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Aranea Aculeata

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Aranea Aculeata is a spider summoned via a Beast Master's Wolf Spider Companion Wolf Spider Companion ability, a variant of Ranger's Companion Ranger's Companion. Aranea Aculeata is the fully upgraded form of Aranea Aranea and Aranea Major Aranea Major once the Beast Master has reached level 11.

Combat[edit | edit source]

Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]

Generic Damage.webp
Bursting Brood Bursting Brood ()
Damage: 2~20

Launch of clutch of brood to Infest Infest your target.

 Range: 9 m / 30 ft
Cocoon Cocoon ()
Trap a creature in your web to Cocoon Cocoon it.
DEX Save
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Dash bonus action.webp
Dash Dash ()
Cover more distance this turn: double your Movement Speed.
 Range: Self
Disengage Bonus Action.webp
Disengage: Bonus Action Disengage: Bonus Action ()
Retreat safely. Moving won't provoke Opportunity Attacks.
 Range: Self
Help bonus action.webp
Help Help ()
Help an ally in need. Remove Burning Burning, Downed Downed, Ensnared Ensnared, Entangled Entangled, Enwebbed Enwebbed, Condition Type Icon.pngProne, Sleeping Sleeping.
 Range: 1.5 m / 5 ft
Venomous Bite.webp
Venomous Bite Venomous Bite ()
Damage: 5~12
D8 Piercing.png
1d8 + 4Damage TypesPiercing

Bite a target to deal 1d8 + Dexterity ModifierDamage TypesPiercing damage and possibly Poison Poison it.

CON Save
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Web Spider.webp
Web Web ()
Expel a thick, flammable webbing that slows creatures within and possibly Enwebs Enwebs them.
DEX Save
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
AoE: 3 m / 10 ft (Radius)

Because of the Prey's Scent Prey's Scent passive, Beast Master rangers may wish to attack the target marked by Hunter's Mark Hunter's Mark for optimal damage.