Choose a table:
- actions (776)
- areas (73)
- condition sources (2668)
- conditions (1430)
- creatures (2016)
- equipment (910)
- item icon (4596)
- item locations (1109)
- locations (189)
- misc items (3174)
- passives (1055)
- spells (1834)
- status groups (47)
- voice actors (268)
- weapon types (33)
- weapons (421)
Use the filters below to narrow your results.
None (403) ·
15/50 (2) ·
16/53 (1) ·
18/60 (3) ·
3/10 (8) ·
30/100 (1) ·
4.5/15 (1) ·
4/13 (5) ·
40/133 (1) ·
5/17 (1) ·
6/20 (3) ·
8/27 (1) ·
9/30 (5)
action (134) ·
None (76) ·
bonus (58) ·
reaction (22) ·
action, spell1 (19) ·
action, spell3 (17) ·
action, spell6 (16) ·
action, spell4 (12) ·
action, spell5 (12) ·
action, wldshp (9) ·
action, spell2 (7) ·
bonus, wldshp (5) ·
bonus, wldshp:2 (4) ·
reaction, cosmic omen (4) ·
action, ki:2 (3) ·
bonus, movement m:3 (3) ·
chadiv (3)
spell range:
None (131) ·
self (68) ·
18 / 60 (52) ·
ranged (42) ·
18/60 (39) ·
melee (19) ·
9/30 (15) ·
9 / 30 (14) ·
3 / 10 (9) ·
18/ (3) ·
30/100 (3)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- A Coven of Hags
- Accursed Spectre (reaction)
- An Apple a Day
- Animate Dead
- Animate Dead (Balthazar)
- Animate Dead (Duergar)
- Animate Dead: Flying Ghoul
- Animate Dead: Flying Ghoul Flock
- Animate Dead: Ghoul
- Animate Dead: Ghoul Pack
- Animate Dead: Skeleton
- Animate Dead: Skeleton Squad
- Animate Dead: Zombie
- Animate Dead: Zombie Batallion
- Arabella's Shadow Entangle
- Arachnid Compulsion
- Arachnid Jump
- Arcane Ammunition
- Arcane Gate
- Arcane Recovery
- Armour of Hexes
- Astral Rift
- Astral Step
- Auntie's Trickery
- Awaken
- Bardic Attack
- Bardic Defence
- Battle-Ready Owlbear
- Bear Companion
- Bend Luck
- Bestow Curse
- Bhaal's Edict
- Bind Hexed Weapon
- Bind Pact Weapon
- Black Fist Enforcers
- Blink (class action)
- Blink: Teleport
- Boar Companion
- Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot
- Brand the Weak
- Break Illusion
- Bull Rush
- Burrow (Shadow Creeper)
- Caitiff's Restoration
- Call Consort
- Call for Help
- Call of the Crustacean
- Calling for Help
- Castigate Heartform
- Charger: Shove
- Cheesy Smell
- Chromatic Orb
- Click Heels
- Cloud of Jellyfish: Teleport
- Combat Wild Shape
- Command
- Conjure Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Air Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Air Myrmidon
- Conjure Elemental: Earth Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Earth Myrmidon
- Conjure Elemental: Fire Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Fire Myrmidon
- Conjure Elemental: Water Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon
- Conjure Minor Elemental
- Conjure Minor Elemental: Azer
- Conjure Minor Elemental: Ice Mephits
- Conjure Minor Elemental: Mud Mephits
- Conjure Murder of Crows
- Conjure Shadow Lantern Wraith
- Conjure Us
- Conjure Woodland Being
- Consume Souls
- Contagion
- Controlled Chaos
- Cosmic Omen of Weal: Attack Roll
- Cosmic Omen of Weal: Saving Throw
- Cosmic Omen of Woe: Attack Roll
- Cosmic Omen of Woe: Saving Throw
- Counterspell
- Create or Destroy Water
- Create Sorcery Points
- Create Spell Slot
- Dampen Elements
- Damsel in Distress
