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Pinta is a Lightfoot Halfling Druid possibly encountered during Act One. She's a member of the Shadow Druids who has been conspiring with Kagha to take over the Emerald Grove in the name of her violent order.




Pinta can be encountered quite early, though unknowingly so. Inside the Inner Sanctum, she along with her fellow Shadow Druids Olodan and Wren, Wild Shaped as rats. Even with Speak with Animals, they will remain silent and attempt to seem threatening.

When enough evidence of Kagha's schemes with her are exposed, Olodan and her druids will reveal themselves and openly admit to their plans. Whether Kagha is convinced or not to turn against them, Pinta will fight to the death alongside her fellow Shadow Druids.

Attacks and abilities

Ranged Attack - Shortbow


Attack roll: +5
D6 Piercing.png 1d6 + 2 (3~8) Damage TypesPiercing

Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)

Your attack summons thorny vines that possibly Ensnared your target.


Attack roll: +5
D6 Piercing.png 1d6 + 4 (5~10) Damage TypesPiercing
Concentration Concentration DC 15  Strength saving throw to resist becoming Ensnared and take
D6 Piercing.png 1d6 (1~6) Damage TypesPiercing

at the start of each turn.

Duration: 10 turns

Hail of Thorns

Casts the Hail of Thorns spell.

Action + Bonus action

DC 12  Dexterity saving throw to halve damage.
D6 Piercing.png 1d6 + 2 (3~8) Damage TypesPiercing
D10 Piercing.png 1d10 (1~10) Damage TypesPiercing
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft

AoE: 2 m / 7 ft (Radius)

Lunar Mend: Level 1

Expand a Level 1 Spell Slot to heal yourself.

Bonus action + Spell Slot
D8 Healing.png 1d8 (1~8) hit points

Wild Shape: Wolf

Take the shape of a wolf.

You wolf shape has 11hit points.

Bonus action + Wild Shape Charge


Bite a target.


Attack roll: +5
D4 Piercing.png 2d4 + 2 (4~10) Damage TypesPiercing
  • Used only while in Wild Shape.