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Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu

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Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu is a unique Gnoll enemy found in Act One. They are a type of Monstrosity of feral hyena-like humanoids that slaughter indiscriminately in an attempt to quell the insatiable hunger their demonic creator, Yeenoghu.

The closest form of a Cleric among the Gnolls, Fangs tap into the unholy powers of their demonic god to unleash soul sapping magic to weaken their prey.


The Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu starts a dialogue when you approach it. Investigating the source of its parasite reveals the conditions it was bound to; a DC 2 Wisdom check can convince it to either turn against its gnoll and hyena allies, or the Zhentarim in the cave nearby. After the fight, the Fang is still hungry. A DC 10 Wisdom check followed by a DC 15 Wisdom check can convince her to consume herself.

Attacks and abilities

Demonic Bite Demonic Bite ()
D6 Poison.png 2d6 (2~12) Damage TypesPoison

Bite a target.

Deals 1d6+StrengthDamage TypesPiercing and possibly exudes a demonic energy that deals 2d6Damage TypesPoison

CON Save
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Spear Icon.png
Spear - Main Hand Attack
D8 Piercing.png 1d8 + 3 (4~11) Damage TypesPiercing
Soul Offering.webp
Soul Offering Soul Offering ()
Numb a creature's soul and offer it to Yeenoghu to prevent it from taking Bonus actions or Reactions.
CHA Save
 Range: 8 m / 26 ft

Notable loot



  • Yeenoghu is the demon lord that many Gnolls worship. It is said that their insatiable hunger comes from this demonic entity.

External links