of Lady Jannath's Estate)
  • Shadowheart: Amazing how the city can seem almost peaceful at times, knowing all that goes on out there.
  • Wyll: 'All that goes on'?
  • Shadowheart: Consider the numbers. Someone out there must be having the worst day of their life. Robbed, evicted, widowed, who knows? No wonder Shar thrives, with such misery...
  • Wyll: If that's true, then so must the be the opposite: there are people out there celebrating their lives' best moment.
  • Wyll: A wedding to their betrothed, a new baby, a windfall... the taste of an exquisite pudding....
  • Shadowheart: Fiend worship... I'm not trying to pick a fight, Wyll. But it really seems like a blatantly ill-advised idea.
  • Wyll: It's the furthest thing from my mind. Besides, Shadowheart - not all fiends are cut from the same scorched cloth.
  • Shadowheart: How do they differ, then? The number of horns? The exact timbre of their evil laugh?
  • Wyll: Could be most anything. Their willingness to torment their travel partners with wisecracks, for example.

(In Bloomridge Park)

  • Wyll: Spent a lot of time in this park as a boy battling imaginary monsters.
  • Shadowheart: So before you were Blade of the Frontiers, you were Pointy Stick of the Park? How did the imaginary monsters compare with the real thing?
  • Wyll: The monsters of my play-fights were strong, vicious. Trolls with hulking muscles, werewolves with sharpened fangs.
  • Wyll: But the greatest villains I've faced as the Blade? They look more like you and me than they do the beasts of my fantasies.

(Entrance to Water Queen's House)

  • Shadowheart: Umberlee - a brutal goddess, from what I understand. Without even the slightest touch of subtley to her.
  • Wyll: Subtley isn't exactly your forte, given how you've strolled about wearing a circlet inset with Shar's symbol.
  • (If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar)
    • Shadowheart: That's different. You'd be surprised how easily Lady Shar can hide in plain sight. People go around blinkered, caught up in their own lives.
    • Shadowheart: Besides... it suits me.
  • (If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar)
    • Shadowheart: You'd be surprised how people can miss what's in plain sight. I missed the fact that Shar was deceiving me. Besides, I have a new look now. Suits me, I think.
  • Wyll: On that matter, you'll hear no argument from me.

Shadowheart Approval.png Shadowheart and Minthara Minthara Approval.png

(in Reithwin Town)

  • Shadowheart: This place was ruined rather thoroughly. I'm starting to forget what a habitable village looks like.
  • Minthara: Your Sharran kin are responsible for this ruin. They purged these lands even before the shadow curse, and pillaged all they could find.
  • (If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar)
    • Shadowheart: No... this must have been due to the battle. Lady Shar's warriors would have little interest in looting...
    • Minthara: Come, Shadowheart. Do you think prayers alone can keep an army on the march?
    • Shadowheart: Even those devoted to loss fill their pockets and bellies when the chance arises.
  • (If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar)
    • Shadowheart: Not my kin - not any longer. Their past deeds are not my responsibility.

(at Sorcerous Sundries)

  • Minthara: I must admit, some of the items here are quite marvellous.
  • Shadowheart: Baldur's Gate prices, though. Not worth it, if you ask me.
  • Minthara: I shall be careful not to ask you then, child.

Shadowheart Approval.png Shadowheart and Halsin Halsin Approval.png

  • Halsin: Once, you could hear nature's symphony in this place. Now it is quiet. Quiet and dead.
  • Shadowheart: I can make some animal noises, if it'll make you feel more at home.
  • Halsin: You bleat well enough as it is.

Shadowheart Approval.png Shadowheart and Jaheira Jaheira Approval.png

(If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar)

  • Jaheira: Tell me, Shadowheart - how does Shar's favour feel? Does it fill you up, bring you joy?
  • Shadowheart: A nice vintage or a comfortable bed bring me joy. This is much more than that. This brings me purpose.
  • Jaheira: So humbly spoken. Perhaps you are a different breed than the last Mother Superior.
  • Shadowheart: Time shall tell. At the very least, I can learn from her mistakes.

(If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar)

  • Jaheira: Shadowheart. You should know - Viconia was not half so heartless as she liked to appear.
  • Shadowheart: I knew her well enough. You might have travelled with her for a time, but she trained me. What's your point?
  • Jaheira: Only that I find it hard to believe that she could have raised you, and felt nothing for you.
  • Shadowheart: Perhaps she took some pride in her work, forming me to Shar's liking. She certainly relished wielding the rod..
  • Shadowheart: ... but who knows. Perhaps someone else made her that way, as she tried to do to me.

(At Wyrm's Crossing)

  • Jaheira: Wyrm's Crossing. This place has been a haven, when Harpers were less than welcome in the city proper.
  • (If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar)
    • Shadowheart: It is always wise to have another redoubt, another escape route. Though I assumed your lot's antics would have secured you the love of the masses.
  • (If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar)
    • Shadowheart: Seems hard to imagine your efforts haven't always been appreciated.
  • Jaheira: Oh, a Harper does not go in for public acclaim. We work in shadow and secrecy, tragically unacknowledged by the ungrateful herd.
  • (If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar)
    • Shadowheart: Lady Shar's children toil similarly... but we know there is no need to seek the favour of others. Our lady's love is all we need.
  • (If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar)
    • Shadowheart: Hmph, sounds familiar.

(At the Morphic Pool)

  • Jaheira: And now another 'final' battle. This small band has gone further than any army could have in its place.
  • Shadowheart: You didn't seek to gather the Harpers for one last charge? Fodder for heroic ballads yet to be written, perhaps.
  • Jaheira: Not at all - Harpers fight dirty. A well-timed strike, with the knowledge of just where to place it, and suddenly superior numbers count for nothing.
  • (If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar)
    • Shadowheart: You must have been following the example of Lady Shar's children then - they do say imitation is a form of flattery.
  • (If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar)
    • Shadowheart: Sounds much like the Sharrans - hopefully that's where the similarities end.

Shadowheart Approval.png Shadowheart and Minsc Minsc Approval.png

  • Shadowheart: Hey Minsc, what was it like, being a statue?
  • Minsc: Dark. Lonely. Helpless.
  • Shadowheart: The dark is Shar's domain. You wouldn't have been lonely if you embraced her.
  • Minsc: Evil! Never!

  • Shadowheart: Hey Minsc, How do you judge what's evil?
  • Minsc: Enough trick questions! Evil is clearly evil.
  • Shadowheart: Am I evil? You called my goddess so.
  • Minsc: If I decide you are evil, my blade will inform you of the fact.

  • Minsc: Shadowheart. I saw you pluck Boo from the ground, when you thought no one was watching.
  • Minsc: It pleases you, to hold him? And you have truly cleansed yourself of Shar?
  • Shadowheart: I suppose you're right. On both counts.
  • Minsc: HMMMMMMMM. Then for one day only, you may carry him in your pocket. So long as it is clean. Padded. Well-aired.
  • Minsc: And full of nuts!

  • Minsc: Boo will not permit himself to be held by you any longer, Shadowheart.
  • Minsc: He fears you will sacrifice him in some Sharran ritual of dark oils and leather.
  • Shadowheart: Oh, he's far too precious for that. I'll go find a comely barmaid or guardsman instead.