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Abandoned Windmill

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Sword Coast Couriers
Rivington General Abandoned Windmill Gur Camp
Arfur's Mansion
The Abandoned Windmill is a Location within Rivington in Act Three of Baldur's Gate 3. It can be found up the hill from Arfur's Mansion, adjacent to the Gur Camp. A trail of blood can be found leading to the windmill, and sounds of distress heard from nearby.


Windmill Basement

The windmill's basement can be accessed through a hatch in the floor. Within the basement a sleeping, a newly ceremorphed Mind Flayer can be found. Waking the mind flayer will begin the quest Feed the Mind Flayer Feed the Mind Flayer. A haystack just outside the windmill can be Investigated. A successful investigation check will let a character find a single Arrow of Acid.

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