Stimk can be found on the northern edge of the Goblin Camp with several other goblins and a bugbear who have fallen into a drunk slumber. Attacking the cracked wall to gain entry into the Shattered Sanctum causes all nearby enemies to wake up and initiate combat. The party can also startle Stimk awake by landing nearby with a Jump. It is possible to avoid combat by passing a skill check.
[HALF-ORC] [INTIMIDATION] Go back to sleep before I put you to sleep. (DC 10)
[INTIMIDATION] Sleep is for the weak. I could have killed you where you lay. (DC 15)
[DECEPTION] Huh? I was sleeping with the rest of you. No idea who made that racket. (DC 15)
[ILLITHID] [WISDOM] You dare speak to me like that? Go back to sleep. (DC 2)
Offering Stimk an alcoholic beverage such as Ithbank:
[PERSUASION] Sorry - I thought you might need fresh drinks. (DC 7)
Despite threatening to kill the party if woken up again, no amount of disturbance will force Stimk from another slumber. Failing any of the above checks will cause combat to initiate.