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Ancient Mud Mephit

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Ancient Mud Mephits are a type of Elemental creature found in the Sunlit Wetlands on the secluded island of the Decrepit Sanctuary. Curious and impish creatures from the Elemental Planes, they are quite mischievously territorial who often work with other elemental or natural beings.

Combat[edit | edit source]

Attacks and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Generic Physical.webp
D6 Bludgeoning.png 3d6 (3~18) Damage TypesBludgeoning damage

Lash out with deadly fists.

 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Generic Damage.webp
Mud Fling Mud Fling ()
D4 Bludgeoning.png 1d4 (1~4) Damage TypesBludgeoning damage

Throw a hunk of mud.

 Range: 14 m / 47 ft
Generic Damage.webp

Belch viscid mud at a foe to Restrain Restrain it.

DEX Save
AoE: 5 m / 17 ft (Cone)
Death Burst Mud.webp
D6 Force.png 4d6 (4~24) Damage TypesForce damage

Explode in a burst of sticky mud. It dries instantly on any nearby creatures not made of mud, Restraining Restraining and hurting them.

DEX Save
AoE: 3 m / 10 ft (Radius)
Fly Fly ()

Fly to a target position

 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
Generic Summon.webp

Shape a mound of mud into a new mud mephit.

 Range: 18 m / 60 ft

Mud Patch[edit | edit source]

  • When slain, leaves a mud patch in a AoE: 1 m / 3 ft (Radius) that counts as Difficult Terrain Difficult Terrain.

Loot[edit | edit source]

Strategy[edit | edit source]

The ability to summon Young Mephits each turn can allow multiple Ancient Mephits to build up a small army if left unchecked. Attacking them at close range is a dire prospect, as they can swiftly kite melee strikers with Fly Fly, and even if caught they damage and slow down attackers with Death Burst and mud patches.

Attacking at a distance with high-damage burst skills, like Scorching Ray Scorching Ray or Sneak Attack (Ranged) Sneak Attack (Ranged) before they can summon minions is a solid tactic. If you can manage it, clumping Mephits together can cause a Death Burst chain reaction if you are able to kill one and weaken the rest with an area-of-effect ability.

If you must kill them at close range, toggling on Non-Lethal Attacks will avoid triggering the mephit's on-death effects.