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Elwyn is a Human Druid in Baldur's Gate 3.


Feels like I've been holding my breath for a tenday.
Elwyn, finally relaxed.

Involvement[edit | edit source]

She is one of the Druids of the Emerald Grove. Elwyn can be found by the Sacred Pool performing the Rite of Thorns. She will turn hostile if the party touches or takes the Idol of Silvanus.

Elwyn is deeply concerned about the goblins, and while she might not fully agree with Kagha's methods, she believes the Emerald Grove needs a leader and a plan to stand a chance.

Combat[edit | edit source]

Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]

Elwyn has two Wild Shape Wild Shape charges and can cast spells using up to Level Two Spell Slot Icon.pngSpell Slots.

Main Hand Attack.webp
Main Hand Attack Main Hand Attack ()   –  Quarterstaff
Normal weapon damage
Make a melee attack with your equipped weapon.
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Cure Wounds.webp
Cure Wounds Cure Wounds ()
Heal a creature you can touch.
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Moonbeam Moonbeam ()
D10 Radiant.png 2d10 (2~20) Damage TypesRadiant
Call down a beam of light that damages any creatures that enters the beam or starts its turn in the light. You can use an Action to move the beam 18 m / 60 ft.
CON Save
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
AoE: 1 m / 3 ft (Radius)
Poison Spray.webp
Poison Spray Poison Spray ()
D12 Poison.png 1d12 (1~12) Damage TypesPoison
Project a puff of noxious gas, dealing 1d12Damage TypesPoison to a target.
CON Save
 Range: 3 m / 10 ft
Wild Shape Wolf.webp
Wild Shape: Wolf Wild Shape: Wolf ()

Assume the shape of a dire wolf that can Incite Incite allies and Distract Distract enemies. The dire wolf has a starting health of HP Icon.png 18 hit points that increase every two druid levels.

While in animal shape, you can't talk or cast spells. You take on the attributes of your beast form - excluding your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores.

When your beast form drops to 0 hit points, you revert to your normal form.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]