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Oath of Devotion is one of the Subclasses of Paladin. These Paladins gain abilities that aid them in protecting the weak, dispelling falsehoods, and defeating fiends and undead.

Subclass features

This subclass obtains all the features from its base class, Paladin, in addition to its unique features outlined below.

Paladin's default armour

Level 1

Oath of Devotion Tenets Oath of Devotion Tenets
For more details, see Oaths and Oathbreaking.
Courage. Stride dauntlessly into action.

Compassion. Show clemency when prudent, and lend your arm to those in need.

Duty. Tend your responsibilities, obey just laws, and support those entrusted to your care.
Holy Rebuke Holy Rebuke
Channel Oath
Call upon your Oath to grant a vengeful aura that deals 1d4Damage TypesRadiant damage to anyone who hits them with a melee attack.

Level 3

Sacred Weapon Sacred Weapon
Channel Oath
Using an action, you can turn your weapon into a Sacred Weapon. Adds your Charisma modifier to Attack Rolls on your weapon and it also emits a bright light.
Turn the Unholy Turn the Unholy
Channel Oath
Turn Turn nearby undead and fiends. They are forced to flee and cannot come close to you.
Oath Spells
You gain additional spells from your oath. They are Always Prepared.

Level 5

Oath Spells
You gain additional spells from your oath. They are Always Prepared.

Level 7

Aura of Devotion Aura of Devotion
You and any nearby allies can't be Charmed Charmed. The aura disappears if you fall Unconscious.

Level 9

Oath Spells
You gain additional spells from your oath. They are Always Prepared.

Oathbreaking actions

This section details actions which will cause the player to break the Oath of Devotion

Act 1

Roadside Cliffs

  • Attack Damays and Nymessa (tieflings who guard trapped Lae'zel) by any means, including options that occur through the dialogue.
  • Playing as The Dark Urge, chop off Gale's hand at the point of his possible recruitment

Emerald Grove/The Hollow

  • Tell Zevlor that you will kill the goblin leaders after Kagha asked you to.

Note: You only break your oath if you select the dialogue options that imply you're doing it because Kagha asked you to.

Sunlit Wetlands/Putrid Bog

Goblin Camp

  • In Shattered Sanctum, Repeatedly stab Abdirak while he refuses to fight back.
  • Torture Liam, even if you plan to free him afterwards.
  • Reveal the location of the Emerald Grove to Minthara, either showing her or allowing her to read your thoughts. Breaks your Oath even if you plan on luring her there to defend the grove.

Risen Road

Note: Killing him after he admits this does not break your Oath.

Note: Killing them after Zarys tortured Rugan will not break the Oath.

Rosymorn Monastery/Creche Y'llek

  • Kill any Githyanki in the Infirmary without being provoked
  • Kill Varrl, when he refuses to fight you in sparring. Failing the roll to stab him non-fatally also break the Oath.
  • Playing as The Dark Urge, if you already have the Githyanki Egg, kick it off the cliffside when talking to Lady Esther



Act 2

Shadow-Cursed Lands

  • During the Punish the Wicked quest, order Madeline to stab herself (breaks the Oath regardless of the roll result)
    • OR Call her a coward and deny her forgiveness

Note: Telling Madeline that it was not her fault and forgiving her is the only option that will not break your Oath.

Last Light Inn

  • Prompt Mol to sign a contract with Raphael (praising her ambitiousness also breaks the Oath).
  • Side with Marcus when he attempts to kidnap Isobel
  • Playing as The Dark Urge, reveal your depravity to the Strange Ox (which causes you to stab it to death)

Moonrise Towers

  • Let Questioners Jasin and Sumera wipe Minthara’s mind
    • OR Take part in the execution and erase her yourself (for The Dark Urge, "Make her NOTHING" option).
  • Convince Acolyte Marls to jump from the pier. Can be prevented by passing the subsequent Wisdom check, but if you fail it, you will break the Oath.
  • Playing as The Dark Urge, speak with Steelclaw and try to remember what you did previously (makes you kill the cat)

Gauntlet of Shar

Mind Flayer Colony

  • Kill the prisoners in the pods in the Tadpoling Centre rather than releasing them.


  • Lie to Arabella that you haven't found out what happened to her parents yet, when she waits at your camp.

Act 3


Wyrm's Crossing/Wyrm's Rock Fortress

  • Agree to take gold from Arfur Gregorio to 'forget' about rigged toys he donated for refugees
  • Accept Gortash’s proposal of alliance at the ordaining ceremony
  • Bring Wulbren’s head to Manip Falcäo

Lower City

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