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Subclass features

Subclass Feature Description
Oath of the Ancients Ancients Healing Radiance Healing Radiance Heal yourself and all nearby allies for Proficiency Bonus + Paladin Level + Charisma Modifier hit points. Regain another Proficiency Bonus + Paladin Level + Charisma Modifier hit points next turn.

No effect on undead and constructs.

Oath of Devotion Devotion Holy Rebuke Holy Rebuke Call upon your Oath to grant a vengeful aura that deals 1d4Damage TypesRadiant damage to anyone who hits them with a melee attack.
Oath of Vengeance Vengeance Inquisitor's Might Inquisitor's Might You or an ally's weapon attacks deal an additional +Charisma Charisma Damage TypesRadiant damage and can Daze Daze enemies for 1 turn.
Oathbreaker Oathbreaker Spiteful Suffering Spiteful Suffering Steep an enemy in the darkness that churns within you. The target takes 1d4 + Charisma ModifierDamage TypesNecrotic damage each turn and Attack Rolls against it have Advantage Icon.png Advantage.

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Common cantrips & spells

Cantrips and spells that are available for every subclasses of Paladin class.

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Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Bless Bless Enchantment Enchantment Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Action Concentration 9 m Bless up to 3 creatures. They gain a D4 Physical.png +1d4 bonus to Attack rolls and Saving throws.
Command Command Enchantment Enchantment Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Action 18m Command a creature to flee, move closer, freeze, drop to the ground or drop its weapon. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw in order to resist the effects.
Compelled Duel Compelled Duel Enchantment Enchantment Paladin Paladin Bonus Action Concentration 9 m Force an enemy to attack only you, giving it Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage against other targets.
Cure Wounds Cure Wounds Evocation Evocation Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Paladin Paladin
Ranger Ranger
Action 1.5m Heal a creature you can touch.
Divine Favour Divine Favour Evocation Evocation Paladin Paladin Bonus Action Concentration 0 Your prayer empowers you with divine radiance. Your weapons deal an additional 1d4Damage TypesRadiant damage.
Heroism Heroism Enchantment Enchantment Bard Bard
Paladin Paladin
Action Concentration 1.5m Make yourself or a target immune to Frightened Frightened and gain 5 Temporary Hit Points each turn.
Protection from Evil and Good Protection from Evil and Good Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 1.5m Protect an ally against the attacks and powers of Aberrations, Celestials, Elementals, Fey, Fiends, and Undead.
Searing Smite Searing Smite Evocation Evocation Paladin Paladin Action Concentration Attack roll CON Weapon Range Damage Types Your weapon flares with white-hot intensity. It deals, on top of weapon damage, an extra 1d6Damage TypesFire damage and marks the target with Searing Smite Searing Smite.
Shield of Faith Shield of Faith Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Bonus Action Concentration 18m Surround a creature with a shimmering field of magic that increases its Armour Class Armour Class by 2.
Thunderous Smite Thunderous Smite Evocation Evocation Paladin Paladin Action Attack roll STR Weapon Range Your melee weapon rings with thunder as you strike, pushing your target 3 m / 10 ft away and possibly knocking them Prone Prone.
Wrathful Smite Wrathful Smite Evocation Evocation Paladin Paladin Action Concentration Attack roll WIS Weapon Range Your weapon absorbs your wrath as you strike, possibly Frightening Frightening your target.

Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Aid Aid Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Action 0 9m Bolster your allies with toughness and resolve to heal and increase their Hit Points maximum.
Branding Smite Branding Smite Evocation Evocation Paladin Paladin Action Concentration Attack roll Weapon Range Your weapon gleams with astral radiance as you strike and possibly mark your targets with light, preventing it from turning Invisible Invisible.
Lesser Restoration Lesser Restoration Abjuration Abjuration Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Paladin Paladin
Ranger Ranger
Action 1.5m Cure a creature from Condition Type Icon.pngDiseased, Condition Type Icon.pngPoisoned, Paralysis Paralysis, or Condition Type Icon.pngBlinded.
Magic Weapon Magic Weapon Transmutation Transmutation Paladin Paladin
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 1.5m Infuse a weapon with arcane energy. The weapon becomes magical, receiving a +1 bonus to Attack rolls and Damage Rolls.
Protection from Poison Protection from Poison Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Paladin Paladin
Ranger Ranger
Action 1.5m Touch a creature to neutralise all poisons affecting it, and grant it protection against poisonous influences.

Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Blinding Smite Blinding Smite Evocation Evocation Paladin Paladin Action Attack roll CON Weapon Range Damage Types Evoke a heavenly flare and possibly Blind Blind your target
Crusader's Mantle Crusader's Mantle Evocation Evocation Paladin Paladin Action Concentration 0 9m Radiate a holy power that emboldens nearby allies. Their weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4Damage TypesRadiant damage.
Daylight Daylight Evocation Evocation Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Paladin Paladin
Ranger Ranger
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Action 18m Enchant an item to shine like the sun or summon a sphere of sunlight that dispels all darkness around it.
Elemental Weapon Elemental Weapon Transmutation Transmutation Paladin Paladin Action Concentration 18m Imbue a weapon with elemental power. It receives a +1 bonus to Attack rolls and deals an additional 1d4 damage of your choice.
Remove Curse Remove Curse Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action 1.5m Touch a creature or object to remove all Curses and Hexes affecting it.
Revivify Revivify Necromancy Necromancy Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Action 9 m 9m Revive a companion. They return to life with 1 Hit point.
Warden of Vitality Warden of Vitality Evocation Evocation Paladin Paladin Action 0 While this aura lasts, you can cast Restore Vitality Restore Vitality as a Bonus action to heal yourself or nearby allies by 2d6hit points.

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Subclass spells

Spells that are only available for a speficic subclass of Paladin class.

Name Subclass Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Bane (spell) Bane Oath of Vengeance Vengeance Enchantment School Enchantment Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Action Concentration 9 m Up to 3 creatures receive a D4 Physical.png -1d4 penalty to Attack rolls and Saving throws.
Ensnaring Strike Ensnaring Strike Oath of the Ancients Ancients Conjuration School Conjuration Ranger Ranger Action Concentration Attack roll m Damage Types Your attack summons thorny vines that possibly Ensnare Ensnare your target.
Hellish Rebuke Hellish Rebuke Oathbreaker Oathbreaker Evocation School Evocation Warlock Warlock Reaction m Damage Types React to your next attacker with flames that deal 2d10Damage TypesFire damage.
Hunter's Mark Hunter's Mark Oath of Vengeance Vengeance Divination School Divination Ranger Ranger Bonus Action Concentration 18m Damage Types Mark a creature as your quarry to deal an additional 1d6Damage TypesWeapon damage whenever you hit it with a weapon attack.
Inflict Wounds Inflict Wounds Oathbreaker Oathbreaker Necromancy School Necromancy Cleric Cleric Action Attack roll 1.5m Damage Types Putrefy a creature with Damage TypesNecrotic energy filling your hands.
Sanctuary Sanctuary Oath of Devotion Devotion Abjuration School Abjuration Cleric Cleric Bonus Action 18m You or an ally cannot be targeted until you attack or harm a creature. You can still take damage from area spells.
Speak with Animals Speak with Animals Oath of the Ancients Ancients Divination School Divination Bard Bard
Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Action Ritual 0m Gain the ability to comprehend and communicate with beasts.

Name Subclass Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Crown of Madness Crown of Madness Oathbreaker Oathbreaker Enchantment School Enchantment Bard Bard
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration WIS 18 m Instill madness in a humanoid enemy, making them attack the creature closest to them (other than you), even if it's allied.
Darkness Darkness Oathbreaker Oathbreaker Evocation School Evocation Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 18m Create a cloud of magical darkness that Heavily Obscures Heavily Obscures and inflicts Blind Blind to creatures within. Creatures cannot make ranged attacks into or out of it.
Hold Person Hold Person Oath of Vengeance Vengeance Enchantment School Enchantment Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration WIS 18m Hold a humanoid enemy still. They can't Move, Act, or React. Attacks from within 3 m / 10 ft are always Critical Hits. At the end of each turn, the affected creature can make a Wisdom saving throw to end this condition.
Misty Step Misty Step Oath of the Ancients Ancients
Oath of Vengeance Vengeance
Conjuration School Conjuration Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Bonus Action 18 m Surrounded by silver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see.
Moonbeam Moonbeam Oath of the Ancients Ancients Evocation School Evocation Druid Druid Action Concentration 18m 1m Damage Types Call down a beam of light that damages any creatures that enters the beam or starts its turn in the light. You can use an Action to move the beam 18 m / 60 ft.
Silence Silence Oath of Devotion Devotion Illusion School Illusion Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Ranger Ranger
Action Concentration Ritual 18 m Create a sound-proof sphere. All within are Silenced Silenced and Immune to Damage TypesThunder damage.

Name Subclass Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Animate Dead Animate Dead Oathbreaker Oathbreaker Necromancy School Necromancy Cleric Cleric
Wizard Wizard
Action 3 m Animate a corpse to create an undead servant while not in combat.
Beacon of Hope Beacon of Hope Oath of Devotion Devotion Abjuration School Abjuration Cleric Cleric Action Concentration 0m 9m Your allies will regain the maximum Hit Points possible when healed. They also gain Advantage Icon.png Advantage on Wisdom Saving throws and Death Saving Throws.
Bestow Curse Bestow Curse Oathbreaker Oathbreaker Necromancy School Necromancy Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 1.5m Curse a creature with your touch. The curse either bestows Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on Ability checks and Saving throws, Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on Attack rolls, lets you deal additional damage to the target, or robs it of its Actions. The effect of the curse is based on the variant selected, and lasts for 10 turns.
Haste Haste Oath of Vengeance Vengeance Transmutation School Transmutation Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 9 m Target yourself or an ally to become Hastened Hastened. The creature has a +2 bonus to Armour Class Armour Class, Advantage Icon.png Advantage on Dexterity Saving throws, its Movement Speed is doubled, and can take one additional Action per turn.
Plant Growth Plant Growth Oath of the Ancients Ancients Transmutation School Transmutation Bard Bard
Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Action 18m Make weeds burst from the ground and smother the area. Creatures moving through the weeds have their Movement Speed quartered.
Protection from Energy Protection from Energy Oath of the Ancients Ancients
Oath of Vengeance Vengeance
Abjuration School Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 1.5m Touch a creature to grant it Resistance to Damage TypesAcid, Damage TypesCold, Damage TypesFire, Damage TypesLightning, or Damage TypesThunder damage.

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