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“Never buying a potion off that old bat again.„
Overview[edit | edit source]
Pandirna was married to Almara, who passed away prior to Act One. In letters to her late wife, Pandirna expresses regret in not being able to prevent Almara's death. She now feels obligated to protect the people around her.
Involvement[edit | edit source]
Act One[edit | edit source]
Pandirna guards the storage hut in the Emerald Grove. She drank a potion from Auntie Ethel, who claimed she would become "as strong as a bugbear". Although the potion worked it also caused in Pandirna's legs, relegating her to guard duty.
Pandirna can be reached by lockpicking the front door or entering through the rear roof. Behind Sazza's cage, a path leads around the cavern toward the rear of the storage hut. If the party attacks Pandirna, pickpockets her, or loots the nearby crates, she becomes hostile and calls for the guards.
To receive the option to offer Pandirna a cure, the party member that interacts with her must be a bard, cleric, druid, or paladin. The paralysis can be cured with or the Amulet of Silvanus. After being cured, Pandirna allows the party to wander the room, but not to touch anything.
The Dark Urge has the unique option of breaking Pandirna's legs, which kills her without alerting the guards. This is an oathbreaking action for paladins following the Oath of the Ancients.
If Minthara and her raiding party are primed to assault the Emerald Grove, Pandirna will be fit once more and be atop the grove's ramparts alongside Guex, busy filling up empty barrels with oil. If the raid is been beaten back or the goblins' leaders are dead, Pandirna can then be found with the other tieflings near the entrance of the Grove, making preparations for the road ahead.
Companion approval[edit | edit source]
- [THE DARK URGE] Break her legs and kill her.
- [NON-BARBARIAN] Tell her you'll snap her neck if she keeps talking.
- [BARD] [CLERIC] [DRUID] [PALADIN] Offer to heal her paralysis.
- [BARD] [CLERIC] [DRUID] [PALADIN] Offer to heal her paralysis, but only if she pays you.
Combat[edit | edit source]
Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]
Notable loot[edit | edit source]
Related quests[edit | edit source]
Idle banter[edit | edit source]
Pandirna attempts to get up while in the storage room of the Grove in Act One.
Pandirna: Of all the bloody things to happen.
Pandirna: Come on - just move!
Gallery[edit | edit source]
External links[edit | edit source]
Pandirna on the Forgotten Realms Wiki