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Angleiron's Cellar

Revision as of 21:48, 12 August 2024 by HiddenDragon (talk | contribs)
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Wyrm's Crossing
South Span Checkpoint Angleiron's Cellar
Sword Coast Couriers
Angleiron's Cellar is a Location within Rivington in Act Three of Baldur's Gate 3.


It can be entered via a cave entrance at X: 30 Y: 29, just north of and down some roots by the Sword Coast Couriers, or via a trap door in the Rivington General (this trap door is blocked from within until you pull a lever in the cellar).


The Ironhand Gnomes have taken up residence in the cellar and you can speak to them to learn of their hatred of the Steel Watch. Talking to Wulbren Bongle Wulbren Bongle is one way to begin the Disable the Steel Watch Disable the Steel Watch Quest. Wulbren then will give the party the Runepowder Bomb. Barcus Wroot Barcus Wroot wants to have a conversion with the party about Wulbren.

Blocked entrance to the gnome cave.

If the Ironhand Gnomes are killed during their escape from Moonrise Towers, the entrance to the cave will be blocked by some rocks, preventing the player from entering this location.


Adjacent areas

Notable Characters

Related quests

Notable loot

Notable items obtained in this location, whether looted, purchased, or obtained as a quest reward:

Bumpnagel sells: