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Filro can be encountered near the Sussur Tree in the Underdark. He is hostile toward the party from the start and fights alongside the Hook Horrors, that patrol around the Sussur Tree. Filro holds the Icy Crystal, one of the three pieces required to rebuild the powerful
Mourning Frost.
He can be spoken to with .
Xargrim, Filro, and Dhourn were trying to find the Adamantine Forge somewhere within the Underdark. Filro was tasked with learning about any defense mechanisms within the forge and learned of a guardian of the forge that could be injured while it was in magma, and that was vulnerable to a "hot hammer".
Abandoned by his companions after they turned on each other, Filro was found by a pack of Hook Horrors who took him in and cared for him.
Speak with Dead
Party member: Who are you?
- Filro: Filro... forgotten... forsaken...
Party member: You lived among these creatures?
- Filro: My pack... found me... fed me... gnome flesh...
Party member: How did you come to be here?
- Filro: Chasing... mystery... riddle... lie... the Adamantine Forge...
- Party member: The Adamantine Forge - what is that?
- Filro: Workshop... of great Silouv... Yali...
- Filro: Artefacts... beyond price...
- Party member: Where would I find this forge?
- Filro: Location... was Dhourn's task... I learned... of the Guardian...
- Party member: What's the 'Guardian'?
- Filro: Protector... of the Adamantine Forge...
- Filro: Born... from hellish heat... in hellish heat... destroyed...
- Party member: What's the 'Guardian'?
- Filro: Location... was Dhourn's task... I learned... of the Guardian...
- Party member: Who is this Dhourn your records mention?
- Filro: Friend... enemy... like Xargrim
- Party member: The Adamantine Forge - what is that?
Party member: The glowing tree - what is it?
- Filro: It... stills the Weave... protects me from... the others...
- Party member: What others?
- Filro: Xargrim... Dhourn...
- Filro: Three seek... Adamantine Forge... only one of us... may find...
- Party member: What others?
If the party killed the nearby Hook Horrors, the party member must pass a check first before Filro will answer any questions:
- [DECEPTION] You're confused. I would never harm something as beautiful as your beloved. (DC 20)
- [PALADIN OF KELEMVOR] [CLERIC OF KELEMVOR] [PERSUASION] If you wish to see your beloved in the afterlife, I can smooth the way. (DC 10)
- [WARLOCK] [SORCERER] [INTIMIDATION] You are in my power. I do not ask, I command. (DC 15)
Attacks and abilities
- Hook Horror - 3x
Encounter details
Filro will use the the height advantage he has among the cliffs and roots to throw down debilitating spells onto intruders for the monstrosities to pick off. He favors casting to make his enemies fall , leaving them open for a Hook Horror's deadly . Grouping up near him on the high ground can also lead to a lethal outcome if he uses his to shove party members off the cliff.
If the Bulette is still alive when the party begins the fight with Filro and the Hook Horrors, then it has a chance of burrowing out of the ground to join the combat. Its passive leads to it attacking the Hook Horrors before going after the party.
Filro has low Wisdom and Charisma, making him weak to spells with such Saving Throws. A well aimed can also instantly kill him via fall damage or by knocking him into a chasm, though in the latter case the Icy Crystal he carries would be lost.
The party can also consider not fighting the Bulette until it makes its appearance during this fight. The Bulette and Hook Horrors will deal good damage to each other, potentially weakening all of them enough for the party to kill them.
Also, if Sovereign Glut is an Attached Follower, he can use his Animating Spores ability to revive a Hook Horror as a "Spore Servant", letting you use their powerful natural abilities against the other Horrors and the insane wizard.
Related literature
Related quests
- If killing Filro before encountering Dhourn, the party can tell Dhourn that they killed Filro instead of discussing the Adamantine Forge. If successfully deceiving Dhourn that Filro had nothing of note, combat with Dhourn can be avoided entirely.
- Filro can be heard singing a song to himself before he is approached and triggers combat. The lyrics are: "The Bitch Queen shan't take me, my joy, ahoy / Bellows and swallows, my joy, ahoy / Melinda, my true love, my true love, my true... / Where have you got to, my darling, my joy"
External links
Filro on the Forgotten Realms Wiki