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Meenlock are a type of fey creature and non-playable race, found in Act Two. They are crustacean-like critters, with large, paralysing claws, and a presence which instils fear in their enemies.

About[edit | edit source]

These crustacean-like Fey are spawned by fear and seek to destroy all that is good, innocent, and beautiful.

On tactician difficulty, meenlocks will have an increased 18 Constitution and Dexterity, as well as higher health, AC, and initiative.

Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]

Generic Physical.webp
D4 Slashing.png 3d4 (3~12) Damage TypesSlashing damage
  • Lash out with venomous claws to Paralysed Paralyse your target.
Shadow Teleport Meenlock.webp

Teleport to a shadowy location.

See Invisibility.webp

Search for invisible creatures, possibly revealing them to others.

 Range: 3 m / 10 ft

Bonus action

Fear Aura
Can possibly Frightened frighten nearby Beasts and Humanoids by its fey presence.
  • Enemies of the Meenlock unconditionally receive the Meenlock Fear Meenlock Fear when nearby. By itself, this condition has no fear effect, but on each turn after receiving this condition, or if another Meenlock approaches during the round, one must make a DC 13  Constitution saving throw to prevent a Frightened Frightened for 2 turns.

Tactics[edit | edit source]

Notable loot[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]