Wizards master the arcane by specialising in individual schools of magic, combining ancient spells with modern research.
Wizard is one of the Playable Classes of Baldur's Gate 3. Wizards channel magic through their extensive knowledge of the arcane to fight enemies and aid allies in combat. Wizards use Intelligence as their primary ability score.
Class Information
- Level 1 Maximum Hit Points:
6 + Constitution Modifier
- Important Ability Scores:
for Spells, Constitution
for Hit Points and Concentration Checks, and Dexterity
for Armour Class.
- Spellcasting
- Spellcasting Ability:
- Prepared Spells: You may swap your Prepared Spells at any time while out of combat, but can only have a certain number of Spells prepared at a time. The Spells must be of a level for which you have Spell Slots.
- Spell Scribing: A Wizard who finds a scroll for a Spell they do not know may permanently copy that Spell to their Spellbook at the cost of the scroll and 50gp per level of the Spell.
- Saving Throw Proficiencies:
Intelligence, Wisdom
- Equipment Proficiencies:
You receive a bonus to every Skill that you are Proficient in. This bonus increases as you gain levels in your Class and applies to all Checks for those Skills.
Level 1
Proficiency Bonus: +2
- Inherited Skills: Granted by Races and Backgrounds
- Skills with Proficiency (Choose 2):
Level Progression
Through experience, you acquire new power. You gain the following trait:
Level 1
Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2 (You gain two Level 1 Spell Slots.)
- Cantrips (Choose 3):
- Choose a number of Prepared Spells =
1 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Modifier
(Minimum of 1 spell.)
- New 1st Level Spells available to learn (Choose 6):
Level 2
Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3 (You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.)
- Choose a number of Prepared Spells =
2 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Modifier
(Minimum of 1 spell.)
Level 3
Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 4 (You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slots.)
Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2 (You gain two Level 2 Spell Slots.)
- Choose a number of Prepared Spells =
3 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Modifier
(Minimum of 1 spell.)
- Learn 2 additional 1st or 2nd Level Spells from the Wizard Spell List.
- New 2nd Level Spells available to learn:
- Subclass Features: None at this level
Level 4
- Ability Score Improvement or Feat (Choose 1)
- Improve an Ability Score by 2 or improve two Ability Scores by 1. (You can't increase an Ability Score above 20 using this feature.)
- Choose a Feat.
Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 4 (You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.)
Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3 (You gain an additional Level 2 Spell Slot.)
- Choose a number of Prepared Spells =
4 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Modifier
(Minimum of 1 spell.)
- Subclass Features: None at this level
Level 5
Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2 (You gain two Level 3 Spell Slots.)
- Choose a number of Prepared Spells =
5 (Wizard Level) + Intelligence Modifier
(Minimum of 1 spell)
- Learn 2 additional Spells up to 3rd Level from the Wizard Spell List.
- New 3rd Level Spells available to learn:
- Subclass Features: None at this level
Wizard Spell List
List of Spells and Cantrips
1st Level Spells
2nd Level Spells
3rd Level Spells