Fey Ancestry is a passive feature that grants immunity to effects and Advantage against effects.
12 m / 40 ft,
24 m / 80 ft for .
The Feywild casts a veil over your mind. You have Advantage on
Saving throws against being , and magic can't put you to .
How to learn
(Character level is the sum of all class levels for a multi-classed character.)
Used by creatures:
- 'Ears' Oohna, 'Loose Lips' Cyrilla, Aelar, Aelis Siryasius, Alan Alyth, Alexander Rainforest, Alia Durinbold, Apikusis, Apostle of Myrkul, Araj Oblodra, Arcagh, Archer Velicia, Arden, Arnell Hallowleaf, Arthus, Artimezt, Astarion, Astoundo the Greater, Aubree, Avourel, Barth, Bel, Benryn, Bill, Blaird, Blinded Elf, Bogdan Vortleson, Bor, Borgus Elamin, Branthos, Caerdwyn, Carlorina the Wolf, Carnelia Vanthampur, Cheeky Nora, Chervis, Cyril, Darlie, Dead Drow, Delwaer Jeth, Delyarna, Devoured Eternal Debtor, Dhourn, Dohna, Dokksill, Dollay, Donnick, Dorikel, Drarra, Echo of Illasera, Echo of Sendai, Eldaernth, Elifer, Emmeline Hallowleaf, Erna, Erna, Falael, Farimorn, Filro, Florrick, Follgast, Frenello, Frothilda, Furek, Garri Orne, Geraldus, Gerringothe Thorm, Gloommask, Gloomy Fentonson, Greenfern, Haeril Birch, Halsin, Hans Feather, Harper Archer, He Who Was, Hildeh, Inwe, Irenya, Isobel, Iza Blouin, Izwae, Jacelyn, Jaymes, Jeorna, Jhaam, Kagha, Keris, Ketheric Thorm, Kimmeral, Klaus, Korliss, Lacy Dancer, Lady Croup, Lady Durinbold's Attendant, Lady Flux, Lamona, Larca Mena, Leafsong, Limeleech, Lord Amber's Bodyguard, Lord Portyr's Bodyguard, Lorna Esthelian, Lucretious, Lyldara, Madeline Whitburn, Maeve, Maggran, Magron, Mango, Manzarde, Marcoryl, Mask of Terror (The Blushing Mermaid), Maude, Mian, Minthara, Minthara, Mirileth, Moy, Myrnath, Naiske, Naoise Nallinto, Narvass, Ned'Cirannis, Nere, Nightmist, Nimias, Niram, Nym Orlith, Oaknuzzle, Owltalon, Perfect Eternal Debtor, Petric Amber, Phubbs, Pollo the Muscle, Preciosa, Quelenna, Rion, Rosanna, Rylveth, Sacrificed Cultist (High Elf), Sadar Illanov, Sanseverina, Serrik, Shadowheart, Sharlz Molar, Slick Inatra, Sloncha Owena, Soreni, Sorn Orlith, Sterlac, Syril Valdemar, Taeglyn, Taman, Taron, Tecothy, Terradissia, The Professor, Tomboldt the Pallid, Trinoda, Tumeril, Valmorba, Varanna Sunblossom, Velson Oakes, Ver'yll Wenkiir, Viconia DeVir, Vinshent Fenteman, Vix, Xargrim, Yerle, Yerle, Zenith Feur'sel, Zenovia Dawg, Zira, Zombie Minthara