- Danse Macabre
- Dark Currents
- Darkness
- Darkness Cloak
- Daylight: Enchant Item
- Daylight: Sphere
- Defensive Duellist
- Deflect Missiles
- Destroy Water
- Destructive Wrath
- Devour (Ghoul)
- Devour (Shambling Mound)
- Dig
- Dimension Door
- Dire Raven Companion
- Dismiss Arcane Lock
- Dismiss Blink
- Dismiss Construct Mode
- Dismiss Displacer Beast Shape
- Dismiss Gaseous Form
- Dismiss Pact Weapon
- Dismiss Shapechanger
- Dismiss Vampire Bat Form
- Dismiss Wild Shape
- Dismiss: Slayer
- Dispel Disguise
- Dispel Evil And Good: Break Enchantment
- Dispel Identity
- Dispel Magic
- Disrobing Blinkstep
- Divine Intervention
- Divine Intervention: Arm Thy Servant
- Divine Intervention: Golden Generosity
- Divine Intervention: Opulent Revival
- Divine Retaliation
- Divine Strike: Elemental Fury
- Draconic Elemental Weapon
- Dread Ambusher: Hide
- Drunkard's Luck
- Echoes in the Dark
- Elemental Affinity: Resistance
- Elemental Age
- Elemental Cleaver
- Elemental Warp
- Elemental Weapon
- End Rage
- Enhance Ability
- Enhanced Jump
- Enlarge/Reduce
- Entangle
- Entangle (Dryad)
- Entangle (Wood Woad)
- Entangling Plants
- Eternal Devotion
- Ethereal Jaunt
- Exhort the Risen
- Explosive Retribution
- Extraplanar Summons
- Eyebite
- Faithwarden's Vines
- Fallen Lover
- Fey Presence
- Fiendish Ascension
- Fiendish Resilience
- Find Familiar
- Find Familiar: Boo
- Find Familiar: Cat
- Find Familiar: Cheeky Quasit
- Find Familiar: Crab
- Find Familiar: Frog
- Find Familiar: Imp
- Find Familiar: Quasit
- Find Familiar: Rat
- Find Familiar: Raven
- Find Familiar: Scratch
- Find Familiar: Spider
- Fire Hallucination
- Fire Shield
- Flame Blade
- Fleeting Dream
- Florrick's Cohort
- Fluffy Memory
- Flurry of Moths: Teleport
- Fly (class action)
- Fly (Dire Raven Companion)
- Fly (Dragons)
- Fly (Illithid Power)
- Fog Cloud
- Force Tunnel
- Frenzied Fury
- Friends Until The End
- Frightful Presence
- Fungal Infestation
- Gale (class action)
- Gather Your Allies (class action)
- Globe of Invulnerability
- Glyph of Warding
- Glyph of Warding: Detonation
- Gondian Steel Watcher
- Goodberry
- Grasping Appendage
- Grasping Pull
- Grasping Vine
- Grease
- Greater Restoration
- Guardian of Faith
- Guided Strike
- Guildmaster Keene's Fixers
- Gur Huntwardens
- Harmony of Fire and Water
- Have Nice Gift!
- Hellrider Platoon
- Hellstalker Yurgir
- Help
- Help (bonus action)
- Hide
- Hound of Ill Omen
- Illusory Copy
- Illusory Self
- Improved Minor Illusion
- Improved Warding Flare
- Indomitable
- Initiate Collar Detonation
- Inspect Moonlantern
- Inspiring Leader
- Invigorating Flame
- Invisibility (Air Myrmidon)
- Invocation of Eternal Debt
- Invoke Duplicity
- Ironhand Grenadiers
- Keeper's Fee
- Kereska's Favour
- Ki Restoration (Greater)
- Ki Restoration (Lesser)
- Knock
- Knowledge of the Ages
- Kuo-Toa Acolytes
- Kushigo Counter
- Lay on Hands
- Lay on Hands: Cure
- Leave Ethereal Plane
- Legendary Protection
- Legion of Bees: Knockback
- Legion of Bees: Teleport
- Lesser Restoration
- Levitate (Illithid Power)
- Lovely Assistant
- Lucky: Reroll Attacker's Die
- Lucky: Reroll with Advantage
- Lunar Blessing