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Level 12












Bg3 content hr.png
Creature Race Icon.png  Race [[Cambion|Cambion]]
Creature Type Icon.png  Type Fiend
HP Icon.png  HP 75
Creature AC Icon.png  AC 12
Creature Speed Icon.png  Movement Speed 9m / 30ft
Creature Size Icon.png  Size Medium
Weight Icon.png  Weight 75kg / 150lbs
Proficiency Icon.png  Proficiency Bonus +4
Initiative Icon.png  Initiative +2
Passive features
Resistant to Non-Magical SlashingResistant to Non-Magical PiercingResistant to Non-Magical BludgeoningResistant to all FireResistant to all LightningResistant to all ColdResistant to all Poison
Character information
Location Campsite
Mind Flayer Colony
Wyrm's Rock Fortress
Faction Zariel's Avernus
Allies Zariel, Feena, Cirrus
Enemies Cult of the Absolute
Additional information
Voice actor Tamaryn Payne
Mizora Cambion Model.png

Mizora is a Cambion in service of the Archdevil Zariel, as well as Wyll's infernal patron. She plays an important role in Wyll's backstory, as well as his character arc throughout the game. Manipulative, mischievous and always looking to get the best out of her deals, she may be an asset or and adversary for the party, but she will always look out for her and Zariel's best interests.

Ignorant thing. It's always the terms and conditions that get you.



Best described as a sadistic infernal lawyer, Mizora is one of Zariel's most important allies. As Wyll's patron, she is directly related to his fate throughout the game, and the party has to deal with her whether they like it or not. Initially kept a secret by Wyll due to pact clauses, Mizora is the source of his powers and the reason why he was cast out from Baldur's Gate following young Ravengard's massacre of Tiamat cultists. Ever since, she's kept Wyll on a leash, using him for her own wicked interests.

Throughout the game, the party has to interact with Mizora, and depending on the choices made, they can have good, neutral or very bad outcomes. Should Wyll follow Mizora's demands to the letter, she will reward him generously; should he be defiant instead, she'll castigate Wyll, though often applauding his spine.

Ultimately, her fate is intertwined with Wyll's. If rescued from the Mind Flayer Colony, she'll reward Wyll and be open to break the contract earlier than expected not long afterwards, becoming a powerful ally. If left to die, or killed altogether, she'll take Wyll back to Avernus as well, forever sealing his fate.


  • Mizora is a Cambion, a half-mortal, half-fiend creature
  • She can be encountered in acts 1, 2 and 3 of the game
  • She is Wyll's patron, as such, her fate is intertwined with his
  • She can have a brief romance with X
  • In combat, she functions essentially as a Sorcerer
  • Due to her importance to Zariel as an infernal lawyer, she doesn't engage in combat and is essentially unkillable thanks to Zariel's Protection


Related quest rewards


Throughout the game, the party will encounter Mizora a few times.

Act One


Though alluded to earlier in conversation with Wyll, Mizora's first appearance is upon the conclusion of the first part of his quest to hunt Karlach. Whether successful or not, Mizora will appear at the campsite and introduce herself.

If Karlach was killed, Mizora will be pleased and will reward Wyll with the Infernal Robe. If she was spared, however, she will remind Wyll the terms of their pact and argue that Karlach does indeed fit the description of heartless. Should Wyll insist on not killing the tiefling, Mizora will take it as a breach of the pact, transforming him into a devil as punishment.

If Karlach joined the party, she will have a few choice words for Mizora, and talking to her afterwards reveals that they both served Zariel during the Blood War.

Act Two


At some point during act two, Mizora will appear before Wyll and the party, informing Wyll that the Cult of the Absolute have captured an important asset of Zariel, a powerful devil, and that he must rescue them. Stressing out the importance of the mission, Mizora disappears as quickly as she arrived.

Mind Flayer Colony

Zariel's asset won't be found in Moonrise Towers, however, but rather in the Mind Flayer Colony where it's revealed that the powerful devil is none other than Mizora herself. Captured as she was navigating the Shadowlands, she was imprisoned in a mind flayer pod, blocking her from any spellcasting and any means of escaping by herself. Now, with Mizora on her back foot for the first time since meeting her, the party can bargain for Wyll's release from the pact in exchange for freeing her. Mizora, and Wyll's fate, can go two ways from here: either Mizora is left to her luck, or killed outright, which also means damning Wyll to an eternity in Avernus as a Lemure; or rescuing her, gracing the party with the devil's gratitude. If saved, and convinced to reward the party through a successful DC 14 Persuasion check, Mizora will reward Wyll with the Infernal Rapier. Mischievous as ever, she will also lift Wyll's restriction on talking about their pact before leaving.

Mizora will then appear one last time at the Campsite, where she reveals that an additional clause of the pact allows her to keep Wyll bound for six more months before his official release.

Act Three

Wyrm's Rock Fortress

Mizora may appear once more during Act 3, provided she was saved from the Mind Flayer Colony. She will be waiting for Wyll and the party in Wyrm's Rock Fortress, next to the doors leading up to the main audience chamber. Vicious as ever, she will taunt Wyll by mocking his father's situation as a thrall to Enver Gortash, goading Wyll to hurry and meet him before coming back to her for a chat. When the party returns, Mizora will announce that she is ready to break the pact between her and Wyll, and that she will meet everyone back at the campsite.


After the next long rest, Mizora will appear, accompanied by two infernal arbiters, Cirrus and Feena. Wyll immediately knows something is amiss as their presence can mean only one thing: they are here as legal witnesses. Mizora explains that she knows where Wyll's father is being kept and that she might be inclined to share the information, but she asks for a sacrifice in return. Young Ravengard is then presented with a choice: Break the pact immediately, but sacrifice his father to his fate, or remain forever bound to Mizora in exchange for his father's freedom.

