List of features that work in Wild Shape

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Unfortunately most equipment, many feats, and some class passives do not work while in Wild Shape. Note that this does NOT mean all these features should work with Wild Shape- some aren't supposed to work due to the rules of 5th Edition D&D. However, some of them act inconsistently (e.g. some feats that add +1 STR or +1 DEX do carry over to Wild Shape, while others do not). This list clarifies what works and what does not work.

Works in Wild Shape

Partially works in Wild Shape

  • Some Feats:
    • Athlete (Passive effects work but the +1 STR or DEX does not).
    • Durable Durable (Gives the additional +1 CON and full heal but the increased CON does not change the HP of wild shape forms).
    • Mage Slayer Mage Slayer (Only the passives work, not the reaction).
    • Tavern Brawler Tavern Brawler (It works properly in Explorer, Balanced, and Tactician difficulty but does not give the bonus to damage rolls in Honour mode. The additional +1 STR or CON works in all difficulties but +1 CON will not change the HP of Wild Shape forms).
      • Requires a Wild Shape with unarmed attacks (i.e. all of them except Circle of the Moon's Myrmidon forms).
    • War Caster War Caster (Only the passives work, not the reaction).
  • Shapeshifter Hat (The +1 Nature bonus disappears in Wild Shape but the extra charge works).
  • Mutilated Carapace (The +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls works, but the AC bonus and advantage on deception and persuasion checks does not).

Does not work in Wild Shape