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Wounded Bird

Revision as of 20:21, 9 July 2024 by HiddenDragon (talk | contribs)
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The Wounded Bird also titled as Exhausted Bird or Healed Bird is a blue jay bird in Baldur's Gate 3. It can be found in the Inner Sanctum of the Emerald Grove being treated by Nettie.


The blue jay is getting treatment from Nettie, first being named as Wounded Bird and having 2/6 HP. After being healed by Nettie in a dialogue or by other sources, it is renamed as the Exhausted Bird, having the Exhausted (Condition). As it starts flying it gain the name of Healed Bird, now and then getting the exhausted condition as it lands to rest.

The blue jay was wounded while scouting the hills to the north by a gnoll.

If it is prodded to to keep explaining what happened to it while wounded, the bird will end up dying after it tells that gnolls wounded it.

After being healed, it will tell what happened without prodding.

The Dark Urge

  • Tear her wings off. Gives the option to indulge the urge, possibly giving the 'Indulge Thine Appetites' inspiration if it has not been done already.

Companion approval

While using Speak with Animals on Wounded variant.

  • Prod her again
Astarion approves +1 Gale disapproves -1 Karlach disapproves -1 Wyll disapproves -1