Mizora will be pleased with whatever choice Wyll makes, though she shows some genuine surprise and respect should Wyll choose his own personal freedom over his father's life. Regardless of the choice, Mizora will remain in camp as a camp follower out of amusement, allowing the party to talk to her and learn more about Wyll's patron.

Mizora will cause trouble once more for Wyll and the party if Counsellor Florrick survived her ordeals and was rescued from Wyrm's Rock Prison and Wyll chose to sacrifice his father. Mizora will whisper lies to Florrick's ears, causing the latter to confront Wyll and the party, accusing him of hypocrisy and attempting to usurp his father's place in Baldur's Gate governance. Whatever the outcome of the situation, players can confront Mizora about it, where she will retort that she was merely helping Wyll get ahead in life.


Due to Zariel's Protection, Mizora is unkillable and a combat encounter is not possible with her. Players are free to antagonize her without any negative consequences, however, though she will never truly die or fight back.


Mizora cannot be killed and looted.


Very little is known about Mizora's history. At some point during her life she was pressed into service by Zariel, who used her for infernal contracts. As such, she served during the Blood War with Karlach, and the two know, and despise, each other. Whether by coincidence or orchestrated by herself, at some point she met Wyll, who was desperate to stop the Tiamat cultists from destroying Baldur's Gate. The two signed a pact together shortly after.

As Wyll's patron, she had control on what young Ravengard could do and say, and depending on choices made, she was either a generous or punishing patron. Choices made would dictate whether she met an early grave in the Mind Flayer Colony after she was captured, or was freed and remained Wyll's patron, supporting him in her own wicked ways. Further decisions also resulted in either Mizora remaining as Wyll's patron for eternity or breaking their contract.

Ultimately, she had an important part to play during the battle against the Absolute, supporting Wyll and his companions against the cult.

Wyll's pact

When he was seventeen, Wyll encountered Tiamat cultists in the outskirts of Baldur's Gate, ready to summon the tyrannical dragon goddess to the plane. Eager to stop them, but young and powerless against many armed cultists, Wyll's desperation attracted Mizora who offered him a solution: her powers in exchange of servitude. Wyll didn't hesitate, and together they made quick work of the cult, however, young Ravengard would soon realize the cost of dealing with devils, as one of the many clauses of the pact prevented him from disclosing what happened that night.

When his father, Ulder Ravengard, returned from Elturel to find his son accompanied by a devil, he demanded an explanation, yet Wyll's tongue was unable to explain what happened, and the scene of the ordeal was conveniently cleaned up. With cold disappointment, his father cast him out from the city, forever exiled to the frontiers.

At the end of Act Two, Mizora will lift Wyll's inability to speak about their pact, allowing him to explain himself to the player as they progress through his story. He will tell the player the entire truth once they encounter Ulder Ravengard at Wyrm's Rock Fortress.

Concentration Icons.png Spoiler warning! This section reveals Wyll's pact clauses

Some of the clauses are revealed by Mizora throughout the game:

  • Clause F § 9: 'Soul-binder shall bestow reward or favour only upon soul-bearer's fulfillment of related obligation.'
  • Clause G § 9: 'Targets shall be limited to the infernal, the demonic, the heartless, and the soulless.'
  • Clause Z § 13: 'Should the promised soul refuse obeyance or neglect duty, the pact-holder shall cast the promised in Avernus as a lemure.'
  • Clause Z § 13: 'If the soul-binder consents to separation, she will release the soul-bearer from all obligation within six months.'
  • Addendum F: 'The Absolute must be avenged for the soul-binder's detention at Moonrise. The soul-bearer retains his gifts until such time as the Absolute is slain.'


Players can engage in a one-night stand with Mizora during Act 3.

Mizora will show interest in the player when talking to her in the party, inviting them to a single night of hellish passion if they are willing. Should the invitation be accepted, she will visit them the next night and transport them to the Hells. True to her word, Mizora will give the player a taste of the Hells, inviting them to pick and choose which of the Nine Hells appeal most to them. In total, the player can choose three times, and Mizora will comment on each realm chosen. At the end, and infused with hellish delight, Mizora will envelop the player with her wings and consummate the affair.

The morning after, Mizora will wake the player up and comment on the night. As promised, she will remark that it was but a taste and leave the player wanting for more. Should the player be in a relationship with another character, they'll be caught by their love interest and be confronted. Mizora will then leave to deal with the situation.

Afterwards, Mizora can be talked to again and she'll comment on how she enjoyed the night, but that it won't repeat itself. Wyll will also warn the player to be more careful next time.


Relationship with Wyll


Act One

Meeting her in camp after letting Karlach live in Act 1.

  • "Well, well. Aren't you a luscious thing?"
Karlach disapproves -1 Wyll disapproves -1
  • "If we kill Karlach now, will that get rid of you?"
Gale disapproves -1 Karlach disapproves -5 Wyll disapproves -1
  • "You better not lay a damned finger on Karlach."
Gale approves +1 Karlach approves +5 Wyll approves +5
  • "I've heard enough. You're not leaving this place alive."
Astarion approves +1 Gale approves +1 Karlach approves +1


  • Mizora will still grant Wyll his demonic powers even if the contract between them is ended, so long as he avenges her for being captured by the Cult of the Absolute
  • Zariel's Protection makes Mizora functionally unkillable. Any damage she takes is reduced to 0 and she will immediately disappear. Bleed-over-time effects will result in Mizora disappearing and reappearing until the effect ends.



Break Wyll's pact with Mizora.


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