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Findal is a Lightfoot Halfling in the Underground Passage. He is being interrogated by Tracker Worm, Tracker Torrack, Sharp-eye Gurza and Warrior Gresh. He can be spoken to with Speak with Dead Speak with Dead.


When the party approaches the goblins turn their focus to the party. If Findal's health is restored, he joins the fight as an ally, even if the player is currently escorting Sazza. Once the goblins are dealt with, you can speak to Findal and be rewarded 10 Experience. He is grateful to be saved, though you can tell him you're here to finish the goblins job for them.

He can be spoken to about why he was in the tunnels. He says he was gathering herbs when the goblins caught him, and that the goblins were asking him about a weapon. He warns the players that the area is trapped. After talking, characters with the Folk Hero Background will gain the Timely Rescue Inspiration.

If currently escorting Sazza out through the Underground Passage, Findal notices the rescue attempt. There are a few options for how to handle this.

If the party passes the check, Findal can be spoken to again for his regular dialogue. If they fail, they have to fight Findal. If Sazza is handed over, she and Findal will fight.

Should the party save him, Findal relocates to the Emerald Grove.

If confronting Kagha and choosing to fight the Shadow Druids, he will join the fight on the party's side.

If defeating the goblin leaders before exploring the Underground Passage, Findal will be found dead in the passage, and the Key of the Ancients can be looted from his corpse.

Speak with Dead

Party member: Who are you?

  • Findal: Findal... druid... herbalist...

Party member: Who made this tunnel?

  • Findal: We druids... concealed entrance... to our grove...

Party member: What were you doing down here?

  • Findal: Hiding... goblins followed... from the forest...

Party member: What did the goblins want?

  • Findal: Searching for... a weapon...
    • Party member: What do you know about the weapon the goblins are seeking?
      • Findal: No weapon here... our ritual protects us...
        • Party member: What is the ritual that protects you?
          • Findal: Rite of Thorns... seals the grove.

Companion Approval

Talking to Findal after saving him from the goblins in the Underground Passage.

  • "Don't thank me just yet. I'm here to finish what they started"
Astarion approves +1 Gale disapproves -1 Karlach disapproves -1


Attacks and abilities

Cure Wounds.webp
Cure Wounds Cure Wounds ()
Heal a creature you can touch.
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Thunderwave Thunderwave ()
D8 Thunder.png 2d8 (2~16) Damage TypesThunder
Release a wave of thunderous force that pushes away all creatures and objects in an area, while also dealing Damage TypesThunder damage.
CON Save
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
AoE: 5 m / 17 ft (Cube)
Poison Spray.webp
Poison Spray Poison Spray ()
D12 Poison.png 1d12 (1~12) Damage TypesPoison
Project a puff of noxious gas, dealing 1d12Damage TypesPoison to a target.
CON Save
 Range: 3 m / 10 ft

Notable Loot