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Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Elements
- Adhesive Whip
- Animus Screech
- Arcane Shot: Banishing Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Beguiling Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Enfeebling Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Seeking Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Shadow Arrow
- Backbreaker
- Bad Omen
- Bane's Wrath
- Banishing Smite
- Banishing Smite (Melee)
- Banishing Smite (Ranged)
- Banishment
- Beckoning Darkness
- Beguiling Rebuke
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Bonus
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Penalty
- Bite (Alioramus)
- Bite (Alioramus)
- Bite (Sabre-Toothed Tiger)
- Bite (Squire)
- Blade Ward
- Blind Terror
- Blinding Ambush
- Blinding Shot
- Blood Skeleton Slam
- Bloodletting
- Bloody Bonesaw
- Boar Charge
- Bolt of Celestial Light
- Boon of Servitude
- Brutal Leap
- Brutal Servitude
- Burning Overflow
- Caustic Overflow
- Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows
- Charge
- Charge (Minotaur)
- Chilling Overflow
- Choking Wail
- Claws (Fallen Gur Hunter)
- Claws (Flying Ghoul)
- Claws (Ghast)
- Claws (Ghoul)
- Claws (Meenlock)
- Concussive Smash
- Concussive Smash (Spiritual Weapon)
- Confusion Ray
- Create Water (variant)
- Crushing Flight
- Curse of Terror
- Deadly Leap
- Death Burst (Mud)
- Deathbringer's Legacy
- Defensive Protocol: Bulwark
- Dirty Trick: Flick o' the Wrist
- Dirty Trick: Sand Toss
- Dirty Trick: Sand Toss
- Dirty Trick: Vicious Mockery
- Disconcerting Visage
- Disconcerting Visage (Tactician)
- Dissonant Whispers
- Divine Guardian
- Divine Sense
- Diving Strike
- Dreadful Aspect
- Dreadful Glare
- Gather Power
- Gaze of the Dead
- Ghoulish Touch
- Glyph of Warding: Sleep
- Goading Roar
- Grounded Thunder Strike
- Guiding Bolt
- Hamstring Shot
- Headcrack
- Heartstopper
- Hiemal Strike
- Holy Rebuke
- Hook (class action)
- Hordestrike
- Houndmaster's Mark
- Hush You!
- Hypnotic Gaze
- Hypnotic Pattern
- Icy Regurgitation
- Igniting Spark
- Incise Ligaments
- Infernal Dagger
- Inject Nostrum
- Inkblot
- Inquisitor's Might
- Intimidating Presence
- Ironbound Pursuit
- Lacerate
- Lacerate (Spiritual Weapon)
- Launch Protocol: Bola
- Lethal Leech
- Lightning Blast
- Lightning Breath (Ansur)
- Lump's Command
- Lunar Flare
- Lunar Smite
- Lunging Bite
- Magic Allergy: Force explosion
- Maiming Pinch
- Maiming Strike
- Main Hand Attack (Steel Watcher)
- Maintain Hypnotic Gaze
- Maintain Intimidating Presence
- Mapped Terror: Betrayal
- Mapped Terror: Ceremorphosis
- Mapped Terror: Ceremorphosis
- Mapped Terror: Darkness
- Mapped Terror: Disease
- Mapped Terror: Powerlessness
- Mapped Terror: Spiders
- Mapped Terror: Wolves
- Mark of Putrefaction
- Menacing Attack (Melee)
- Menacing Howl
- Mind Mastery
- Mind Screech
- Moan
- Moral Confinement
- Morphic Ambush
- Mud Breath
- Multiattack (Hook Horror)
- Multiattack (Owlbear)
- Multiattack (Red Dragon)
- Multiattack (Steel Watcher Titan)
- Mummy's Lullaby
- Radiant Shockwave
- Ray of Fear
- Ray of Sickness
- Recast Dazzling Ray
- Reckless Warcry
- Reflective Shell
- Relentless Lunge
- Rend Vision (Dire Raven Companion)
- Rend Vision (Dire Raven Wild Shape)
- Rolan's Colour Spray
- Rolan's Thunderwave
- Rush (Boar)
- Rush (Hellsboar)
- Rush Attack
- Sanctuary of Loss
- Scare
- Scarlet Saturation
- Scarlet Stupor
- Scorching Strike
- Searing Blood
- Searing Blood
- Self Immolation
- Self-Detonation Protocol
- Selûne's Dream
- Shield of Screams
- Shocking Overflow
- Shred Armour
- Shredding Scales
- Shroud Self
- Shrouded in Shadow
- Slam (Ansur)
- Slam (Grym)
- Slam (Mud Elemental)
- Slam (Ogre)
- Slam (Water Elemental)
- Sleep
- Smouldering Touch
- Soil-Clogged Slam
- Soul Offering
- Soulbreaker
- Spindleweb Sanctuary
- Spiritual Weapon: Greataxe
- Spiritual Weapon: Greatsword
- Spiritual Weapon: Halberd
- Spiritual Weapon: Maul
- Spiritual Weapon: Spear
- Spiritual Weapon: Trident
- Star Map: Guiding Bolt
- Static Overdrive
- Stormheart Nova
- Stormheart Nova
- Strength Drain
- Strengthened Force Tunnel
- Terrifying Howl
- Terrifying Visage
- Terrifying Visage (Tactician)
- Terror Trepan
- This Won't Hurt A Bit
- Tiger's Bloodlust
- Topple the Big Folk
- Trephination
- True Strike
- Trumpet of Blasting
- Tu'narath's Embrace
- Tyrannical Branding