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Breva Brightmoon

Revision as of 01:22, 25 August 2024 by NCBlizzy (talk | contribs) (you should steal her key before interacting with her, it's funny i promise)
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Breva Brightmoon is a gold dwarf fighter and member of the Flaming Fist. She is a prison guard and guards the entrance into Wyrm's Rock Prison, sitting at a desk right by the door.


...bathed in a tenday... ate all the onions...
Breva Brightmoon, rambling in her sleep.


Tasked with guarding the entrance into Wyrm's Rock Prison, it seems that she, unfortunately, has fallen asleep. In her sleep, she can be heard muttering random babblings, and if a DC 15 Perception check is passed, as well as how Old Man Otto is back in his cell and stinks of cabbage. Talking to her will wake up her up, and after a brief moment to regather her thoughts she will sputter out an excuse of having a heavy lunch.

Depending on dialogue choices, and past actions, Breva Brightmoon can give the player access to Wyrm's Rock Prison:

  • If successfully overheard from her babblings, telling Breva that Old Man Otto is your father and that you're here to visit him is enough to get her to open the door. This works even if the speaker isn't human.
  • A DC 15 Intimidation check to pretend to be an inspector and tell Breva to open the door for an inspection. Failing the roll will have Breva rather humourously remark that they didn't have an inspection for almost a decade now - because she is the inspector.[1]
  • A DC 15 Persuasion check to convince Breva that they are here to interrogate Counsellor Florrick on Duke Ravengard's orders, if they know she is locked up in the prison; Breva will be happy to let the party and will unsubtly tell the party to rough her up.[2]
  • A DC 15 Persuasion check to convince Breva that they are here to interrogate Arfur Gregorio if the party has already exposed him and had him arrested by the Fists. Breva will remark that the party leader is the one who exposed with to begin with, and eagerly let them through.[3]
  • A DC 10 Wisdom check to read her mind with Detect Thoughts Detect Thoughts. Reading her mind will reveal that she was drinking, and that if the Manip finds out, she'd be kicked "clear to Neverwinter".[4] Threatening to tell the Manip after this will have her open the door without any argument.

If the File:Prison Entrance Key Unfaded Icon.pngPrison Entrance Key has been pickpocketed from her before this point, she will be exasperated and wonder out loud as to where's the key gone, mentioning that no one would be getting in until the next shift - before suddenly realizing with despair that she is the next shift.[5]

If Breva Brightmoon has been successfully convinced and still is in possession of the key, she will get up from her stool and move to unlock the door so the party can pass. If the door has already been unlocked, she will be confused but let the party pass.[6] If the door has been completely destroyed, she will be very confused and comment on the mess,[7] and how she will pay if the Manip hears of it.[8]


Attacks and abilities

Main Hand Attack.webp
Main Hand Attack Main Hand Attack ()   –  Spear
Normal weapon damage
Make a melee attack with your equipped weapon.
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Rush Attack.webp
Rush Attack Rush Attack ()   –  Spear
Charge forward and attack the first enemy in your way, possibly pushing them Off Balance Off Balance.
STR Save
 Range: 9 m / 30 ft
Trip Attack Melee.webp
Trip Attack (Melee) Trip Attack (Melee) ()
Normal weapon damage
+ Superiority Die Damage TypesWeapon damage
A powerful attack that possibly knocks the target Prone Prone.
STR Save
 Range: Normal weapon range



  1. "Prison inspection. Open the door and pray I don't find more sleeping guards."
    "Inspection? Not had one of those for nigh on a decade. I should know - I'm the inspector. But I appreciate the effort."
  2. "Last cell on the left. And give that traitor a what-for. She'll know what for."
  3. "Aren't you the one who exposed the bloody bastard? Access godsdamned granted."
  4. "I need to lay off the hooch. The manip finds out, she'll kick me clear to Neverwinter."
  5. "Hang on, I'll - Aw, what the hells?"
    "Damn key's taken a walk. Looks like no one's getting in. Not 'til the next shift."
    "Double hells - I'm the next shift!"
  6. "Mm. Should've been locked."
  7. "What the hells happened to the door?"
    "Well go on inside. Ugh, what a mess."
  8. "Someone's turned the door to splinters. Just like my bones if the manip hears of this."