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Proficiency is a representation of a creature's familiarity with something. When a creature has proficiency in something, they may add their proficiency bonus to dice rolls that involve it.

A creature can have proficiency in specific categories of weapons, armours, and shields, which is required to use them properly.

A creature can also also have proficiency in spellcasting, saving throws, and skills, but this is not required to attempt them.

Proficiency bonus

The proficiency bonus is a modifier that increases with character level (not class level). It starts at +2, increases to +3 at level 5, and becomes +4 at level 9.

The bonus is applied to the following rolls:

  • Ability checks made using skills the creature has proficiency with. (Doubled if the creature has expertise.)
  • Attack rolls made with weapons the creature is proficient with.
  • Attack rolls made when casting spells, as long as the creature has spellcasting proficiency.
  • Saving throws (e.g. Strength saves, Dexterity saves, etc.) that the creature is proficient in.

Creatures with spellcasting proficiency also add the bonus to the saving throw difficulty class (DC) of spells they cast, for a total DC of:

8 + spellcasting ability modifier + proficiency bonus

Weapon proficiency

A creature can be proficient in entire categories of weapons (martial or simple), or it can be proficient in specific weapon types such as Longswords, Shortbows, etc. These proficiencies can be granted by the creature's race, class, or feats chosen when leveling up, and even by some equipment.

When a creature is proficient in a wielded weapon, they add their proficiency bonus to attack rolls with that weapon. When the weapon is equipped in the main hand, it also enables special properties and actions of that weapon type, such as Tenacity, Piercing Strike, Flourish, Lacerate, Pommel Strike, and so on.

Weapon Proficiencies granted by Race and Class
Racial Weapon Proficiencies
Drow Rapiers Rapiers, Shortswords Shortswords, Hand Crossbows Hand Crossbows
Dwarf Battleaxes Battleaxes, Handaxes Handaxes, Light Hammers Light Hammers, Warhammers Warhammers
Elf Longswords Longswords, Shortswords Shortswords, Longbows Longbows, Shortbows Shortbows
Githyanki Greatswords Greatswords, Longswords Longswords, Shortswords Shortswords
Half-Elf, Human Pikes Pikes, Spears Spears, Halberds Halberds, Glaives Glaives
Class Weapon Proficiencies
Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger Martial weapons, Simple weapons (In effect, all weapons except Improvised.)
Bard, Rogue Simple weapons, Hand Crossbows Hand Crossbows, Longswords Longswords, Rapiers Rapiers, Shortswords Shortswords
Cleric Simple weapons, Flails Flails, Morningstars Morningstars
Druid Clubs Clubs, Daggers Daggers, Javelins Javelins, Maces Maces, Quarterstaves Quarterstaves, Scimitars Scimitars, Sickles Sickles, Spears Spears
Monk Simple weapons, Shortswords Shortswords
Sorcerer, Wizard Daggers Daggers, Light Crossbows Light Crossbows, Quarterstaves Quarterstaves
Warlock Simple weapons

Armour proficiency

A creature may have proficiency in Light, Medium, or Heavy armour. A creature with Heavy armour proficiency also has proficiency in Light and Medium armour, and a creature with Medium armour proficiency also has proficiency in Light armour.

A creature wearing armour with which it is not proficient will suffer disadvantage on all of its ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls, and will also be prevented from casting spells.

Shield proficiency

Shields are a piece of equipment wielded in the offhand weapon slot. Shield proficiency typically comes paired with Medium armour proficiency.

A creature wielding a shield without proficiency in Shields will suffer disadvantage on all of its ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls, and will also be prevented from casting spells.

Armour and shield proficiency by source

Armour and shield proficiency by race and class
Shield Dwarf Shield Dwarf x x - -
Githyanki Githyanki x x - -
Half-Elf Half-Elf x - - x
Human Human x - - x
Barbarian Barbarian x x - x
Bard Bard x o - o
Cleric Cleric x x o x
Druid Druid x x - x
Fighter Fighter x x x x
Monk Monk - - - -
Paladin Paladin x x x x
Ranger Ranger x x o x
Rogue Rogue x - - -
Sorcerer Sorcerer - - - -
Warlock Warlock x - - -
Wizard Wizard - - - -
  • x = proficient
  • - = not proficient
  • o = some subclasses are proficient

Spellcasting proficiency

All creatures in Baldur’s Gate 3 have proficiency in spellcasting. This means that the creature's proficiency bonus will always be added to the attack rolls of spells, and to the Difficulty Class of saving throws imposed on others via spells. More explanation under Spells.

Saving throw proficiency

Creatures with proficiency in an ability-based saving throw (Strength save, Dexterity save, etc.) add their proficiency bonus to the results of respective saving throws. Each class provides proficiency in two types of saving throw, and there are some ways to get additional saving throw proficiencies.

