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“You ready? 'Cause I am!„
Last Light Inn
Essius can be first encountered at the Last Light Inn's plaza, where can he can be seen chatting with Ulthred next to the fountain. Whereas Ulthred might at first be skeptical and doubting of the party, Essius will attempt to talk him down and be open to the party's help. As Ulthred displays some nervosity at being in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, Essius will tell him that he's seen worse alleys in Baldur's Gate.[1]
Resolve the Abduction
When Flaming Fist Marcus attacks the inn and attempts to kidnap Isobel during Resolve the Abduction, Essius will frequently be amongst the Harpers that will avoid being , and will run up to fight with the Winged Horrors. If the party fails to protect Isobel, he and everyone in Last Light Inn will turn into a , save for Jaheira.
Assault Moonrise Towers
If the party successfully prevented Marcus from capturing Isobel at the Last Light Inn, and once the Nightsong has been freed from her cage and is headed for Moonrise, Essius will follow Jaheira to Moonrise Towers, where he, along with Harper Antony, Lymn, and Naysa will survive the first assault and assist the party in the remaining fight against Absolute forces.
After the main battle, if he manages to survive the fight, he will guard the first floor of Moonrise Towers with the remaining Harpers. Once Ketheric Thorm is defeated and the party moves on to Act Three, Essius will completely disappear.
Attacks and Abilities
Related quests
- According to devnotes, Essius is a rather long-lived gnome and experienced Harper.[2]
- If killed at any point before the Assault on Moonrise Towers, Essius will be replaced by Harper Lanni.
- Essius is the only surviving Assault on Moonrise Towers, non-failsafe Harper that is not able to be called in during Confront the Elder Brain as part of the variant , even if all the other remaining Harpers are dead.
- Unlike the other Harpers during the Assault on Moonrise, Essius does not naturally spawn with a
Longbow, and is instead given one at the start of the battle.
- As of Patch 6, despite having Extra Attack, Essius is not able to attack twice during his turns.
- ↑ Dialogue with Ulthred:
"This place gives me the creeps." - Ulthred
"Seen alleyways in Baldur's Gate that are plenty worse in their way." - Essius
"Heapside narrows at night time? Two steps in and you're likely to become some dagger's new sheath."
"Ain't my neck of the woods."
"Count your lucky stars." - ↑ Devnotes:
Default dialogue for the confident and experienced harper when standing guard at the fountain.
Two guards standing by a fountain, one a long-lived gnome Harper and one a rough-and-ready Flaming Fist human. The Fist is on edge and none too friendly, the Harper is calmer and more forthcoming.
External links
Essius on the Forgotten Realms Wiki