Main Page > Character Creation
"Who are you?"
When you start a New Game, you will create your character in the Character Creation screen. You can choose to play as an Origin Character or create a custom one.
Below are detailed descriptions of every aspect of Character Creation.
Select Origin
Select Background
Your history and what shapes you as a person.
Acolyte | Charlatan |
Criminal | Entertainer |
Folk Hero | Guild Artisan |
Hermit (Not in EA) | Noble |
Outlander | Sage |
Soldier | Sailor (Not in EA) |
Urchin |
Playable Races
Select Race
Your lineage and innate abilities.
See also: Races
Dragonborn (Not in EA) | Drow |
Dwarf | Elf |
Githyanki | Gnome |
Half-Elf | Half-Orc (Not in EA) |
Halfling | Human |
Tiefling |
Playable Classes
Select Class
What you can do and the potential to grow as an adventurer.
Barbarian | Bard |
Cleric | Druid |
Fighter | Monk (Not in EA) |
Paladin | Ranger |
Rogue | Sorcerer |
Warlock | Wizard |
Select Skills
Your talents and abilities to interact or adapt with the world’s surroundings.
- Choose 2 to 4 Skills to be proficient in, based on your class and background choices.
Acrobatics | Arcana |
Athletics | Animal Handling |
Deception | History |
Insight | Investigation |
Intimidation | Medicine |
Nature | Perception |
Performance | Persuasion |
Religion | Sleight Of Hand |
Stealth | Survival |
Ability Scores
Assign Ability Points
Your physical and mental attributes. They affect most of your rolls.
Strength | Dexterity | Constitution |
Intelligence | Wisdom | Charisma |
Baldur's Gate 3 uses the Point Buy system, with 27 points available to spend on your ability scores. The following rules apply during Character Creation:
- You may not reduce any ability score below 8
- You may not increase any ability score above 15 (before bonuses from your race)
- Each ability score increase (before bonuses from your race) up to 13 costs one Ability Point; 14 and 15 each cost two Ability Points
At higher levels (4, 8, and 12), you can increase these ability scores via the Ability Score Increase feature. You may also find certain magical items that can increase or decrease an ability score.