Saving Throw Proficiencies by Class
Barbarian Barbarian Bard Bard Cleric Cleric

Strength Strength

Constitution Constitution

Dexterity Dexterity

Charisma Charisma

Wisdom Wisdom

Charisma Charisma

Druid Druid Fighter Fighter Monk Monk

Intelligence Intelligence

Wisdom Wisdom

Strength Strength

Constitution Constitution

Strength Strength

Dexterity Dexterity

Paladin Paladin Ranger Ranger Rogue Rogue

Wisdom Wisdom

Charisma Charisma

Strength Strength

Dexterity Dexterity

Dexterity Dexterity

Intelligence Intelligence

Sorcerer Sorcerer Warlock Warlock Wizard Wizard

Constitution Constitution

Charisma Charisma

Wisdom Wisdom

Charisma Charisma

Intelligence Intelligence

Wisdom Wisdom

Skill proficiency

A creature proficient in a skill adds its proficiency bonus to any ability checks that use the respective skill. Backgrounds, races, classes, and some class features can grant proficiency in specific skills.

Background skill proficiencies

Skill proficiencies granted by each background
Background Skills
Acolyte Acolyte Insight Insight Religion Religion
Charlatan Charlatan Deception Deception Sleight of Hand Sleight of Hand
Criminal Criminal Deception Deception Stealth Stealth
Entertainer Entertainer Acrobatics Acrobatics Performance Performance
Folk Hero Folk Hero Animal Handling Animal Handling Survival Survival
Guild Artisan Guild Artisan Insight Insight Persuasion Persuasion
Noble Noble History History Persuasion Persuasion
Outlander Outlander Athletics Athletics Survival Survival
Sage Sage Arcana Arcana History History
Soldier Soldier Athletics Athletics Intimidation Intimidation
Urchin Urchin Sleight of Hand Sleight of Hand Stealth Stealth

Racial skill proficiencies

Class skill proficiencies

All classes give proficiency in two to four skills at level 1. Generally only the class taken at Character Level 1 gives skill proficiencies, but some classes also give proficiency in one skill when they are taken at a later level via multiclassing.

Skill proficiencies available to each class at Level 1:

  • Barbarian: Any 2 from Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, and Survival.
  • Bard: Any 3 skills.
  • Cleric: Any 2 from History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion.
  • Druid: Any 2 Animal Handling, Arcana, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion, and Survival.
  • Fighter: Any 2 from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival.
  • Monk: Any 2 from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Religon, and Stealth.
  • Paladin: Any 2 from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion.
  • Ranger: Any 3 from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.
  • Rogue: Any 4 from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.
  • Sorcerer: Any 2 from Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion.
  • Warlock: Any 2 from Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, and Religion.
  • Wizard: Any 2 from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion.


Rangers gain additional proficiencies depending on their Favoured Enemy:

Skill Proficiency granted by each Favoured Enemy
Favoured Enemy Skill
Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Investigation Investigation
Keeper of the Veil Keeper of the Veil Arcana Arcana
Mage Breaker Mage Breaker
Ranger Knight Ranger Knight History History
Sanctified Stalker Sanctified Stalker Religion Religion

In addition, a Ranger who chooses Urban Tracker as their favoured environment gains Sleight of Hand proficiency.


A Bard of the College of Lore subclass can choose any three additional Skills to gain proficiency in.


Warlocks can gain proficiency in Deception and Persuasion by selecting the Beguiling Influence Eldritch Invocation when leveling up.



Expertise allows a creature to add double its proficiency bonus when making a corresponding ability check. While it is possible to have proficiency and expertise in a skill at the same time, they do not stack.

Sources of expertise that require prior proficiency in the respective skill include:

  • Rogues gain expertise in any two skills they are proficient in at both level 1 and level 6.
  • Bards gain expertise in any two skills they are proficient in at both level 3 and level 10.

Sources of expertise that do not require prior proficiency in the respective skill include:

Instrument proficiency

Instruments can be used to entertain and distract crowds. When a character proficient in an instrument plays one, nearby people might approach and gather to listen. If they perform well on a Performance check, those gathered might toss gold to the performer as well.

Taking one level of Bard Bard will grant instrument proficiency. Otherwise, a character can take the Feat Performer, or pass one of two Charisma (Performance) checks while helping Alfira with her song in the Druid Grove.

This proficiency is listed as "Musical Instrument" in a character's Detailed View information box.

Unused proficiencies

Some NPCs have two special weapon proficiencies unavailable to the player character and their companions. The weapons for these proficiencies cannot be normally obtained and are only referred to in the game files.

Class weapon proficiencies
Druid Darts Darts, Slings Slings